
Jim Leach

[Congressional biography]

Born: October 15, 1942 in Davenport. IA


  • Princeton University, B.A., 1964
  • Johns Hopkins University, M.A., 1966


  • Assistant to Rep. Donald Rumsfeld, 1965-1966
  • U.S. State Department, 1968-1969, 1971-1972
  • U.S. Office of Equal Opportunity, 1969-1970
  • Businessman
  • Federal Home Loan Bank, 1975-1976

Key House Vote Data for Jim Leach in 1985

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1985-03-26 MX Missile [SJRES71] Passed
Passage of the joint resolution to approve authorization of $1.5 billion to procure 21 MX missiles in fiscal 1985.

1985-04-23 Military Aid to "Contras" [HJRES239] Defeated
Passage of the joint resolution to approve the release of $14 million in fiscal 1985 for supporting military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua.

1985-06-12 Non-Military Aid to "Contras" [HR2577] Agreed To
McDade (R-PA) amendment to provide $27 million in humanitarian assistance to the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, to be allocated in three equal installments, coinciding with the President's submission of reports every 90 days until March 31, 1986, by a U.S. agency other than the CIA or the Department of Defense. The amendment also provided $2 million for the implementation of a Central America peace agreement reached under the auspices of the "Contradora" countries.

1985-06-19 Chemical Weapons [HR1872] Agreed To
Skelton (D-MO) amendment to the Porter (R-IL) amendment, to authorize the appropriation of $124 million to produce binary chemical weapons subject to certain conditions.

1985-06-20 SDI Funding [HR1872] Rejected
Courter (R-NJ) amendment to increase from $2.5 billion to $3.7 billion the authorization for the Strategic Defense Initiative.

1985-06-26 ASAT Tests [HR1872] Agreed To
Brown (D-CA) amendment to bar any test of the anti-satellite (ASAT) missile against a target in space during fiscal 1986 unless the President certifies to Congress that the Soviet Union has tested an ASAT. The amendment also increases by $20 million the fiscal 1986 authorization to carry out the satellite survivability project of the Air Force Space Survivability Program.

1985-07-10 Clark Amendment Repeal [HR1555] Agreed To
Stratton (D-NY) amendment to repeal the so-called "Clark amendment" to the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1980, prohibiting assistance for military or paramilitary operations in Angola.

1985-07-11 Aid to Mozambique [HR1555] Agreed To
Siljander (R-MI) amendment to prohibit non-food economic aid to Mozambique until the President certified to Congress that the number of foreign military advisers and troops in that country did not exceed 55.

1985-07-23 Clean Water Act [HR8] Passed
Passage of the bill to reauthorize and amend the Clean Water Act, authorizing $12,000,000,000 in federal grants over fiscal 1986-90 for construction of sewage treatment plants and another $9,000,000,000 in fiscal 1986-94 in revolving loan funds.

1985-07-24 Synthetic Fuels [HR3011] Failed
Adoption of the rule to waive certain points of order against the bill to provide $8,261,119,000 in fiscal 1986 appropriations for programs in the Department of the Interior and related agencies. he effect of this vote would have been to deny the chance to vote on an amendment to rescind $6 billion from the Synthetic Fuels Corporation.

1985-07-30 D.C. Abortions [HR3067] Agreed To
Smith (R-NJ) amendment to bar the use of any funds in the District of Columbia Appropriations Bill to pay for abortions.

1985-08-01 South Africa Sanctions [HR1460] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to impose sanctions against the government of South Africa until it eliminated laws enforcing "apartheid", official racial segregation.

1985-10-03 Grain Export Subsidy [HR2100] Agreed To
Madigan (R-IL) amendment to strike the wheat and feed grain farmer referendum section from the bill. The farmer referendum would have been on the question of establishing a marketing certificate and export subsidy program for domestic wheat and feed grain production. The referendum would have raised consumer prices and distorted the marketplace by bureaucratic setting of production levels.

1985-10-09 Comparable Worth Commission [HR3008] Passed
Passage of the bill to establish a commission to oversee a study of the federal work force to determine whether differences in pay and classification have arisen because of discrimination on the basis of sex, race or national origin.

1985-10-24 Spending Cuts [HR3500] Rejected
Latta (R-OH) amendment to eliminate new programs and increased spending authorized in the bill, to remove transportation trust funds from the budget in fiscal year 1989, and to reduce propsed salary increases for federal civilian employees.

1985-11-21 Plant Closings [HR1616] Defeated
Passage of the bill to require employers of at least 50 full-time employees to give workers 90 days' notice of any plant shutdown or layoff involving at least 100 employees or 30 percent of the work force.

1985-12-03 Textile Import Quotas [HRES325] Agreed To
Rostenkowski (D-IL) motion to concur in the Senate amendment to limit textile, apparel and shoe imports, and to call for negotiations leading to voluntary reductions in world copper production.

1985-12-10 Superfund [HR2817] Passed
Passage of the bill to amend and reauthorize the "Superfund" hazardous-waste cleanup program under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 at a spending level of $10 billion for fiscal 1986-90.

1985-12-11 Gramm/Rudman Deficit Reduction [HJRES372] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the joint resolution to raise the ceiling on the federal debt to $2.079 trillion from $1.824 trillion; to set maximum allowable federal deficits for fiscal years 1986-91, declining annually to zero in fiscal 1991; to require the President, if projected deficits exceed those allowed, to issue an emergency order reducing all federal spending by the same percentage amount, to reduce deficits to the maximum allowed, with half of such cuts to come from defense and half from non-defense programs; to exempt Social Security, interest on the national debt and certain poverty programs from such automatic cuts; to limit the size of such cuts as they affect certain health programs; to revise congressional budget procedures; to remove Social Security from the unified federal budget in fiscal 1986 and thereafter; and to replenish the Social Security trust funds of any interest lost due to disinvestment or non-investment of those trust funds during periods in 1985 when the ceiling on the federal debt was about to be breached.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).