
John Baldacci

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 30, 1955 in Bangor, ME


  • University of Maine, B.A., 1986


  • Restauranteur

Elected Office:

  • Bangor city council, 1978-1981
  • ME Senate, 1982-1994

Key House Vote Data for John Baldacci in 1999

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1999-01-06 Impeachment of President Clinton -- Reappointment of Managers [HRES10] Agreed To
Adoption of the resolution to reappoint and reauthorize managers, drawn from the Republican membership of the House Judiciary Committee, to conduct the impeachment trial against President Clinton in the Senate.

1999-03-03 Peace Corps Authorization [HR669] Passed
Passage of the bill to authorize the Peace Corps in fiscal years 2000-2003. The bill would authorize $270 million in fiscal 2000, equal to the President's request and $29 million more than the current level.

1999-03-18 Anti-Missile Defense [HR4] Failed
Allen (D-ME) motion to recommit the bill to the Armed Services Committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment that it is the policy of the United States to deploy a missile defense system that is demonstrated to be effective, does not diminish overall national security by jeopardizing other efforts to reduce threats to the United States, and is affordable and does not compromise U.S. ability to provide for other military priorities. ACU opposed the motion, which was designed to delay deployment of a missile defense system.

1999-04-14 Local Government Census Review [HR472] Passed
Passage of the bill to provide for House floor consideration of the bill to allow local government officials to review 2000 census data before the count is finalized. Under the bill, the data subject to local review would include numbers of housing units and vacancies in those units, but not necessarily a count of specific individuals. The localities would be able to challenge the preliminary census data.

1999-04-15 Tax Limitation Constitutional Amendment [HJRES37] Failed
Passage of the joint resolution to propose a constitutional amendment to require a two-thirds majority vote of the House and Senate to pass any legislation that increases federal revenues by more than a "de minimis," or insignificant, amount. The exact definition of "de minimis" would be left to Congress. A two-thirds majority of those present and voting (286 in this case) is required to pass a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution.

1999-05-06 Ground Troops in Bosnia [HR1664] Rejected
Istook (R-OK) amendment that would prohibit the use of funds authorized in the bill for a planned invasion of Yugoslavia by U.S. ground troops unless war has been declared.

1999-05-12 Y2K Liability Limitations [HR775] Passed
Passage of the bill to limit lawsuits resulting from Year 2000 computer failures; limit damage awards from Y2K lawsuits at $250,000, or three times the actual damage, whichever is greater; and impose a 90 day waiting period before a lawsuit could be brought.

1999-06-08 Prohibit Drugs to Induce Abortion [HR1906] Agreed To
Coburn (R-OK) amendment to prohibit the use of any funding for the Food and Drug Administration to test, develop, or approve any drugs for the chemical inducement of abortion.

1999-06-16 Juvenile Justice - Prohibit Prison Condition Orders [HR1501] Agreed To
DeLay (D-TX) amendment to prohibit federal courts from issuing orders in civil cases regarding prison conditions that would require the release from prison, or the non-admission to a prison, of any person who was subject to incarceration for a felony or for violating parole, on the basis of prison overcrowding.

1999-06-17 Juvenile Justice - Department of Justice Literature [HR1501] Rejected
Souder (R-IN) amendment to prohibit the Office of Juvenile Justice from producing literature or curriculum which undermines or denigrates the religious beliefs of any juvenile or adult in programs authorized by the bill.

1999-06-18 Gun Shows -- Limiting Gun Control [HR2122] Agreed To
Dingell (D-MI) amendment which does away with the extreme gun control text of the resolution and ensures mandatory gun show background checks are carried out in an efficient manner. This amendment also requires stricter prison sentences for people who use gun clips with 10 rounds or more during the commission of a crime.

1999-06-18 Gun Shows -- D.C. Guns [HR2122] Agreed To
Hunter (R-CA) amendment to permit citizens of the District of Columbia who have not been jailed for any crime and who have not committed any violent crime to own a handgun and keep it in their homes.

1999-07-01 Banking Privacy [HR10] Rejected
Barr (R-GA) amendment to prohibit federal banking regulators from inquiring or encouraging banks to identify their customers and their sources of income and financial patterns in order to identify suspicious behavior. The amendment would replace current "suspicious activity reports" with a legal liability "safe harbor" for financial institutions to report transactions relevant to a possible violation of law, and would increase from $10,000 to $25,000 the threshold at which commercial businesses must submit to the government currency transaction reports which detail large transactions.

1999-07-14 Fiscal 2000 Interior Appropriations [HR2466] Rejected
Stearns (R-FL) amendment to reduce funding for the National Endowment for the Arts by $2.1 million to $81.4 million.

1999-07-22 Tax Cut Package [HR2488] Passed
Passage of the bill to reduce federal taxes by $792 billion over 10 years. The measure would reduce individual income tax rates by 10 percent over a 10-year period, contingent upon annual progress in reducing interest on the nation's debt. It would reduce the marriage penalty by increasing the standard deduction for married couples to double that for singles; cut the capital gains tax rate for individuals from 20 percent to 15 percent for property held for more than one year; gradually lower the corporate capital gains tax rate from 35 percent to 30 percent by 2005; reduce the estate and gift tax rates until they are completely eliminated in 2009; accelerate the phase-in of a 100 percent deduction for health insurance premiums for the self-employed, and allow all taxpayers to deduct health care and long-term care insurance if employers pay 50 percent or less of the premium; increase the annual contribution limit for Education Savings Accounts from $500 to $2,000 and permit tax-free withdrawals to pay for public and private elementary and secondary tuition and expenses.

1999-07-29 District of Columbia Representation in Congress [HR2587] Rejected
Norton (D-DC) amendment to strike language in the bill that would bar the use of federal or local funds to seek a court ruling on District of Columbia voting representation in Congress.

1999-08-04 Legal Services Corporation [HR2670] Agreed To
Serrano (D-NY) amendment to increase funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $109 million to $250 million, offset by cuts including reducing funding for the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund, FBI salaries, and salaries and expenses of the federal prison system and the federal judiciary system. The amendment also would increase funding for the Immigration and Naturalization Services' violent crime reduction programs by $44 million, offset by an equal reduction for Immigration and Naturalization Service detention facilities.

1999-08-05 Payments to the United Naitons [HR2670] Rejected
Hall (D-OH) amendment to strike language from the bill that would make the release of $244 million in back payments to the United Nations contingent on the enactment of an authorization bill that ties the payment to U.N. reforms.

1999-08-05 Blocking World Heritage Site Funding [HR2670] Agreed To
Hayworth (R-AZ) amendment to prohibit any funds in the bill from being used to add any natural site or cultural monument currently recognized as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations' World Heritage Committee to the committee's list of endangered world heritage sites.

1999-09-09 Opposing Clemency for Puerto Rican Nationalists [HRES281] Agreed To
Adoption of the rule to provide for House floor consideration of the concurrent resolution to express the sense of Congress that the President should not have offered clemency to 16 Puerto Rican nationalists with ties to terrorist activities.

1999-09-14 Campaign Finance Overhaul -- Doolittle Substitute [HR417] Rejected
Doolittle (R-CA) substitute amendment to eliminate all federal contribution limits, and end public financing of presidential campaigns. The substitute would require national political parties to disclose transfers of funds to state and local parties, to distinguish between federal and non-federal funds, and would require state and local parties to file with the Federal Election Commission all disclosure reports required by state law. The measure would also require electronic filing of all disclosure reports and FEC notification within 24 hours of every donation received in the last 90 days of a campaign.

1999-10-06 Medical Savings Accounts [HR2990] Passed
Passage of the bill to make Medical Savings Accounts available to all Americans. The measure would provide tax deductions for health insurance premiums and establish association health plans and HealthMarts, intended to make health insurance more accessible to small business and the self-employed through enhanced purchasing power. Under the measure, association health plans could not be sued in state courts.

1999-10-13 OPIC Reauthorization [HR1993] Passed
Passage of the bill to reauthorize the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) through fiscal 2003. OPIC provides loan guarantees and insurance to U.S. investors doing business in less-developed countries that are vulnerable to political and social unrest. The agency does not receive an annual appropriation. The measure would set OPIC fees at a level sufficient to cover operating costs, require the agency to double its support for small businesses, and direct OPIC to encourage private sector financing and participation. The measure also would direct the organization to improve dealings with Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa.

1999-10-21 "Straight A's" Education Reform [HR2300] Passed
Passage of the bill to give a limited number of states flexibility to spend federal education funds in exchange for new accountability requirements and pledges to improve student performance. The measure would establish a pilot program to permit 10 states that develop student performance goals to participate in a flexible grant program under which they would receive a block grant of federal education funding to be used at their discretion. If participating states could not meet its objectives within five years, they would have to revert back to the current allocation system.

1999-10-27 Banning Physician-Assisted Suicide [HR2260] Passed
Passage of the bill to allow doctors to use controlled substances aggressively to alleviate pain, while barring them from using such drugs for the purpose of assisted suicide. The measure would supercede state law, effectively overturning an Oregon law that allows lethal prescriptions to be issued to the terminally ill, and preventing such laws from going into effect in other states.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).