
William Cotter

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 18, 1926 in Hartford, CT
Died: September 8, 1981 in East Lyme, CT


  • Trinity College, B.A., 1949


  • Aide to CT Gov. Abraham Ribicoff, 1955-1957
  • CT deputy Insurance Commissioner, 1957-1964

Elected Office:

  • Hartford city council, 1953
  • CT Insurance Commissioner, 1964-1970

Key House Vote Data for William Cotter in 1981

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1981-03-25 House Committee Funding [HRES115] Failed
No Vote
Frenzel (R-MN) motion to recommit the resolution to the House Administration Committee with instructions to reduce the amount authorized in 1981 for investigations and studies to be conducted by House committees (other than the Budget and Appropriations committees) and for computer services provided by the House Information Systems (HIS) to 90 percent of what was spent by those committees and by the HIS for these functions in 1980. This was different from the amendment offered by Wright (D-TX) which would limit it to 90% of 1980 authorizations.

1981-05-07 Gramm-Latta Budget Targets [HCR115] Agreed To
No Vote
Latta (R-OH) substitute to the resolution as reported by the Budget Committee, to decrease budget authority by $23.1 billion, outlays by $25.7 billion and revenues by $31.1 billion, resulting in a $31 billion deficit for fiscal 1982. These were the budget targets set by the Reagan administration, as opposed to the Ways and Means (Democrat) Committee budget proposal.

1981-05-12 International Development Agency Funding [HR3512] Agreed To
No Vote
Rousselot (R-CA) amendment to reduce to $534,600,000 from $540,000,000 the U.S. contribution to the International Development Association. At a time when the domestic budget is being curtailed, it makes sense to hold the line on questionable foreign aid programs.

1981-06-18 Legal Services Corporation [HR3480] Failed
No Vote
McClory (R-IL) motion to recommit (thus effectively killing) the bill reauthorizing the Legal Services Corporation to the Education and Labor and Ways and Means committees for hearings on President Reagan's proposal to abolish the corporation.

1981-06-25 Prohibit Reagan Budget Consideration [HRES169] Failed
No Vote
Bolling (D-MO) motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on the rule providing for House floor consideration of the bill to make changes in existing federal programs to achieve budget cuts required by the first fiscal 1982 budget resolution. This rule would prohibit the President's bill from coming to the floor.

1981-06-25 Permit Reagan Budget Consideration (210-217) [HRES169] Agreed To
No Vote
Latta (R-OH) substitute for the rule providing for House floor consideration of the bill. The Latta substitute permitted a single vote on a reconciliation savings package endorsed by President Reagan as an alternative for the package drafted by House committees. The rule as reported required division of the Reagan package into a series of separate amendments.

1981-06-26 Reconciliation Substitute [HR3982] Agreed To
No Vote
Latta (R-OH) amendments, considered en bloc, to strike parts of six titles of the bill recommended by the following committees -- Agriculture; Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Education and Labor; Post Office and Civil Service; Science and Technology; and Ways and Means -- and to substitute provisions endorsed by President Reagan.

1981-07-28 Reduce ATF Funding [HR4121] Agreed To
No Vote
Latta (R-OH) amendment to delete $5 million earmarked for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms in the Treasury Department.

1981-07-29 Tax Cut Bill [HR4260] Agreed To
No Vote
Conable (R-NY) substitute amendment to the bill, to reduce individual income tax rates by 25 percent across-the-board over three years, to index tax rates beginning in 1985 and to provide business and investment tax incentives.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).