
Carroll Campbell

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 24, 1940 in Greenville, SC
Died: December 7, 2005 in Lexington, SC


  • Attended University of South Carolina


  • Real estate broker
  • Farmer/businessman
  • Executive assistant to SC Governor, 1975

Elected Office:

  • SC House, 1970-1974
  • Candidate for SC Lt. Governor, 1974
  • SC Senate, 1976-1978

Key House Vote Data for Carroll Campbell in 1986

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1986-04-10 Relax Some Gun Restrictions [HR4332] Passed
Passage of the bill to revise the 1968 Gun Control Act to allow the interstate sales of rifles and shotguns and the interstate transportation of all types of firearms, to ease record-keeping requirements for firearms transactions and to limit federal agents to one unannounced inspection per year of a gun dealer's premises.

1986-04-17 Compulsory Unionism [HR281] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to bar companies from circumventing labor laws to hire non-union workers for construction projects. This bill would greatly expand the power of construction unions.

1986-04-29 Block Grant Freeze [HR4421] Rejected
No Vote
Walker (R-PA) amendment to freeze the fiscal 1987 authorization for the Community Services Block Grant program at the fiscal 1986 outlay level of $370.3 million, instead of authorizing $390 million as provided in the bill.

1986-06-04 Eliminate Urban Development Grants [HR1] Rejected
No Vote
Hiler (R-IN) amendment to eliminate the Urban Development Action Grant program.

1986-06-26 Contra Aid [HR5052] Agreed To
Edwards (R-OK) substitute to provide $70 million in military aid and $30 million in non-military aid to the Freedom Fighters in Nicaragua. Also included $300 million in economic aid to Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

1986-07-17 Legal Services Corporation [HR5161] Rejected
No Vote
Combest (R-TX) amendment to delete $305.5 million for the Legal Services Corporation.

1986-07-29 Romanian Trade [HRES475] Agreed To
No Vote
Gibbons (D-FL) motion to table (kill) the Crane (R-IL) motion to discharge the Ways and Means Committee from consideration of the resolution to express the House's disapproval of President Reagan's decision to continue special trade privileges for Romania by renewing most-favored-nation status for that country. The effect of the Crane amendment would have been to place the House on record against President Reagan's decision to continue the special trade privileges for Communist Romania.

1986-07-29 Elevator Operators [HR5203] Rejected
No Vote
Swindall (R-GA) amendment to cut funding for House office buildings by $91,450 to phase out the jobs of 14 automatic-elevator operators.

1986-08-06 Import Quotas [HR1562] Veto Sustained
Passage, over President Reagan's Dec. 17, 1985 veto, of the bill to place import restrictions on textile and apparel goods.

1986-08-11 MX Missiles [HR4428] Rejected
No Vote
Bennett (D-FL) amendment to delete $1.1 billion for 12 MX missiles and add $250 million for various conventional weapons.

1986-08-12 SDI Funding [HR4428] Agreed To
No Vote
Bennett (D-FL) amendment to decrease from $3.4 billion to $2.85 billion the amount authorized for research on the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars".

1986-08-12 SALT II Limits [HR4428] Agreed To
No Vote
Dicks (D-WA) amendment to prohibit the use of funds to deploy any weapons inconsistent with certain limits contained in the unratified SALT II arms control treaty, provided the Soviet Union continues to observe those limits.

1986-08-13 ASAT Testing [HR4428] Agreed To
No Vote
Brown (D-CA) amendment to bar tests against an object in space of the anti-satellite (ASAT) missile provided the Soviet Union abstains from testing its own version of the weapon.

1986-08-13 Chemical Weapons [HR4428] Agreed To
No Vote
Porter (R-IL) amendment to prohibit the production of binary chemical weapons before Oct. 1, 1987.

1986-08-14 Minority Set-Asides [HR4428] Agreed To
No Vote
Savage (D-IL) amendment to increase from 5 percent to 10 percent the proportion of Pentagon contracts that must go to minority-controlled businesses.

1986-09-11 Exclusionary Rule [HR5484] Agreed To
No Vote
Lungren (R-CA) amendment to permit the introduction of evidence obtained in a warrentless search if the search or seizure was undertaken in a reasonable, good-faith belief that it was in conformity with the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

1986-09-11 Death Penalty [HR5484] Agreed To
Gekas (R-PA) amendment to authorize imposition of the death penalty on anyone who knowingly causes the death of another individual during the course of a continuing criminal enterprise.

1986-09-17 UNITA Aid [HR4759] Agreed To
No Vote
Stump (R-AZ) amendment to strike a section of the bill restricting covert military aid to UNITA anti-Communist rebels in Angola.

1986-09-29 South Africa Sanctions [HR4868] Veto Overridden
No Vote
Passage, over President Reagan's Sept. 26 veto, of the bill to impose economic sanctions against the Republic of South Africa.

1986-10-08 Superfund [HR2005] Agreed To
No Vote
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to reauthorize the "Superfund" hazardous-waste cleanup program for fiscal 1987-91 at a funding level of $8.5 billion, and to establish a new program for cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks at $500,000.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).