
Jim Inhofe

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 17, 1934 in Des Moines, IA


  • University of Tulsa, B.A., 1973

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1957-1958


  • President of Quaker Life Insurance Co.
  • Businessman/land developer, 1962-1986

Elected Office:

  • OK House, 1967-1969
  • OK Senate, 1969-1977
  • Mayor of Tulsa, 1978-1984

Key Senate Vote Data for Jim Inhofe in 2001

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2001-02-01 Ashcroft Nomination Confirmed
Confirmation of President Bush's nomination of John Ashcroft of Missouri to be attorney general. ACU supported this nomination and considers it a critical test of whether conservatives could be confirmed for executive nominations by the Senate and, therefore, significant enough to give it double weight.

2001-03-13 Individual Retirement Accounts [S420] Agreed To
Sessions (R-AL) motion to protect individual retirement accounts from limitations imposed during bankruptcy proceedings.

2001-03-15 Bankruptcy Overhaul [S420] Rejected
Wellstone (D-MN) amendment that would break private contractual arrangements by allowing the average of a debtor's last two months of income to be used to determine the ability to pay a threshold amount of debt.

2001-03-21 Campaign Finance Overhaul -- Blocking Union and Shareholder Consent [S27] Agreed To
McCain (R-AZ) motion to table (kill) the Hatch (R-UT) amendment that would require unions and corporations to obtain permission from dues-paying members or shareholders before spending money on political activities. It also would require corporations or labor organizations to disclose information regarding the funds spent on political activities.

2001-03-22 Campaign Finance Overhaul -- Blocking Union and Corporate Disclosure [S27] Agreed To
McCain (R-AZ) motion to table (kill) the Hatch (R-UT) amendment that would require corporations and unions that spend money on political activities to provide detailed disclosure of funds spent on political activities to the corporation's shareholders or labor organization's members.

2001-03-29 Campaign Finance Overhaul -- Non-Severability [S27] Agreed To
Dodd (D-CT) motion to table (kill) the Frist (R-TN) amendment that would provide that if one of several specific provisions in the underlying bill, mainly the ban on soft money, disclosure requirements for issue-group advertising, and hard money limits, is found to be an unconstitutional infringement of the First Amendment, then the other provisions specified would also be invalid. ACU supported Frist's amendment and opposed the Dodd motion, which violated an understanding under which the entire bill came to the floor of the Senate.

2001-04-04 Defense Spending Increase [HCONRES83] Agreed To
Warner (R-VA) amendment to the Budget Act providing for an increase of $8.5 billion for national defense spending.

2001-05-08 Bolton Nomination Confirmed
Confirmation of President Bush's nomination of John Robert Bolton of Maryland to be Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.

2001-05-10 Budget Resolution Capping Spending [HCONRES83] Agreed To
Adoption of the final version of the Budget Resolution, calling for approximately $1.35 trillion in tax cuts through fiscal 2011, including a $100 billion stimulus package. Discretionary spending was capped at $661.3 billion, about equally divided between defense and non-defense spending.

2001-05-17 Accelerated Elimination of Marriage Penalty [HR1836] Rejected
Hutchison (R-TX) amendment to the tax cut bill that would accelerate the elimination of the "marriage penalty" in the standard deduction, so that it would be fully phased out in 2002.

2001-05-21 Capital Gains Tax Rate Reduction [HR1836] Rejected
Gregg (R-NH) motion to allow consideration of his amendment to the tax cut bill. His amendment would provide for a temporary reduction in the maximum capital gains rate from 20 percent to 15 percent, to stimulate the economy. The motion would have required 60 votes to pass under budget rules.

2001-05-26 Tax Cut Bill [HR1836] Agreed To
Adoption of the final version of the tax cut bill, reducing taxes by $1.35 trillion through 2010 through income tax rate cuts, relief of the marriage penalty, a phase-out of the federal estate tax, doubling the child tax credit, and providing incentives for retirement savings.

2001-06-12 School Vouchers [S1] Rejected
Gregg (R-NH) amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization bill that would create a demonstration program in 10 school districts to allow public school children to use federal funds in the form of vouchers to transfer to another public school, including charter schools, or a private school.

2001-06-14 Boy Scouts [S1] Agreed To
Helms (R-NC) amendment to the education bill that would allow federal education funds to be withheld from public elementary and secondary schools that bar the Boy Scouts from using school facilities.

2001-06-29 Medical Savings Accounts [S1052] Agreed To
Baucus (D-MT) motion to table (kill) the Craig (R-ID) amendment to the Patients' Rights Bill that would express the sense of the Senate that a patients' rights bill should remove restrictions on the private sector medical savings account demonstration program.

2001-06-29 Waiver of the Right to Sue [S1052] Rejected
Kyl (R-AZ) amendment to the Patients' Rights Bill that would allow health plan issuers to provide a lower cost health plan to participants who waive their right to sue.

2001-07-10 AIDS Funding [S1077] Agreed To
Inouye (D-HI) motion to table (kill) an attempt to put more money into a global anti-AIDS trust fund by taking it out of the defense budget.

2001-07-12 Allow Limited Oil and Gas Development [HR2217] Agreed To
Landrieu (D-LA) motion to permit oil and gas development in certain areas in the Gulf of Mexico.

2001-08-02 Blocking Gun Buyback Funding [HR2620] Agreed To
Craig (R-ID) motion to table (kill) an amendment to the Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill creating a $15 million program for HUD to buy guns from the public.

2001-11-06 Strikes by Public Safety Employees [HR3061] Rejected
Motion to limit debate on the Daschle (D-SD) amendment to the Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill that would provide collective bargaining rights, including the right to strike, to police, firemen, and other public safety officers employed by states, counties and cities. This motion required a three-fifths vote of the Senate, so it failed though it did receive a majority.

2001-11-07 Needle Exchange Programs [HR2944] Agreed To
Landrieu (D-LA) motion to allow the use of taxpayer funds for needle exchange programs in the District of Columbia.

2001-12-07 Emergency Terrorism Spending [HR3338] Sustained
Gramm (R-TX) raised a point of order against a Byrd (D-WV) amendment that would have increased emergency terrorist response money by $15 billion more than the President wanted and the House had passed.

2001-12-07 International Criminal Court [HR3338] Rejected
Dodd (D-CT) amendment that would move the United States towards participation in the International Criminal Court for the prosecution of crimes against humanity.

2001-12-11 Dairy Cartel [S1731] Agreed To
Harkin (D-IA) motion to preserve in the Agriculture Overhaul Bill a $2 billion direct taxpayer subsidy to milk producers.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).