
John East

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 5, 1931 in Springfield, IL
Died: June 29, 1986 in Greenville, NC (suicide)


  • Earlham College, 1953
  • University of Illinois Law School, 1959
  • Earned graduate degrees from University of Florida, 1962, 1964

Military Service:

  • U.S. Marine Corps, 1953-1955


  • Lawyer
  • Professor, East Carolina University, 1964-1980

Key Senate Vote Data for John East in 1986

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1986-03-13 Farm Program [HJRES534] Agreed To
Domenici (R-NM) motion to table (kill) the Cochran (R-MS) appeal of the chair's ruling that the House amendment to the Senate amendment violated the spending-limitation requirement contained in the 1985 Balanced Budget And Emergency Deficit Control Act (the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings balanced-budget law) and thus was not in order. The bill would have added an extra $1 billion to farm programs, and pushed federal spending over Gramm-Rudman limits.

1986-03-25 Balanced Budget Constitutional Amendment [SJRES225] Defeated
Passage of the joint resolution to propose a constitutional amendment to require a three-fifths majority of the total membership of both houses of Congress for a specific amount of deficit spending; to require that the public debt of the United States may be increased only by a law enacted by a three-fifths majority of the total membership of both houses of Congress; to require that a bill to increase revenue shall become law only if passed by a majority of both houses of Congress; to require the president to submit annually a proposed balanced budget to Congress; and to allow Congress to waive the requirement for a balanced budget during a declared war.

1986-05-01 Fiscal 1987 Budget [SCONRES120] Agreed To
Adoption of the concurrent resolution to set budget targets for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1987 as follows: budget authority, $1,103.3 billion; outlays, $1,001.2 billion; revenues, $857 billion; deficit, $144 billion.

1986-05-07 Stinger Missile Sales to Afghanistan & Angola [S2295] Agreed To
Goldwater (R-AZ) motion to table (kill) the DeConcini (D-AZ) amendment to bar the transfer of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to anti-government freedom fighters in Afghanistan and Angola unless the President certified that certain conditions had been met.

1986-06-03 Allow Court-Ordered Forced Busing [S1965] Failed
Helms (R-NC) motion to table (kill) the Helms amendment to bar federal courts from forcing the busing of school children except in narrowly defined circumstances. Helms moved to table his own amendment in order to force a vote on the issue, then withdrew his amendment.

1986-06-18 Tax Reform [HR3838] Agreed To
Packwood (R-OR) motion to table (kill) the Mitchell (D-ME) amendment to add a third tax rate of 35 percent, reduce the bottom rate from 15 percent to 14 percent and retain the bill's top capital gains rate at 27 percent.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).