
John Boehner

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 17, 1949 in Cincinnati, OH


  • Xavier University, B.S., 1977

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1968


  • Manager, Meriell-Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 1972-1977
  • President of Nucite Sales, Inc. plastics company, 1976-1990
  • Union Township trustee, 1981-1985

Elected Office:

  • OH House, 1985-1990

Key House Vote Data for John Boehner in 1997

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1997-02-12 Term Limit Constitutional Amendment [HJRES2] Failed
Passage of the joint resolution to propose a constitutional amendment to impose a 12-year lifetime limit on congressional service in each chamber. A two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting is necessary to pass a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment.

1997-04-15 Tax Limitation Constitutional Amendment [HJRES62] Failed
Passage of the joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds majority vote in both the House and Senate in order to raise taxes. A two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting is necessary to pass a joint resolution proposing a constitutional amendment.

1997-05-14 Public Housing System Overhaul [HR2] Passed
Passage of the bill to replace federal low-income housing programs with block grants to local authorities, eliminate most federal regulations affecting low-income housing assistance, and change tenant income, employment and eligibility requirements. This was part of the conservative devolution of federal power to state and local authority.

1997-05-15 Fiscal 1997 Supplemental Appropriations [HR1469] Rejected
Neumann (R-WI) amendment to strike $2.4 million in advance fiscal 1998 funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, rescind $3.6 billion in undefined fiscal 1997 budget authority and restore $3.8 billion in rescissions from the Section 8 assisted housing program.

1997-05-21 Fiscal 1998 Budget Resolution [HCONRES84] Rejected
Waters (D-CA) substitute amendment to balance the budget by 2002 by cutting defense spending by $189.9 billion and increasing revenues by $195 billion by closing corporate tax loopholes. The substitute does not include any tax cuts and maintains Medicaid funding at current levels.

1997-05-21 Fiscal 1998 Budget Resolution [HCONRES84] Rejected
Doolittle (R-CA) substitute amendment, offered on behalf of the Conservative Action Team, to balance the budget by 2002 by cutting non-defense discretionary spending to levels requested in the President's fiscal 1997 budget, and allowing an increase in net tax cuts to $192.5 billion over five years from $85 billion -- an additional savings of $109 billion that would be applied to further tax cuts. The substitute would allow a point of order to be raised against any legislation that would cause total outlays to exceed total receipts in fiscal 2002 and in subsequent years.

1997-06-11 Fiscal 1998-99 State Department Authorization [HR1757] Agreed To
No Vote
Rohrabacher (R-CA) amendment to prohibit the payment of $95 million in foreign assistance currently designated for Russia in fiscal 1998 and 1999 if Russia transfers an SS-N-22 missile system to China.

1997-06-20 Fiscal 1998 Defense Authorization [HR1119] Rejected
Luther (D-MN) amendment to cut the bill's $309 million authorization in fiscal 1998 for further production of the Trident D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missile.

1997-06-24 Fiscal 1998 Defense Authorization [HR1119] Rejected
Hilleary (R-TN) substitute amendment to the Buyer (R-IN) amendment, to prohibit the obligation of funds for ground deployment of U.S. troops in Bosnia after Dec. 31, 1997, unless the President submits a report to Congress requesting an extension of funding. The Hilleary amendment would require the extension to be approved by a joint resolution of Congress and would permit deployment for an additional 180 days or until June 30, 1998.

1997-07-10 Fiscal 1998 Interior Appropriations [HRES181] Agreed To
Adoption of the rule to provide for House floor consideration of the bill to provide $13 billion in new budget authority for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for fiscal 1998. The rule did not waive a point of order against the $10 million of funding in the bill for the National Endowment for the Arts because its authorization had expired. A vote in favor of this rule was a vote to leave NEA funding unprotected on the floor from a point of order.

1997-07-29 Fiscal 1998 Defense Appropriations [HR2266] Rejected
Obey (D-WI) amendment to cut the $331 million provided in the bill for advance procurement of the B-2 Stealth Bomber beyond the 21 aircraft previously authorized. The amendment would increase funding for the Army Research and Development account by $105 million and the Defense Health Program for breast cancer research by $12 million, and would apply the remaining $214 million to deficit reduction.

1997-09-09 Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations [HR2264] Agreed To
Castle (R-DE) substitute amendment to the pending Istook (R-OK) amendment, to prohibit the use of federal funds by any organization unless it encourages family participation in the decision of minors to seek family planning services and provides counseling to minors on how to resist being coerced into sexual activity. The Istook amendment would require parental notification. The Istook amendment had much stronger language and required reporting of sexual abuse of minors, and notification of parents or a judge before contraceptives were given to a minor. The Castle amendment was designed to kill the Istook amendment.

1997-09-11 Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations [HR2264] Agreed To
Hyde (R-IL) amendment to clarify existing law prohibiting certain federally funded abortions by requiring that Medicaid funds could not be used to either pay for abortions or to pay for health plans that cover abortions.

1997-09-16 Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations [HR2264] Agreed To
Goodling (R-PA) amendment to prohibit the use of appropriated funds for the development of national reading tests for 4th graders and national math tests for 8th graders.

1997-09-16 Fiscal 1998 Labor-HHS Appropriations [HR2264] Agreed To
Hoekstra (R-MI) amendment to prohibit the use of federal funds for a court-appointed election officer to oversee any future Teamsters election.

1997-09-24 Fiscal 1998 Treasury-Postal Service Appropriations [HR2378] Agreed To
Hoyer (D-MD) motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on the Hoyer motion to instruct conferees to increase funding for the Exploited Child Unit of the National Center for Missing and Expolited Children. A "nay" vote would have allowed Smith (R-WA) to offer an amendment to block a cost of living adjustment for members of Congress.

1997-09-25 Fiscal 1998 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations [HR2267] Agreed To
Fox (R-PA)-Mollohan (D-WV) amendment to increase funding for the Legal Services Corporation from $141 million to $250 million.

1997-09-26 Fiscal 1998 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations [HR2267] Rejected
Bartlett (R-MD) en bloc amendment prohibiting the payment of $54 million allocated in the bill for debt payments to international organizations and conferences of the United Nations, and prohibiting the payment or $46 miillon allocated in the bill for "debt" payments to the U.N.'s international peacekeeping activities.

1997-09-30 Fiscal 1998 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations [HR2267] Rejected
Shays (R-CT)-Mollohan (D-WV) amendment to strike the bill's language restricting the use of Census Bureau funds for statistical sampling. The amendment prohibits the use of fiscal 1998 funds to make irreversible plans or preparations for the use of sampling or statistical adjustment in taking the census for purposes of congressional apportionment. The amendment also creates a three-person board to observe and monitor all aspects of Census 2000.

1997-10-08 Abortion Procedure Ban [HR1122] Agreed To
Canady (R-FL) motion to agree to the Senate amendments to allow a doctor facing a penalty under the bill to have a hearing before a state medical board to determine whether the procedure was necessary and to clarify the definition of the outlawed procedure. The bill would impose penalties on doctors who perform certain abortion procedures, in which the person performing the abortion partially delivers the fetus before completing the abortion. The bill provides an exception when the procedure was necessary to save the life of the woman.

1997-10-08 U.N. Land Designation [HR901] Passed
Passage of the bill to prohibit federal officials from nominating U.S. lands for protection under U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) conservation programs without previous congressional approval. The bill also would terminate all existing U.S. lands in the U.N. Biosphere Reserves program unless certain conditions are met, including congressional authorization for each reserve by Dec. 31, 2000.

1997-10-09 Fiscal 1998 District of Columbia Appropriations [HR2607] Agreed To
Sabo (D-MN) amendment to strike the bill's provision that permits waiver of the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires the payment of "locally prevailing wages" on federally funded construction projects, for contractors who perform repairs and construction of District of Columbia schools. A vote for the Sabo amendment effectively would have locked non-union contractors out of the bidding.

1997-10-23 Education Savings Accounts [HR2646] Passed
Passage of the bill to expand contribution limits for education individual retirement accounts to $2,500 a year per child to be spent tax-free for education expenses for elementary and secondary education expenses.

1997-11-04 Private School Vouchers [HR2746] Defeated
Passage of the bill to authorize states to use certain federal elementary and secondary education funds to provide scholarships to low-income families to send their children to public, private or religious schools.

1997-11-06 Taiwan Missile Defense System [HR2386] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to require the Defense Department to conduct a study on a plan for developing an anti-ballistic missile defense system to help protect Taiwan and express the sense of Congress that the President should approve the sale of an appropriate defense system to Taiwan in accordance with the results of the study, if requested by Taiwan.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).