
Jean Schmidt

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 29, 1951 in Cincinnati, OH


  • University of Cincinnati, B.A., 1974


  • Miami Township trustee, 1989-2000

Elected Office:

  • OH House, 2000-2004, 2021-

Key House Vote Data for Jean Schmidt in 2005

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2005-09-14 Sex Offender Registration [HR3132] Agreed To
Conyers (D-MI) amendment broadening the categories covered by the federal "hate crimes" statute to include crimes motivated by the victim's gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

2005-09-29 Endangered Species Act Overhaul [HR3824] Passed
A bill overhauling and reauthorizing the Endangered Species Act through 2010. It replaces the critical habitat designation which has been used to infringe on property rights and requires the government to reimburse landowners when they are not allowed to develop their land because of protections for endangered species. It also authorizes grants for private landowners to protect endangered species.

2005-10-07 Oil Refinery Construction [HR3893] Passed
A bill streamlining approvals for refinery expansion and construction projects. It requires the President to designate federal sites for new oil refineries and allows the federal government to pay new refineries for the costs due to lawsuits and government regulations. Price gouging on gasoline is banned in times of emergencies. ACU favored the bill while recognizing that it contains some questionable provisions.

2005-10-20 Limiting Gun Manufacturer Liability [S397] Passed
A bill barring lawsuits against manufacturers and distributors of firearms and ammunition making them liable for gun violence. Penalties for violent or drug trafficking crimes using armor-piercing ammunition are increased to a minimum of 15 years imprisonment, or, if death resulted from the use of such ammunition, life in prison or the death penalty.

2005-10-26 Government-Sponsored Enterprises [HR1461] Agreed To
Oxley (R-OH) amendment reforming the quasi-government enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by prohibiting their funds for political activities, advocacy, lobbying, counseling services, travel expenses, or preparing or providing advice on tax returns.

2005-11-02 Online Freedom of Speech [HR1606] Failed
An attempt to exempt the internet, including blogs and e-mail, from the definition of "public communication" and thus subject to Federal Election Commission regulation and disclosure requirements. Although the bill got a majority, under House procedures a two-thirds vote was required.

2005-11-18 Deficit Reduction Act [HR4241] Passed
A bill to reduce the FY 2006 deficit. Among many other provisions, it allowed oil and natural gas leasing and pre-leasing activities for Outer Continental Shelf areas, terminated subsidies for broadband telecommunications services in rural areas, and provided for energy production on a small portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and established a national mining and minerals policy.

2005-12-16 Blocking the Border Protection, Antiterrorism and Illegal Immigration Control Act [HR4437] Failed
An attempt to send the immigration reform bill back to a conference committee. Such a recommittal would have killed the immigration reform effort. Notable provisions of the bill include the expansion of the expedited alien removal program and expansion of the categories and types of crimes that make non-citizens removable.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).