
Carl Perkins

[Congressional biography]

Born: October 15, 1912 in Hindman, KY
Died: August 3, 1984 in Lexington, KY


  • University of Louisville Law School, 1935

Military Service:

  • World War II


  • Lawyer
  • Knott County attorney, 1941-1948

Elected Office:

  • KY House, 1940-1941

Other notes:

  • Father of Chris Perkins

Key House Vote Data for Carl Perkins in 1984

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1984-04-11 Tax Reform [HR4170] Passed
Passage of the bill to raise $49.2 billion in new taxes through fiscal 1987 by closing a wide range of tax loopholes; increasing taxes on distilled liquor, cigarettes and telephones; revamping taxation of the life insurance industry; and making other changes. This bill actually included $250 billion in tax increases over three years.

1984-05-15 Equal Access Act [HR5345] Failed
Perkins (D-KY) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to allow student religious groups to meet in public secondary schools during non-class hours if other groups do so. This bill would have denied funds to institutions that discriminate against voluntary religious meetings. A two-thirds supermajority was needed under House rules.

1984-05-23 ASAT Testing [HR5167] Agreed To
Gore (D-TN) amendment to provide that no funds may be used to test the anti-satellite missile (ASAT) against a target in space unless the Soviet Union conducts a test of its ASAT after enactment of the bill.

1984-05-24 Military Aid to El Salvador [HJR492] Agreed To
Long (D-MD) motion that the House recede from its disagreement to the Senate amendment providing $61.75 million in military aid to El Salvador.

1984-05-24 "Contra" Funding [HJR492] Agreed To
Boland (D-MA) motion that the House recede from its disagreement to the Senate amendment providing $21 million in covert aid to Nicaraguan freedom fighters, with an amendment providing no funds for Nicaraguan rebels.

1984-05-31 Missile Deployments [HR5167] Rejected
Dellums (D-CA) amendment to prohibit, during fiscal 1985, further deployment in Europe of Pershing II or ground-launched missiles unless the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) notified the United States that there was a NATO consensus that further deployments should be made.

1984-06-06 Legislative Spending Cuts [HR5753] Rejected
Frenzel (R-MN) amendment to reduce funds for House of Representatives operation by approximately $13 million.

1984-06-11 Public Health Bill [HR5600] Agreed To
Waxman (D-CA) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to authorize a total of $906.5 million for fiscal 1985-87 for preventive health services block grants, family planning and the adolescent family life programs.

1984-06-26 Civil Rights [HR5490] Passed
Passage of the bill to make clear that the bar to discrimination in Title IX of the 1972 Education Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 covers an entire institution if any program or activity within the institution receives federal assistance. This act represents an absurd expansion of federal power.

1984-06-27 "Deficit Reduction" Tax Increases [HR4170] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to raise $50 billion in new taxes and to cut Medicare and other spending by about $13 billion through fiscal year 1987.

1984-06-27 Federal Employee Abortions [HR5798] Rejected
Boxer (D-CA) amendment to strike language from the bill that would prohibit the use of federal employee health insurance to pay for an abortion except when the life of the mother is endangered.

1984-07-26 Voluntary School Prayer [HR11] Rejected
Walker (R-PA) amendment to the Coats (R-IN) amendment, to cut off federal education assistance to states and school districts with policies that prohibit silent or vocal prayer in public schools.

1984-07-26 Trade Remedies Act [HR4784] Failed
Frenzel (R-MN) motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to modify the legislation, including elimination of a provision making the use of unfairly priced parts in manufactured goods imported to the United States an unfair trade practice. Instructions to delete other protectionist, anti-free market provisions were also specified.

1984-07-31 Reduce Bureaucratic Funding [HR6028] Rejected
Dannemeyer (R-CA) amendment to cut spending in the Departments of Labor, Heath & Human Services, and Education by $147.5 million through a variety of cost-saving measures.

1984-08-01 Increase Welfare Eligibility [HR5151] Agreed To
Panetta (D-CA) amendment to the Coleman (R-MO) amendment, to authorize increases in the maximum car value used in the food stamp assets test to determine program eligibility. The Panetta amendment retained the existing maximum value of $4,500 for a car, but permitted that maximum to rise over three years at the same rate as the Consumer Price Index, up to $5,000. The Coleman amendment would have retained the $4,500 maximum in current law.

1984-08-02 CIA Activities in Nicaragua [HR5399] Passed
Passage of the bill to make authorizations in fiscal 1985 for the CIA and other intelligence agencies and to prohibit any form of U.S. aid to military or paramilitary groups in Nicaragua.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).