
William Cohen

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 28, 1940 in Bangor, ME


  • Bowdoin College, 1962
  • Boston University Law School, 1965


  • Lawyer
  • Instructor at University of Maine, 1968-1972
  • Assistant Penobscot County attorney, 1968-1970
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense, 1997-2001

Elected Office:

  • Bangor city council, 1969-1972
  • Bangor school board, 1970-1971
  • Mayor of Bangor, 1971-1972

Key Senate Vote Data for William Cohen in 1984

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1984-02-07 Allow Evidence Obtained Without Warrant [S1764] Passed
Passage of the bill to modify the "exclusionary rule", which forbids use in trials of illegaly obtained evidence, by permitting use in federal criminal trials of evidence obtained by law enforcement officers acting in a good-faith belief that they were proceeding legally.

1984-02-22 Death Penalty Procedure [S1765] Passed
Passage of the bill to establish a constitutional procedure for reinstituting the death penalty for certain federal crimes, including assassination or attempted assassination of a President, treason, espionage and specified other federal crimes resulting in the death of another person. The bill requires a separate hearing on the issue of punishment after the defendant is convicted of an offense carrying the death penalty.

1984-03-20 Voluntary School Prayer [SJRES73] Passed
Passage of the joint resolution to propose an amendment to the Constitution to permit organized, recited prayer in public schools and other public places.

1984-04-10 Tax Indexing [HR2163] Agreed To
Dole (R-KS) motion to table (kill) the Chafee (R-RI) amendment which would delay until Jan. 1, 1988, the effective date for indexing tax brackets to offset inflation.

1984-04-12 Across-the-Board Budget Cuts [HR2163] Rejected
No Vote
Helms (R-NC) amendment to cut spending by 10 percent in all federal programs, except Social Security, Medicare and defense, saving $200 billion through 1987.

1984-05-22 Union Dues For Political Purposes [HR5174] Agreed To
Mathias (R-MD) motion to table the Helms (R-NC) amendment to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act to bar the use of compulsory union dues for political purposes.

1984-06-12 Anti-Satellite Weapons Testing [S2723] Agreed To
Warner (R-VA)-Tsongas (D-MA) amendment to bar tests of an anti-satellite missile (ASAT) against a target in space unless the President certifies his willingness to seek ASAT arms control limitation with the Soviet Union.

1984-06-14 MX Missile Production [S2723] Failed
Tower (R-TX) motion to table (kill) the Moynihan (D-NY) amendment to produce no additional MX missiles in fiscal 1985 but to keep the MX production line ready for production pending completion of a new study of the mobile, single-warhead "Midgetman" missile.

1984-06-18 U.S. Forces in Central America [S2723] Agreed To
Tower (R-TX) motion to table (kill) the Kennedy (D-MA) amendment to require prior congressional approval for the introduction of U.S. combat troops into El Salvador or Nicaragua.

1984-06-28 Legal Services Corporation [HR5712] Agreed To
Appropriations Committee amendment to provide $297.55 million for the Legal Services Corporation and to specify that none of the funds could be used to promulgate or enforce regulations without 15 days' advance notice to the Appropriations committees of both houses.

1984-08-08 Central American Assistance [HR6040] Rejected
Dodd (D-CT) amendment to reduce overall foreign aid spending levels from $1 billion to $643.9 million to reflect current authorized expenditures. This would reduce the level of assistance to all Central American projects.

1984-08-08 Military Funds for El Salvador [HR6040] Rejected
Inouye (D-HI) amendment to delete $116.9 miilion in military aid to El Salvador from the supplemental bill.

1984-08-08 Reagan Pro-Life Commendation [HR6040] Failed
Packwood (R-OR) motion to table (kill) the Helms (R-NC) amendment to commend President Reagan on his pro-life stance. The Helms amendment did not become part of the bill because it was written as an amendment to an amendment by Packwood supporting international "family planning" assistance. Packwood withdrew his amendment when the Senate failed to table the Helms amendment.

1984-08-08 Consult With China Regarding Taiwan [HR6040] Rejected
Judgment of the Senate whether the Pell (D-RI) amendment dealing with U.S. policy regarding Taiwan was germane. The Pell amendment was to support communiques with Communist China regarding the resolution of Taiwan's status.

1984-09-27 Grove City / Civil Rights [HJRES648] amendment ruled germane
Judgment of the Senate whether the Byrd (D-WV) amendment to attach civil rights legislation overturning the Supreme Court's ruling in Grove City v. Bell, to the continuing appropriations resolution was germane.

1984-10-03 Military Aid to Friendly Nations [HJRES648] Rejected
Pryor (D-AR) amendment to reduce the funds appropriated in the bill for military grants to foreign nations under the Military Assistance Program from $917 million to $705.5 million. The Military Assistance Program covers grants to 30 friendly countries.

1984-10-03 Defund Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters [HJRES648] Rejected
Dodd (D-CT) amendment to bar the use of U.S. aid to rebels fighting the Nicaraguan government for "terrorist" activites.

1984-10-03 Ban Federal Funds for Abortions [HJRES648] Agreed To
Baker (R-TN) motion to table (kill) the Weicker (R-CT) amendment to allow for Medicaid payments for abortion in cases of rape or incest.

1984-10-03 Airline "Hush Kits" [HJRES648] Failed
Packwood (R-OR) motion to table (kill) the Chiles (D-FL) amendment to provide an extension for compliance with noise standards for foreign carriers that operate international services at Miami International Airport and Bangor, Maine, airport.

1984-10-05 Nuclear Freeze [HJRES654] Agreed To
Baker (R-TN) motion to table (klll) the Kennedy (D-MA) amendment to call for a "mutual and verifiable" freeze on the production, testing and deployment of nuclear weapons and a reduction in nuclear weapons stockpiles worldwide.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).