
Quentin Burdick

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 19, 1908 in Munich, ND
Died: September 8, 1992 in Fargo, ND


  • University of Minnesota, B.A., 1931, LL.B., 1932


  • Lawyer

Other notes:

  • Son of Usher Burdick, husband of Jocelyn Burdick

Key Senate Vote Data for Quentin Burdick in 1992

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1992-01-23 Elementary and Secondary Education [S2] Rejected
Helms (R-NC) amendment to the Pressler (R-SD) amendment, to express the sense of the Senate that the Supreme Court should reverse its earlier rulings prohibiting voluntary school prayer.

1992-01-23 Elementary and Secondary Education [S2] Rejected
Hatch (R-UT) amendment to authorize $30 million for six demonstration projects to provide low-income parents with money to pay for enrolling their child at the public or private school of their choice, including religious schools.

1992-02-27 National Cooperative Research [S479] Rejected
McCain (R-AZ) motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Sasser (D-TN) point of order against the McCain amendment to give the President the power to veto appropriated funds by line item. Subsequently, the Sasser point of order was upheld and the McCain amendment fell.

1992-03-13 1992 Tax Bill [HR4210] Rejected
Kasten (R-WI) motion to waive the budget act with respect to the Bentsen (D-TX) point of order against the Kasten amendment for reducing revenue below the level set by the budget resolution. The Kasten amendment would strike tax increases, freeze discretionary spending and cut defense to levels in the President's budget. Subsequently, the Bentsen point of order was upheld and the Kasten amendment fell.

1992-03-26 Eliminate Budget Fire Walls [S2399] Rejected
Mitchell (D-ME) motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the motion to proceed to the bill to modify the 1990 Budget Enforcement Act to knock down the walls that prohibit the shifting of funds between defense and domestic appropriations.

1992-04-30 Campaign Finance [S3] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report to limit spending in congressional campaigns by providing incentives to candidates to agree to voluntary spending limits, restricting money that candidates can accept from political action committees (PACs) and restricting "soft money" raised and spent by state parties in federal elections.

1992-05-21 Fiscal 1992 Disaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations [HR5132] Rejected
Nickles (R-OK) amendment to waive the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act, which sets wage standards for federal contracts, with respect to any construction or repair project which receives funding under the bill. These regulations will force federal contractors in the Florida hurricane and Los Angeles riot areas to pay high union wages and decrease money actually available for disaster relief.

1992-06-03 Corporation for Public Broadcasting Authorization [S1504] Rejected
Lott (R-MS) amendment to freeze funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting by providing an authorization of $275 million in each of fiscal 1994, 1995 and 1996, instead of the $310 million in 1994, $375 million in 1995 and $425 million in 1996 as provided in the bill.

1992-06-16 Striker Replacement [S55] Rejected
Mitchell (D-ME) motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the committee substitute to forbid employers from hiring permanent replacements for striking workers but allow employers to replace strikers if the employers agreed to accept a third-party mediation panel's recommendations and the workers rejected the recommendations.

1992-06-30 Government-Sponsored Enterprises [S2733] Rejected
Kasten (R-WI) amendment to the Seymour (R-CA) amendment, to require a three-fifths majority vote of Congress to raise taxes beyond the rate of growth of national income.

1992-06-30 Government-Sponsored Enterprises [S2733] Rejected
Motion to invoke cloture (thus limiting debate) on the Seymour (R-CA) amendment to propose a constitutional amendment limiting deficit spending and requiring a balanced budget.

1992-07-30 Fiscal 1993 District of Columbia Appropriations [HR5517] Failed
No Vote
Adams (D-WA) motion to table (kill) the Lott (R-MS) amendment to prohibit the District of Columbia from using any funds in the bill to extend employment, health or governmental benefits to homosexual or unmarried heterosexual couples on the same basis that such benefits are extended to legally married couples.

1992-08-06 Fiscal 1993 Interior Appropriations [HR5503] Agreed To
No Vote
Adams (D-WA) motion to table (kill) the Gorton (R-WA) amendment to allow salvage timber sales in the northern spotted owl's habitat unless such salvage adversely affected the spotted owl's habitat as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture.

1992-08-07 Voting Rights Language Assistance [HR4312] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to extend for 15 years through 2007 the provisions of law that require certain language minority populations to be provided with language assistance to effectively participate in the electoral process.

1992-08-12 Urban Aid and Tax Bill [HR11] Rejected
No Vote
Mack (R-FL) motion to waive the budget act with respect to the Bentsen (D-TX) point of order against the Mack amendment for violating budget law provisions that prohibit consideration of legislation that would result in revenue falling below the revenue floor contained in the most recent budget resolution. The Mack amendment would have provided for a maximum long-term capital gains rate of 15 percent, among other things.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).