
Abraham Ribicoff

[Congressional biography]

Born: April 9, 1910 in New Britain, CT
Died: February 22, 1998 in New York City, NY


  • University of Chicago Law School, 1933


  • Lawyer
  • Municipal judge, 1941-1947
  • U.S. Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare, 1961-1962

Elected Office:

  • CT House, 1938-1942

Key Senate Vote Data for Abraham Ribicoff in 1980

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1980-01-22 SALT II Withdrawal [SRES331] Agreed To
Byrd (D-WV) motion to table (kill) the Tower (R-TX) amendment to instruct the President to withdraw from Senate consideration the U.S.-Soviet strategic arms limitation treaty (SALT II).

1980-01-29 Aid to Latin America [S2012] Passed
Passage of the bill to provide $75 million in aid to Nicaragua and $5 million in aid to Honduras and military aid to certain Caribbean and Central American nations.

1980-03-27 Windfall Profits Tax [HR3919] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill setting a tax on the difference between the controlled price of domestically produced oil and its selling price after decontrol, with the oil industry expected to pay more than $227 billion in new taxes by 1990.

1980-04-15 Trucking Deregulation [S2445] Rejected
Schmitt (R-NM) amendment to ease entry requirements for trucking firms serving small, rural communities.

1980-05-07 Defense Funds to Domestic Programs [SCONRES86] Agreed To
Hollings (D-SC) motion to table (kill) the Nelson (D-WI) amendment to cut $2 billion from defense outlays and $400 million from interest payments and transfer the funds to domestic programs.

1980-05-08 Legal Services Corporation [SCONRES86] Agreed To
Hollings (D-SC) motion to table (kill) the Humphrey (R-NH) amendment to cut $300 million in budget authority and outlays for the Legal Services Corporation.

1980-05-14 Stop Welfare Expansion [S1309] Rejected
No Vote
Helms (R-NC) motion to recommit the bill to conference with instructions to the Senate conferees that they insist on the deletion of House amendments establishing an income deduction for employment-related dependent-care expenses, expanding the deduction for medical expenses, and affecting the annual adjustment of income deductions and food stamp benefits.

1980-05-19 Nicaragua Aid / Human Rights [HR6081] Agreed To
Zorinsky (D-NE) motion to table (kill) the Helms (R-NC) amendment to prohibit special aid to Nicaragua unless the President determined that Nicaragua was abiding by the American Bill of Rights. The Helms amendment challenged the vague, selectively-applied "human rights" considerations of the Carter foreign policy.

1980-05-22 Civil Rights Commission [S2511] Agreed To
Bayh (D-IN) motion to table (kill) the Helms (R-NC) amendment to prevent the commission from lobbying on state or federal legislation.

1980-06-02 Senate Operating Costs [S2352] Agreed To
No Vote
Helms (R-NC) motion to table (kill) the Byrd (D-WV) substitute amendment, to reduce funds authorized for Senate operation costs by 10 percent in fiscal 1981.

1980-06-03 Chrysler Bailout [HJRES554] Agreed To
No Vote
Riegle (D-MI) motion to table (kill) the Weicker (R-CT) amendment to bar federal assistance for the Chrysler Corp. until Chrysler had secured non-federal assistance of at least $1.43 billion.

1980-06-12 Budget Targets / Increases [HCONRES307] Agreed To
Hollings (D-SC) motion to approve the final revised conference version of the resolution revising binding fiscal 1980 budget totals and setting fiscal 1981 budget targets as follows: for fiscal 1980 -- $658.9 billion in budget authority, $572.7 billion in outlays, $525.7 billion in revenues and a $47 billion deficit; for fiscal 1981 -- $697.2 billion in budget authority, $613.6 billion in outlays, $613.8 billion in revenues and a surplus of $200 million.

1980-06-18 Death Penalty [S2377] Failed
Metzenbaum (D-OH) motion to table (kill) the Helms (R-NC) amendment to reinstitute the death penalty for certain federal crimes. The Helms amendment was subsequently removed from the bill.

1980-06-28 Aid to Nicaragua [HR7542] Agreed To
No Vote
Inouye (D-HI) motion to table (kill) the Helms (R-NC) amendment to delete from the bill $75 million in foreign aid intended for Nicaragua.

1980-09-04 Higher Edcuation Programs [HR5192] Agreed To
Jepsen (R-IA) motion to table (kill) the Pell (D-RI) motion to reconsider the vote by which the Senate rejected the conference report on the bill to extend the authorization for federal higher education programs through fiscal 1985.

1980-09-25 Consider Tax Cuts [HR7584] Agreed To
Byrd (D-WV) motion to table (kill) the Baker (R-TN) motion to consider the bill providing for a $39 billion tax cut in 1981.

1980-09-25 Forced School Busing [HR5829] Agreed To
Thurmond (R-SC) motion to table (kill) the Appropriations Committee amendment to delete a provision prohibiting the Justice Department from using money appropriated under the bill to bring any action that directly or indirectly required busing a student to school, except for students requiring special education.

1980-09-25 U.N. Dues [HR7584] Failed
Helms (R-NC) motion to table (kill) the Appropriations Committee amendment to add $26,973,000 for membership expenses in international organizations.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).