
John Duncan

[Congressional biography]

Born: March 24, 1919 in Huntsville, TN
Died: June 21, 1988 in Knoxville, TN


  • University of Tennessee, B.S., 1942
  • Cumberland University, LL.B., 1947

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1942-1945


  • Lawyer
  • Assistant attorney general, 1947-1956

Elected Office:

  • Mayor of Knoxville, 1959-1965

Other notes:

  • Father of John Duncan, Jr.

Key House Vote Data for John Duncan in 1988

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1988-02-03 Contra Aid [HJRES444] Defeated
Vote on passage of a joint resolution to provide $36.25 million in military and non-military aid for the Freedom Fighters battling the Communist government in Nicaragua.

1988-03-22 Civil Rights Restoration Act [S557] Veto Overridden
Passage, over President Reagan's March 16 veto, of the bill to provide broad coverage of four civil rights laws -- Title IX of the 1972 Education Act Amendments; Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act; and the 1975 Age Discrimination Act -- by making clear that, if one entity of an institution receives federal funds, the entire institution must abide by the anti-discrimination laws.

1988-03-30 Rehiring of Former Air-Traffic Controllers [HR3396] Passed
Passage of the bill to provide for the rehiring of 1,000 former air-traffic controllers -- 500 in fiscal year 1988 and 500 in fiscal year 1989 -- who were fired in 1981 after an illegal strike against the Federal Aviation Administration.

1988-04-27 Fiscal 1989 Defense Authorization [HR4264] Agreed To
No Vote
Dicks (D-WA) amendment to limit the number of U.S. multiple-warhead ballistic missiles and cruise-missile-carrying bombers to the number specified in the unratified 1979 strategic arms limitation (SALT II) treaty, unless the President certifies that the Soviet Union has exceeded those limits after enactment of this bill.

1988-04-28 Fiscal 1989 Defense Authorization [HR4264] Rejected
No Vote
Brown (D-CA) amendment to ban anti-satellite weapons tests against targets in space unless the president certified to Congress that the Soviet Union had conducted such a test.

1988-04-28 Fiscal 1989 Defense Authorization [HR4264] Agreed To
No Vote
Gephardt (D-MO) amendment to ban nuclear tests with an explosive power greater than one kiloton and tests conducted outside of designated test areas, as long as the Soviet Union observes the same ban.

1988-05-03 Fiscal 1989 Defense Authorization [HR4264] Rejected
No Vote
Stenholm (D-TX) amendment to exempt Department of Defense contracts valued at less than $250,000 from Davis-Bacon requirements. The law requires that contractors on most federal projects pay workers the locally prevailing wage, as determined by the Labor Department. The Stenholm amendment would also bar contract-splitting, substantially reduce Davis-Bacon reporting requirements and define "helper" as a semiskilled, entry-level worker who assists skilled workers.

1988-05-04 Fiscal 1989 Defense Authorization [HR4264] Rejected
No Vote
Kyl (R-AZ) amendment to increase to $4.9 billion, from $4.1 billion, the authorization for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

1988-05-11 Fiscal 1989 Defense Authorization [HR4264] Rejected
No Vote
Kemp (R-NY) amendment to require the Secretary of Defense to issue a report to Congress within 120 days of enactment that would describe a plan to develop an accidental launch protection system that would include two ground-based anti-missile sites as well as space-based components.

1988-05-24 Omnibus Trade Bill [HR3] Veto Overridden
No Vote
Passage, over President Reagan's May 24 veto, of the bill to revise statutory procedures for dealing with unfair foreign trade practices and import damage to U.S. industries, to clarify the law against business-related bribes abroad by U.S. businesses, to streamline controls on militarily sensitive exports, to revise agricultural and education programs, to repeal the windfall-profits tax on oil and to require certain employers to provide workers with 60 days' notice of plant closings or layoffs.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).