
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 15, 1952 in Havana, Cuba

Elected Office:

  • FL House, 1982-1986
  • FL Senate, 1986-1989

Key House Vote Data for Ileana Ros-Lehtinen in 1989

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1989-09-07 Hungary Most-Favored-Nation Status [HR1594] Passed
No Vote
Gibbons (D-FL) bill to extend Most Favored Nation status to the Communist People's Republic of Hungary. The new status would provide favorable tariff rates to products imported from Hungary.

1989-09-13 Fiscal 1990 Interior Appropriations [HR2788] Agreed To
Regula (R-OH) motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate) and therefore prevent an amendment being offered wihch would instruct House conferees to agree to a Senate provision prohibiting use of funds provided under the bill for the National Endowment for the Arts to support obscene or indecent art. The Regula motion instead instructs House conferees to merely "address the concerns" of the Senate obscenity amendment.

1989-09-25 Fiscal 1990 Legislative Branch Appropriations [HR3014] Agreed To
Conte (R-MA) motion to instruct the House conferees on the fiscal 1990 legislative branch appropriations bill to accept a Senate amendment that would prevent use of the franking privilege (free mailing privileges) to pay for mass mailings by members of Congress, and to use the $45 million which would be saved to fund anti-drug programs.

1989-09-28 Fiscal 1990 Budget Reconciliation [HR3299] Rejected
Rostenkowski (D-IL) amendment to the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act to eliminate the capital gains tax cut called for in the reconciliation bill. The Rostenkowski amendment also would have raised the top marginal tax rate from 28% to 33% and created something called a "deficit-reduction trust fund".

1989-10-03 Fiscal 1990 District of Columbia Appropriations [HR3026] Agreed To
Dannemeyer (R-CA) amendment to the Green (R-NY) motion to instruct the House conferees on the bill to recede from their disagreement and concur in the Senate amendment to amend the D.C. Code to exempt religious educational institutions from laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.

1989-10-05 Fiscal 1990 Budget Reconciliation [HR3299] Rejected
Edwards (R-OK) substitute amendment to the Budget Reconciliation bill to eliminate all child-care provisions from the reconciliation. The Edwards proposal would replace them with an expansion of the earned-income tax credit plus a new supplemental tax credit for working-poor families with children under the age of five.

1989-10-26 Fiscal 1990 Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations [HR2991] Failed
Stenholm (D-TX) motion that the House conferees concur with the Senate amendment to impose certain restrictions on the activities of lawyers receiving money from the Legal Services Corporation (LSC). The LSC has strayed from its original mandate -- providing for the day-to-day legal needs of the poor -- by getting involved in lobbying, union-organizing, political redistricting, and harassment of farmers.

1989-11-02 Abrogation of Nicaraguan Cease-Fire [HCONRES221] Agreed To
Edwards (R-OK) motion to recommend to the House Foreign Affairs Committee the resolution to condemn Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's action to suspend the cease-fire in that government's civil war with contra guerrillas and to call on both the government and the contras to abide by the cease-fire, with instructions to amend it with a substitute containing the text of the Senate resolution which denounces Ortega's announced suspension and affirms U.S. intentions to continue supplying non-military aid to the Freedom Fighters until Feb. 28, 1990.

1989-11-16 Government Pay and Ethics Package [HR3660] Passed
Passage of the bill to phase out honoraria, revise ethics rules and raise salaries for members of the House of Representatives and high officials of the executive and judicial branches. Speaker Foley's (D-WA) bill would give House members a pay raise from $89,000 to over $120,000 in just two years.

1989-11-20 Fiscal 1990 Foreign Operations Appropriations [HR3743] Rejected
Adoption of the rule to provide for House floor consideration of the bill to make appropriations for foreign aid programs in fiscal 1990. The rule would have allowed consideration of an amendment to withhold 30 percent of U.S. military aid to El Salvador until after April 1.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).