
Martin Hoke

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 18, 1952 in Lakewood, OH


  • Amherst College, B.A., 1973
  • Case Western Reserve University, J.D., 1980


  • Lawyer
  • Founder/president of car care company, 1980
  • Founder of cellular phone company, 1985

Key House Vote Data for Martin Hoke in 1994

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1994-02-03 Fiscal 1994 Disaster Supplemental Appropriations [HR3759] Rejected
Myers (R-IN) amendment to offset $7.5 billion of the $9.7 billion in the bill by rescinding funding for executive full-time equivalent positions; the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; the Tennessee Valley Authority; the Legal Services Corporation; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms; Community Development Block Grants; the World Bank; certain defense programs; the legislative branch; and other programs.

1994-03-02 House Post Office Investigation [HRES238] Agreed To
Gephardt (D-MO) motion to table, and thus kill, the Istook (R-OK) resolution to instruct the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct to immediately investigate all possible violations at the House Post Office in coordination with the Department of Justice so as not to jeopardize any ongoing criminal investigations.

1994-03-10 Fiscal 1995 Budget Resolution [HCONRES218] Rejected
Frank (D-MA) substitute amendment to reduce the $263.3 billion in defense budget authority in the resolution by $2.4 billion.

1994-03-11 Fiscal 1995 Budget Resolution [HCONRES218] Rejected
Kasich (R-OH) substitute amendment to provide an additional $147.5 billion in deficit reduction over five years. Over five years the amendment would cut taxes by $119.1 billion, including a $500-per-child tax credit for families earning up to $200,000 a year; cut domestic spending by $284.4 billion; cut foreign aid by $13.1 billion; and increase defense spending by $61.1 billion.

1994-03-11 Fiscal 1995 Budget Resolution [HCONRES218] Agreed To
Adoption of the resolution to set budget levels for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1995: budget authority, $1.541 trillion; outlays, $1.514 trillion; revenues, $1.338 trillion; and a deficit of $175.3 billion. The resolution generally follows the guidelines of President Clinton's budget.

1994-03-17 Balanced-Budget Constitutional Amendment [HJRES103] Defeated
Passage of the joint resolution to propose a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget by 2001 or the second fiscal year after ratification by three-fourths of the states, whichever is later. Congress could waive the balanced-budget requirement if three-fifths of the House and Senate approve deficit spending. It could also waive the requirement when a declaration of war was in effect or when there was a declared military threat to national security.

1994-03-23 Goals 2000: Educate America [HR1804] Failed
Duncan (R-TN) motion to reccomit the conference report on the bill to the conference committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment to deny federal aid to state or local school agencies that prohibit constitutionally protected voluntary prayer in public schools.

1994-03-24 Elementary and Secondary Education Reauthorization [HR6] Agreed To
Unsoeld (D-WA) amendment to the Hancock (R-MO) amendment, to prohibit education agencies from using money received under the bill to distribute obscene material to minors on school grounds. The amendment also prohibits federal control of school curriculums at the state and local levels. The Hancock amendment would prohibit local education agencies receiving money under the bill from carrying out programs that encourage or support homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative.

1994-04-14 Fiscal 1995 Budget Resolution [HCONRES218] Defeated
Kasich (R-OH) motion to instruct the House conferees to agree to the Senate amendment to provide an additional $26.1 billion in deficit reduction over the next five years and to protect defense spending from further cuts.

1994-04-20 Omnibus Crime Bill [HR4092] Rejected
McCollum (R-FL) amendment to delete the provisions that allow the use of statistical evidence to make a claim of racial discrimination by inmates seeking to overturn death sentences. The amendment would have substituted provisions banning the use of such statistics and required jurors to sign certificates in death penalty cases that race had not been a factor in their deliberations.

1994-05-05 Assault Weapons Ban [HR4296] Passed
Passage of the bill to ban the manufacture and posession of 19 types of semiautomatic weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips but exempt existing guns and about 670 guns that are deemed to have a legitimate sporting purpose.

1994-05-05 Abortion Clinic Access [S636] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report to establish federal criminal and civil penalties for persons who use force, the threat of force or physical obstruction to block access to abortion clinics. This would make peaceful obstruction a federal crime subject to civil damage awards.

1994-05-18 Fiscal 1995 Defense Authorization [HR4301] Rejected
Meehan (D-MA) amendment to reduce the amount for the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization by $200 million to $2.7 billion.

1994-05-20 Fiscal 1995 Defense Authorization [HR4301] Rejected
Penny (D-MN) amendment to terminate production of the Trident II (D-5) missile after fiscal 1994 and cut $696 million form the Navy's weapons procurement account.

1994-06-09 Fiscal 1995 Defense Authorization [HR4301] Failed
Michel (R-IL) motion to recommit the bill to the Armed Services Committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment to limit the use of more than 100 U.S. troops under the command of a United Nations foreign national unless the President certifies it is necessary for national security, an emergency exists, or the U.S. troops maintain the right to decline orders judged to be illegal, military imprudent or beyond the mandate of the mission.

1994-06-22 Fiscal 1995 Interior Appropriations [HR4602] Rejected
Crane (R-IL) amendment to eliminate the $171.1 million appropriation for the National Endowment for the Arts.

1994-07-19 Fiscal 1995 Intelligence Authorization [HR4299] Rejected
Glickman (D-KS) amendment to require public disclosure of total budgetary authorizations and appropriations for intelligence agencies.

1994-07-27 California Desert Protection [HR518] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to designate nearly 8 million acres in southeastern California as wilderness and establish the Death Valley, Joshua Tree and Mojave National Parks. This designation of desert as "wilderness" makes the land off-limits to future development and deprives property owners of their rights.

1994-08-21 Omnibus Crime Bill [HRES526] Agreed To
Adoption of the rule to waive points of order and provide for House floor consideration of the conference report making a series of changes in the original conference report, including a cut in the overall authorization level from $33.5 billion to $30.2 billion over six years, a requirement that all spending authorized by the bill come from a six-year, $30.2 billion crime trust fund realized from eliminating 270,000 federal jobs, a reduction from $8.9 billion to $6.9 billion in the amount for crime prevention programs, a provision to notify communities about violent sex offenders, and a provision to allow prior sex offenses to be admitted in federal trials. Previously the House had rejected a rule providing for consideration of the original conference report. This "compromise" bill is still a social welfare bill masquerading as anti-crime legislation.

1994-08-21 Omnibus Crime Bill [HR3355] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report to authorize $30.2 billion over six years and to require that all spending authorized by the bill come from a six-year, $30.2 billion trust fund realized from eliminating 270,000 federal jobs. The bill would authorize $6.9 billion for crime prevention programs, such as after-school sports leagues and job training programs, $8.8 billion for community policing programs and the hiring of 100,000 new police officers, and a $7.9 billion grant program to build state and local prisons. The bill would also ban 19 specific "assault" weapons, expand the death penalty to dozens of new federal crimes, mandate life imprisonment without parole for three-time violent felons, provide for community notification of violent sex offenders, allow prior sex offenses to be considered at federal trials and require HIV testing when requested in federal rape trials.

1994-09-29 Lobbying Disclosure [S349] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report to expand the disclosure of lobbying activities and impose new restrictions on gifts to members of Congress and their staffs. This bill would place constitutionally-dubious restrictions on the rights of grass-roots advocacy organizations to mobilize their members on behalf of their legislative interests.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).