
Charles Hayes

[Congressional biography]

Born: February 17, 1918 in Cairo, IL
Died: April 8, 1997 in Chicago, IL


  • Trade union worker, 1938-1983
  • VP of United Food and Commerical Workers Union, 1979-1983

Key House Vote Data for Charles Hayes in 1983

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1983-09-15 Weapons Systems Funding [S675] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to authorize $187.5 billion for weapons procurement, military research and operations and maintenance of the Department of Defense in fiscal 1984. This bill contained funding for critically needed weapons systems such as the B-1 bomber and MX missile.

1983-09-21 Democrat Jobs Bill [HR1036] Passed
Passage of the bill to authorize $3.5 billion in fiscal 1984, and funds in future years according to a formula based on levels of unemployment, to provide grants to local governments to finance repairs and renovation of community facilities and public schools for the purpose of creating jobs.

1983-09-22 Federal Job Training [HR3913] Agreed To
Wright (D-TX) amendment to add $300 million to the bill for job training and education programs. Wright originally tried to get an additional $400 million for these programs such as job corps, Pell grants and bilingual education.

1983-10-20 Covert Aid to "Contras" [HR2968] Agreed To
Boland (D-MA) amendment to prohibit, at a classified date specified by the House Intelligence Committee, support by U.S. intelligence agencies for military or paramilitary operations in Nicaragua; to authorize $50 million in fiscal 1984 to help friendly countries in Central America interdict cross-border shipments of arms to anti-government forces in the region; and to direct the President to seek action by the Organization of American States to resolve the conflicts in Central America and to seek an agreement by the government of Nicaragua to halt its support for anti-government forces in the region. This would prohibit aid to the Contras, authorizing instead a relatively useless $50 million fund for friendly countries to interdict arms shipments to Communist guerrillas.

1983-10-27 Control High-Tech Exports [HR3231] Rejected
Roth (R-WI) amendment, as amended, to allow the President to continue to require licenses for exports to the Coordinating Committee nations. This would permit the President to control high-tech exports to our allies, whose weak controls have allowed the Soviet bloc to loot U.S. technology.

1983-11-01 MX Missile [HR4185] Rejected
Addabbo (D-NY) amendment to delete all funds -- $2.1 billion -- for procurement of 21 MX missiles.

1983-11-03 Domestic Auto Content [HR1234] Passed
Passage of the bill to require fixed levels of U.S. labor and parts in automobiles sold in the United States by foreign car manufacturers. The bill would phase in domestic content levels beginning in 1985 and reach maximum levels in 1987. This was an extreme protectionist measure mandating high-cost American labor and parts.

1983-11-15 Equal Rights Amendment [HJRES1] Failed
Rodino (D-NJ) motion to suspend the rules and pass the joint resolution to propose an amendment to the Constitution declaring, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex". A two-thirds vote was necessary under House rules.

1983-11-17 Rostenkowski "Gag Rule" [HR4170] Rejected
Adoption of the rule providing for House floor consideration of the bill to raise $8 billion in revenues over fiscal 1984-86 through a variety of changes in tax law. The main elements of the bill dealt with mortgage revenue bonds, industrial development bonds, fringe benefits, tax simplification, curbs on sales/lease-back schemes by non-profit groups and the taxation of life insurance companies. The bill also made substantial savings in the Medicare program and revised administration of the Social Security Disability Insurance program. This rule would have allowed debate on numerous tax increases, including a "cap" on the third year of the 1981 tax cuts.

1983-11-17 IMF Bailout [HR3959] Agreed To
Adoption of the rule that, when adopted, had the effect of providing House approval to the Senate amendment adding a $15.6 billion reauthorization of housing programs, an $8.4 billion reauthorization and appropriation for the International Monetary Fund and a reauthorization of U.S. participation in international development banks.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).