
Jim Traficant

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 8, 1941 in Youngstown, OH
Died: September 27, 2014 in Poland, OH

Other notes:

  • Expelled from the U.S. House of Representatives on July 25, 2002, for conspiracy to commit bribery, defraud the U.S., receipt of illegal gratuities, obstruction of justice, filing false tax returns and racketeering

Key House Vote Data for Jim Traficant in 2002

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2002-02-06 Tax Cuts On Time [HCONRES312] Failed
No Vote
This resolution would have assured that the 2001 $1.35 trillion tax cut was implemented according to schedule. The resolution got a majority vote, but failed because a two-thirds majority was needed under House rules.

2002-02-14 Campaign Speech Limits [HR2356] Passed
No Vote
This bill would eliminate campaign contributions over $2,000 to political parties and limit the rights of individuals and groups to participate in the political process in the two months before elections. ACU opposed this unconstitutional interference with freedom of political speech.

2002-02-14 Speed Up Tax Cuts [HR622] Agreed To
No Vote
This bill would accelerate certain tax cuts passed in 2001, including reducing the 27 percent income tax rate, offering a health care tax credit and accelerating depreciation allowances, as well as extending unemployment benefits.

2002-03-12 Illegal Immigration Residency Extension [HRES365] Agreed To
No Vote
A motion to pass a bill allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. without legal residency.

2002-03-20 Budget Target Limits [HCONRES353] Agreed To
No Vote
A resolution to set spending and revenue target limits for the 2003 fiscal year, limiting non-defense discretionary spending to only 1 percent or $366.3 billion, and increase defense spending by $392.8 billion. ACU supported this budget for its non-defense spending limits, as well as for needed increases in defense and anti-terrorism spending.

2002-04-10 Tax Code Simplification [HR3991] Defeated
No Vote
This bill would ease Internal Revenue Service penalties for minor and unintentional errors in completing forms, estimating taxes and excluding interest, as well as giving greater discretion to discipline IRS employees who violate taxpayer confidentiality.

2002-04-18 Cuts in Marriage Penalty and Death Tax Made Permanent [HRES390] Agreed To
No Vote
The resolution would make the cuts in the marriage penalty and the "death tax" permanent.

2002-05-09 Defeating Nuclear Penetrator Weapons System Study [HR4546] Rejected
No Vote
Markey (D-MA) amendment to kill a study of a new weapon designed to work against underground defenses.

2002-05-10 Defunding the International Criminal Court [HR4546] Agreed To
No Vote
Paul (R-TX) amendment to ban spending any U.S. government funds to support the International Criminal Court in any actions against American citizens. The ACU strongly opposes the dilution of American sovereignty implied by such a court and so supported the amendment.

2002-05-16 Welfare Reform Extension [HR4737] Passed
No Vote
This bill would renew and extend the welfare reform bill passed five years ago, establishing certain standards for states to reduce welfare caseloads and putting almost all federal assistance into block grants for use as the states decide. ACU supported welfare reform five years ago and supported this extension.

2002-06-06 Withdraw From Ballistic Missile Treaty Agreed To
No Vote
The motion would defeat a resolution that would require congressional approval before the U.S. could withdraw from a treaty outlawing a shield against ballistic missile attacks. ACU supported the motion to allow President Bush to withdraw from the treaty with the now-defunct Soviet Union.

2002-06-06 Death Tax Repeal [HR2143] Passed
No Vote
This bill would permanently extend the repeal of the estate and gift tax passed by Congress in 2001.

2002-06-12 Tax Limitation Constitutional Amendment [HJRES96] Defeated
No Vote
This constitutional amendment would require a two-thirds majority vote of the entire House and Senate to pass any legislation increasing federal revenues except in times of war or military conflict threatening national security. Although this amendment received a majority vote, two-thirds is required to pass a constitutional amendment, so the amendment failed.

2002-06-13 Permanently Extend Marriage Penalty Reduction [HR4019] Passed
No Vote
This bill would permanently extend the reduction in the tax penalty on married couples passed by Congress in 2001.

2002-06-21 Business Taxation [HR4931] Failed
No Vote
The motion would not allow U.S. firms to incorporate in foreign nations with lower tax rates. ACU opposed the motion as unnecessarily restrictive of private business decisions that could make them more competitive with foreign firms.

2002-07-10 Armed Pilots [HR4635] Agreed To
No Vote
DeFazio (D-OR) amendment to allow pilots to be armed in commercial aircraft as deputized federal officers to combat terrorism.

2002-07-17 National Endowment Increases [HR5093] Agreed To
No Vote
Slaughter (D-NY) amendment which would increase taxpayer spending for the National Endowment for the Humanities and other cultural programs and decrease funding for Department of the Interior and Forest Service administration.

2002-07-24 Government Spending Cuts [HR5120] Rejected
No Vote
Hefley (R-CO) amendment to cut 1 percent of spending across-the-board from every program funded by the Treasury Department-Postal Service Appropriations Bill.

2002-07-24 Partial-Birth Abortion Ban [HR4965] Passed
No Vote
This bill would ban the grisly abortion procedure known as "partial-birth" abortion.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).