
Vernon Ehlers

[Congressional biography]

Born: February 6, 1934 in Pipestone, MN
Died: August 15, 2017 in Grand Rapids, MI


  • Attended Calvin College, 1952-1956
  • University of California, A.B., 1956, Ph.D., 1960


  • Teacher/researcher at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1956-1966
  • Physics professor at Calvin College, 1966-1983

Elected Office:

  • Kent County commissioner, 1975-1983
  • MI House, 1983-1985
  • MI Senate, 1985-1993

Key House Vote Data for Vernon Ehlers in 2001

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

2001-03-07 Ergonomics Rules [SJRES6] Passed
This resolution set aside a last-minute Clinton administration rule imposing drastic controls over workplace conditions.

2001-03-28 Budget Resolution [HCONRES83] Rejected
Flake (R-AZ) substitute to the budget resolution providing for $2.3 trillion in tax cuts over 10 years, $290 billion more in defense spending and $440 billion less in non-defense spending.

2001-04-25 Tax Limitation Constitutional Amendment [HJRES41] Failed
Passage of the joint resolution to propose a constitutional amendment to require a two-thirds majority vote of the entire House and Senate to pass any legislation that increases federal revenues except in times of war or military conflict threatening national security. Although this amendment received a majority vote, two-thirds is required to pass a constitutional amendment.

2001-04-26 Fetal Protection [HR503] Passed
Passage of a bill making it a criminal offense to injure or kill a fetus during the commission of a violent crime. This bill excludes consensual abortion, and the death penalty could not be imposed under the bill.

2001-05-10 Protecting U.S. Citizens in the International Criminal Court [HR1646] Agreed To
DeLay (R-TX) amendment to the State Department Bill protecting U.S. citizens, acting on behalf of the government, from prosecution by the International Criminal Court until the Senate ratities the treaty establishing the court.

2001-05-10 U.N. Back Payments [HR1646] Agreed To
Hyde (R-IL) amendment to the State Department Bill delaying payment of sums claimed by the U.N. until the U.S. is restored to its seat on the U.N. Human Rights Commission.

2001-05-16 Family Planning Funding [HR1646] Agreed To
Hyde (R-IL) amendment to the State Department bill maintaining President George W. Bush's restrictions on funding for international family planning groups that provide abortion services, counseling or advocacy.

2001-05-23 School Vouchers [HR1] Rejected
Armey (R-TX) amendment to the Education bill that would provide scholarships for students from consistently low-performing or dangerous schools. Scholarships could be used at private, including religious schools.

2001-06-21 Blocking Energy Independence [HR2217] Agreed To
Davis (D-FL) amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill that would prohibit production of oil and gas from a portion of the Gulf of Mexico until after April 1, 2002.

2001-06-21 Cuts to the National Endowment for the Arts [HR2217] Rejected
Stearns (R-FL) amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill that would reduce funding for the National Endowment for the Arts by $10 million.

2001-07-12 Campaign Finance [HRES188] Failed
Procedural vote on whether the campaign finance bill would have to be considered in one complete package, good and bad together, or whether improvements could be proposed to, or inappropriate or unconstitutional sections stricken from, specific parts of the bill. ACU supported a procedure allowing for separate treatment of individual parts of the bill.

2001-07-17 Flag Desecration [HJRES36] Passed
Passage of a proposed Constitutional amendment to state that Congress shall have the power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States. This amendment required a two-thirds vote of the House.

2001-07-17 Funding Prison Abortions [HR2500] Rejected
DeGette (D-CO) to the Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill that would have permitted the use of taxpayer funds for abortion services in federal prisons.

2001-07-18 Firearms Purchase Background Checks [HR2500] Rejected
Moran (D-VA) amendment to the Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill that would allow instant background check information on law abiding citizens to be kept indefinitely. Currently, results must be destroyed within 90 days.

2001-07-25 Lifting Cuba Embargo [HR2590] Rejected
Rangel (D-NY) amendment to the Treasury Appropriations bill that would have effectively lifted the economic embargo on Communist Cuba.

2001-07-27 Arsenic Standards [HR2620] Agreed To
Bonior (D-MI) amendment affirming the last-minute Clinton administration requirement for sharply lower arsenic content in drinking water. The standards impose enormous costs on small water systems, with no demonstrable gain in health.

2001-07-31 Human Cloning Ban [HR2505] Rejected
Greenwood (R-PA) amendment that would ban for ten years human cloning to begin a pregnancy, but allow the cloning of embryos for medical research as long as a researcher registers with the federal government.

2001-08-01 SUV Fuel Standards [HR4] Rejected
Boehlert (R-NY) amendment to the Energy Plan that would require light trucks and sport utility vehicles to meet the same mileage standards as automobiles, thus requiring them to be smaller, lighter and less safe.

2001-08-01 Alaska Drilling Ban [HR4] Rejected
Markey (D-MA) amendment to the Energy Plan that would maintain the current prohibition on oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

2001-08-02 Medical Savings Accounts [HR2563] Agreed To
Thomas (R-CA) amendment that would lift limitations and caps on medical savings accounts, allowing more people to take advantage of this avenue to lower medical costs.

2001-09-25 Blocking Domestic Partner Benefits [HR2944] Rejected
Weldon (R-FL) amendment prohibiting the District of Columbia Appropriations from spending local funds to extend city employees' health benefits to unmarried domestic partners.

2001-09-25 Boy Scouts [HR2944] Rejected
Norton (D-DC) amendment to the District of Columbia Appropriations bill that would permit the use of local funds to force the Boy Scouts of America to reinstate two homosexual leaders and compensate them $50,000 each.

2001-10-11 English Language [HR3061] Rejected
Istook (R-OK) amendment to the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill that would stop spending money to carry out an executive order that requires federal contractors and other recipients of federal assistance to provide translators for people with limited English language skills.

2001-11-01 Aviation Security [HR3150] Rejected
Oberstar (D-MN) amendment that would federalize passenger and baggage screeners at the country's largest 140 airports and give the Justice Department responsibility for airport and airline security.

2001-12-06 Fast Track Authority [HR3005] Passed
Passage of the bill allowing expedited negotiation and implementation of trade agreements between the executive branch and foreign countries. The bill would include provisions requiring increased consultations with Congress on any proposed changes of tariffs for imports of sensitive agriculture products and on trade disparities for textile products.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).