
Jim Inhofe

[Congressional biography]

Born: November 17, 1934 in Des Moines, IA


  • University of Tulsa, B.A., 1973

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1957-1958


  • President of Quaker Life Insurance Co.
  • Businessman/land developer, 1962-1986

Elected Office:

  • OK House, 1967-1969
  • OK Senate, 1969-1977
  • Mayor of Tulsa, 1978-1984

Key House Vote Data for Jim Inhofe in 1987

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1987-02-03 Clean Water Override [HR1] Veto Overridden
Passage, over President Reagan's Jan. 30 veto, of the bill to amend and reauthorize the Clean Water Act of 1972 authorizing appropriations of $18 billion through fiscal 1994 in federal aid to state and local governments for construction of sewage treatment plants and authorizing more than $2.14 billion for other water pollution control programs.

1987-03-05 AIDS Testing [HR558] Rejected
No Vote
Dannemeyer (R-CA) amendment to require that homeless persons receiving medical assistance under the homeless assistance bill be tested for the AIDS disease.

1987-03-11 Contra Aid Cutoff [HJRES175] Passed
Passage of the joint resolution to place a six-month moratorium on $40 million in aid to the freedom fighters battling the Communist government in Nicaragua, during which time the President must account for funds previously provided to the rebels.

1987-03-31 Highway Bill Override [HR2] Veto Overridden
Passage, over President Reagan's March 27 veto, of the pork-laden bill to authorize $88 billion for highway and mass transit programs through fiscal 1991.

1987-04-23 Drug Testing [HR1827] Rejected
Barton (R-TX) amendment to strike a provision authored by Hoyer (D-MD) that prohibits drug testing of federal employees in areas such as transportation and law enforcement.

1987-04-29 Protectionist Trade Bill [HR3] Agreed To
Gephardt (D-MO) amendment to require identification of countries with excess trade surpluses with the United States and quantify the extent to which unfair trade practices contribute to that surplus, to mandate negotiations to eliminate those unfair trade practices, and, if negotiations fail or an agreement is not fully implemented, to mandate imposition of tariffs or quotas to yield annual 10 percent reductions in that country's trade surplus. The amendment would penalize American consumers by raising the cost of imports through tariffs on countries that invest their American dollars in the U.S. economy instead of purchasing U.S. goods.

1987-05-06 SALT II [HR1748] Agreed To
Dicks (D-WA) amendment to require U.S. observance of certain limits set by the unratified 1979 U.S.-Soviet strategic arms limitation treaty (SALT II).

1987-05-06 ABM Treaty [HR1748] Rejected
Hunter (R-CA) amendment to delete a provision in the bill that would require continued adherence to the traditional (narrow) interpretation of the 1972 U.S.-Soviet treaty limiting anti-ballistic missiles systems. This provision would severely restrict the ability to test and develop the Strategic Defense Initiative.

1987-05-12 SDI Funding [HR1748] Rejected
Hefley (R-CO) amendment to increase from $3.6 billion to $4 billion the authorization for SDI research in fiscal 1988. An amendment providing only $3.1 billion for fiscal 1988 was eventually approved.

1987-05-12 SDI Deployment [HR1748] Rejected
Kemp (R-NY) amendment to require the Defense Department to begin developing an anti-missile defense system that could be deployed beginning in 1993.

1987-05-19 Nuclear Testing [HR1748] Agreed To
Schroeder (D-CO) amendment to bar nuclear test explosions larger than one kiloton provided the Soviet Union observes the same limitation.

1987-06-11 Public Housing [HR4] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to authorize $15.9 billion in new budget authority in fiscal 1988 for housing and community development programs administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Farmers Home Administration, including public housing modernization and construction, low-income rental assistance, Community Development Block Grants, Urban Development Action Grants, Federal Housing Administration mortgage loan insurance and rural housing subsidies.

1987-06-17 Labor Violence [HR281] Rejected
Armey (R-TX) amendment to the Ballenger (R-NC) amendment, to allow a company to ignore its forced obligation to bargain collectively if the labor organization involved had directly engaged in or encouraged violence.

1987-06-17 "Double Breasting" [HR281] Passed
Passage of the bill to restrict the right of unionized companies to establish non-union subsidiaries that do the same work, a practice known as "double-breasting". In effect, construction companies would be barred from establishing legitimate non-union subsidiaries which carry out the same work as the original unionized firm.

1987-06-26 D.C. Abortions [HR2713] Agreed To
Dornan (R-CA) amendment to prevent the use of any funds in the D.C. appropriations bill to pay for abortions in the District of Columbia.

1987-07-01 Legal Services Corporation [HR2763] Rejected
Shumway (R-CA) amendment to delete the $305.5 million appropriation for the Legal Services Corporation.

1987-07-22 Medicare Expansion [HR2470] Passed
Passage of the bill to protect Medicare beneficiaries from catastrophic health care costs and to otherwise expand the program. This bill would require the largest expansion of Medicare ever, including a hidden tax disguised as a "supplemental premium".

1987-10-20 Soviet Embassy [HR1748] Failed
Dickinson (R-AL) motion to instruct the conferees on the fiscal 1988-89 defense authorization bill to agree to a Senate provision requiring the President to cancel the 1969 U.S.-Soviet agreement governing each country's construction of a new embassy office building in the other's capital. This would have kept the Soviets from occupying their strategically located embassy on Mount Alto in Washington, D.C., a location from which the Soviets would be capable of intercepting key U.S. communications and data transmissions.

1987-10-29 Tax Increase [HR3545] Passed
Passage of the bill to raise $11.9 billion in new taxes and make spending cuts in accordance with the fiscal 1988 budget resolution. House Speaker Jim Wright (D-TX) forced Congressman Jim Chapman (D-TX) to change his vote after time had expired, thus reversing the initial vote outcome. The bill called for slashing defense spending while making only moderate or token cuts in domestic spending.

1987-12-16 Welfare Reform [HR1720] Passed
Passage of a bill that would change the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program to a Family Support Program. The bill would appropriate $5.7 billion over five years for education, training and work for welfare recipients with the federal government (i.e., taxpayers) paying 65% of the cost. Although the bill has been described as a "workfare" type program, the effect of this program is merely an expansion of the welfare state.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).