
Jim Inhofe

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 17, 1934 in Des Moines, IA


  • University of Tulsa, B.A., 1973

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1957-1958


  • President of Quaker Life Insurance Co.
  • Businessman/land developer, 1962-1986

Elected Office:

  • OK House, 1967-1969
  • OK Senate, 1969-1977
  • Mayor of Tulsa, 1978-1984

Key Senate Vote Data for Jim Inhofe in 2006

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2006-01-31 Alito Nomination Confirmed
The Senate voted to confirm Samuel A. Alito as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

2006-02-09 Asbestos Trust Fund Reform [S852] Agreed To
The Senate killed an amendment to the Asbestos Trust Fund legislation that would have required plaintiffs to be physically impaired at the time of a claim, with asbestos exposure a substantial factor in their illness before they could be compensated from the Fund.

2006-02-14 Tax Reconciliation [HR4297] Agreed To
The Senate passed a motion to instruct conferees on the Tax Reconciliation bill to insist that the conference report include an extension of the alternative minimum tax exemption for middle class families in 2006 as well as the House-passed two-year extension of the dividends and capital gains tax cuts.

2006-03-14 Tax Cut Rules [SCONRES83] Rejected
An amendment to change Senate rules which would have required a 60-vote majority to cut taxes in the future.

2006-03-14 Energy Funding [SCONRES83] Rejected
The Senate defeated an amendment that would raise the discretionary spending limit by $4 billion for certain energy programs. It would be offset by assuming $7.2 billion in new taxes.

2006-03-16 Spending Limitations [SCONRES83] Rejected
The Senate defeated a change in its rules that would make it harder to increase spending beyond the previous year's levels by creating a point of order against such spending that could only be set aside by a two-thirds vote.

2006-03-29 Earmark Definitions [S2349] Agreed To
The Senate killed an amendment expanding the number of pork barrel "earmarks" that would have to be disclosed by the Senators proposing them.

2006-04-26 Stopping Pork Barrel Spending [HR4939] Agreed To
The Senate killed an amendment that would have prohibited the use of $700 million in the bill to relocate a railroad freight line in Mississippi.

2006-05-08 Medical Malpractice [S22] Rejected
The Senate defeated a motion to end a filibuster against a bill that would cap damage awards in medical liability lawsuits.

2006-05-11 Tax Reconciliation [HR4297] Agreed To
The Senate adopted a bill extending $70 billion in tax cuts through 2010. The tax cuts include the reduction in capital gains taxes.

2006-05-11 Small Business Health Plans [S1955] Rejected
The Senate defeated a motion to end a filibuster against a bill allowing small businesses to pool their employees to provide group health insurance.

2006-05-18 Immigration Overhaul -- Barring Social Security Credit [S2611] Agreed To
The Senate killed an amendment barring illegal immigrants currently in the country from claiming Social Security credits for work done in years before they are assigned a valid Social Security number.

2006-05-24 Immigration Overhaul -- Blocking Voter Identification [S2611] Failed
An amendment requiring voters to present photo identification at the polls in order to vote.

2006-05-25 Immigration Reform [S2611] Passed
The Senate passed a bill overhauling U.S. immigration laws and offering a path to citizenship for most illegal immigrants in the country. The bill also created what was purported to be a guest worker program.

2006-06-07 Same-Sex Marriage Ban Constitutional Amendment [SJRES1] Rejected
The Senate defeated a motion to end a filibuster against a constitutional amendment defining marriage as consisting only of the union of a man and a woman.

2006-06-08 Death Tax Repeal [HR8] Rejected
The Senate defeated a motion to end a filibuster against a bill to permanently repeal the death tax.

2006-06-08 Native Hawaiian Government [S147] Rejected
The Senate refused to cut off debate and move to a vote on a bill extending self-determination and self-governance to Native Hawaiians and allowing for the creation of a native entity that would have a government-to-government relationship with the United States.

2006-06-15 Iran Sanctions [S2766] Rejected
An amendment that would impose sanctions against foreign governments and companies that invest more than $20 million in Iran's energy sector until the President certified to Congress that Iran had dismantled its weapons of mass destruction.

2006-06-20 Iraq Amnesty Policy [S2766] Agreed To
The Senate adopted a resolution commending the government of Iraq for affirming its position of no amnesty for terrorists who attack U.S. armed forces.

2006-06-21 Minimum Wage [S2766] Agreed To
The Senate rejected an amendment raising the federal minimum wage up to $7.25 per hour.

2006-06-22 Iraq Troop Withdrawal [S2766] Rejected
The Senate rejected a resolution calling on the President to begin phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and to submit to Congress by the end of 2006 a plan with estimated dates for continued phased withdrawal.

2006-07-13 Border Fencing [HR5441] Rejected
An amendment providing for the construction of 370 miles of double-layered fencing and at least 461 miles of vehicle barriers along the U.S.-Mexico border.

2006-07-18 Embryonic Stem Cell Research [HR810] Passed
The Senate passed a bill allowing the use of federal funds in research on embryonic stem cells.

2006-07-25 Parental Notification of Abortion [S403] Passed
The Senate passed a bill making it a federal crime to take a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion in order to circumvent state parental notification and consent laws.

2006-08-01 Gulf of Mexico Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling [S3711] Passed
The Senate passed a bill authorizing drilling in about 8.3 million acres of the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).