
Randy Neugebauer

[Congressional biography]

Born: December 24, 1949 in St. Louis, MO


  • Texas Tech University, 1972


  • Businessman

Elected Office:

  • Lubbock city council, 1992-1998

Key House Vote Data for Randy Neugebauer in 2003

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2003-06-12 Class Action Lawsuit Reform [HR1115] Passed
This bill would move many national class-action lawsuits out of local state courts into federal courts and stop the "court shopping" that costs consumers millions and only enriches trial lawyers.

2003-06-18 Death Tax Repeal [HR8] Passed
This measure would make permanent the temporary repeal of the death tax on family inheritances and businesses which was passed in 2001.

2003-06-19 Small Business Health Plans [HRES283] Agreed To
The House agreed to take up a bill allowing small companies to band together and buy low-cost insurance for employees. Note: Once this procedural move was adopted, many members switched their votes to pass the actual bill. ACU has rated the procedural vote as showing members' true position.

2003-06-26 Medical Savings Accounts [HR2596] Passed
This bill would allow individuals to deduct from their taxable income the cost of medical savings accounts designed to cover routine medical costs.

2003-07-15 Defunding International Abortions [HR1950] Agreed To
This bill would maintain the long-standing ban on using taxpayer funds for international population organizations that promote abortion.

2003-07-15 Limiting United Nations Funding [HR1950] Rejected
King (R-IA) amendment which would have capped U.S. contributions to the U.N. at no more than any other permanent member of the Security Council.

2003-07-17 Arts Funding [HR2691] Agreed To
Slaughter (D-NY) amendment to the bill which increased taxpayer funding of the National Endowment for the Arts. ACU opposes taxpayer subsidies for artistic endeavors and the government control of the arts.

2003-07-22 Pledge of Allegiance [HR2799] Agreed To
In the wake of the 9th Circuit Court ruling that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools is unconstitutional, the House adopted a resolution supporting the saying of the Pledge in schools.

2003-07-22 Media Ownership [HR2799] Rejected
Hinchey (D-NY) amendment which would have established strict limits on radio and television licenses and increased the power of the federal government over broadcast media.

2003-07-24 Free Trade [HR2738] Passed
This measure would remove trade barriers between the United States and Chile, reducing prices and expanding choices for American consumers.

2003-09-04 Federalization of Local Elections [HR2989] Rejected
Hastings (D-FL) amendment which would have increased the power of the federal government over the conduct of local elections. ACU strongly opposed the trend toward federal control of elections.

2003-09-09 Cuba Travel Ban [HR2989] Agreed To
Flake (R-AZ) amendment to lift the ban on travel to Communist Cuba by U.S. citizens.

2003-09-09 Blocking Private Sector Competition in Government Services [HR2989] Rejected
Hastings (D-FL) amendment which would have blocked federal agencies from outsourcing functions that could be performed better by private sector contractors.

2003-09-09 School Choice [HR2765] Agreed To
Davis (R-VA) amendment which authorized a low-income school voucher program in the District of Columbia.

2003-10-02 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban [S3] Agreed To
This bill would ban "partial-birth" abortion, a procedure in which the baby is almost completely delivered, then killed.

2003-11-20 Intelligence Activities [HR2417] Agreed To
This measure authorized spending for intelligence-related activities. ACU opposed the bill due to civil liberties concerns involving the USA PATRIOT Act.

2003-11-22 Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit [HR1] Agreed To
The Medicare prescription drug benefit bill marked the greatest expansion of a federal program in almost 40 years. The $400 billion bill will add trillions to the unfunded liability of Medicare and cause millions of seniors to lose their current drug coverage. The bill contained a "health savings account" provision favored by ACU, but on balance it could not be justified on conservative principles. ACU opposed it so strongly that the vote is double-weighted in this rating.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).