
Todd Platts

[Congressional biography]

Born: March 5, 1962 in York, PA


  • Shippensburg University, B.S., 1984
  • Pepperdine University, J.D., 1991


  • Judge, Common Pleas Court of York County, 2014-

Elected Office:

  • PA House, 1992-2000

Key House Vote Data for Todd Platts in 2006

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2006-04-05 Campaign Finance Restrictions [HR513] Passed
The House passed a bill imposing the same restrictions on grass-roots organizations as apply to political parties and political action committees, and permitting the Federal Elections Committee to control spending by such groups.

2006-05-03 Oil Refinery Permitting Process [HR5254] Failed
The House defeated an attempt to streamline the application process for building oil refineries in the U.S., to make more refining capacity available. This required a two-thirds supermajority to pass under suspension of the rules.

2006-05-10 Tax Cuts [HR4297] Agreed To
The House adopted a bill extending $70 billion in tax cuts, including the capital gains tax cuts, through 2010.

2006-05-18 Conservative Federal Budget [HCONRES376] Rejected
Hensarling (R-TX) conservative alternative to the budget that would limit total spending to $2.7 trillion, including $829 billion in discretionary spending, saving $358.3 billion over five years, extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, eliminate about 150 federal programs and increase defense and veterans' spending. It also restructured a number of agencies, reduced foreign aid by $31 billion over five years, allowed drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and eliminated highway earmarks.

2006-05-24 Stopping Pork Barrel Spending [HR5427] Rejected
Flake (R-AZ) amendment that would bar the use of taxpayer funds for the Juniata Ultra Low Emission Locomotive Demonstration in Pennsylvania.

2006-05-25 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Oil Production [HR5429] Passed
The House passed a bill authorizing oil and gas production in a small portion of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

2006-06-07 Expanded Oil Refinery Construction [HR5254] Passed
The House passed a bill streamlining the application process for new oil refinery construction in the United States, including sites on closed military bases.

2006-06-07 Federal Aviation Administration Labor Negotiations [HR5449] Defeated
The House killed a bill that attempted to give union bosses more power to interfere in FAA labor negotiations. This required a two-thirds supermajority to pass under suspension of the rules.

2006-06-08 Network Neutrality [HR5252] Rejected
Markey (D-MA) amendment that would have impaired the property rights of internet service providers.

2006-06-16 Iraq War Resolution [HRES861] Agreed To
The House adopted a resolution declaring opposition to an arbitrary date for the withdrawal or redeployment of U.S. armed forces from Iraq, affirming the U.S. commitment to establishing democracy in Iraq, and honoring Americans taking an active part in the war on terror and the sacrifices of the U.S. armed forces who have died or been wounded.

2006-06-22 Estate Tax Reduction [HR5638] Passed
The House passed a bill significantly reducing the estate tax (the so-called death tax) and indexing the reduction for inflation.

2006-06-22 Line-Item Veto [HR4890] Passed
The House passed a bill authorizing the President to single out specific appropriations, spending, and special tax breaks for re-passage by the Congress under expedited procedures.

2006-06-28 Barring Taxpayer Funding of United Nations Headquarters [HR5672] Rejected
Stearns (R-FL) amendment that would bar the use of taxpayer dollars to design, renovate, construct, or rent any headquarters for the United Nations at any location in the United States.

2006-06-28 Preventing Certain Firearm Penalties [HR5672] Agreed To
Musgrave (R-CO) amendment preventing implementation of certain anti-firearms penalties.

2006-06-28 Public Prayer [HR5672] Agreed To
Sodrel (R-IN) amendment that would prevent a federal court in Indiana from banning prayer in the Indiana House of Representatives.

2006-06-29 Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling [HR4761] Passed
The House passed a bill ending the federal moratorium on offshore exploration and development of oil and natural gas. The bill also gave states more control over drilling along their coasts.

2006-07-18 Same-Sex Marriage Ban [HJRES88] Defeated
The House failed to pass a constitutional amendment defining marriage as consisting only of the union of a man and a woman.

2006-07-19 Embryonic Stem Cell Research [HR810] Veto Sustained
The House failed to override President Bush's veto of legislation providing taxpayer funds for embryonic stem cell research.

2006-09-14 Border Fencing [HR6061] Passed
The House passed a bill that authorized the construction of a 700 mile fence along the Mexican border.

2006-09-20 Voter Identification [HR4844] Passed
The House passed legislation requiring individuals voting in federal election to provide photo identification, and after 2010, proof of citizenship in order to vote.

2006-09-21 Illegal Immigrant Detainment [HR6094] Passed
The House passed a bill that would set conditions under which illegal immigrants could be detained indefinitely pending their deportation, bar admission into the United States for gang members and allow alien members of certain gangs to be automatically eligible for deportation.

2006-09-21 Immigration Law Enforcement [HR6095] Passed
The House passed a bill that would set new procedures to expedite lawsuits against the government involving immigration law, require the Justice Department to hire more attorneys to prosecute human smuggling cases, and clarify that state and local law enforcement agencies have the authority to investigate and apprehend illegal immigrants.

2006-09-26 Parental Notification [S403] Passed
The House passed a bill making it a federal crime to take a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion in order to circumvent state parental notification and consent laws.

2006-09-29 Military Tribunals [S3930] Passed
The House passed a bill authorizing military tribunals to try unlawful enemy combatants in the war on terror, and re-affirming a ban on evidence obtained through torture.

2006-09-29 Property Rights and Eminent Domain [HR4772] Passed
The House passed a bill ensuring access to federal courts for individuals challenging government attempts to take their property under eminent domain.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).