
Charles Mathias

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 24, 1922 in Frederick, MD
Died: January 25, 2010 in Chevy Chase, MD


  • University of Marlyand Law School, 1949

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1942-1946
  • U.S. Naval Reserve


  • Lawyer
  • Assistant MD Attorney General, 1953-1954
  • Frederick city attorney, 1954-1959

Elected Office:

  • MD House, 1959-1960

Key Senate Vote Data for Charles Mathias in 1978

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1978-01-25 Death Penalty [S1437] Agreed To
Kennedy (D-MA) motion to table (kill) the Scott (R-VA) amendment to expand the list of crimes for which the death penalty may be imposed to include murder, treason and kidnapping.

1978-01-31 Redwood Park Expansion [S1976] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to mandate immediate acquisition of 48,000 privately owned acres of timberland to expand the Redwood National Park in northern California. This is a land grab by the federal government to expand its control over state lands, contrary to the wishes of Californians.

1978-02-01 B-1 Bomber [HR9375] Agreed To
Stennis (D-MS) motion that the Senate insist on its position rescinding $462 million appropriated in fiscal 1977 for continued production of the B-1 bomber and requesting a new conference with the House to resolve the issue. The B-1 is an integral arm of the triad system, replacing the aging B-52 and providing a modern, effective defense system.

1978-03-16 Panama Canal Neutrality [TREATYDOC9514] Agreed To
Adoption of the resolution of ratification to the neutrality treaty guaranteeing that the Panama Canal will be permanently neutral and remain secure and open to vessels of all nations. The neutrality treaty is merely one step of the Canal giveaway program which deprives the U.S. of a vitally important strategic waterway.

1978-04-18 Panama Canal Transfer [TREATYDOC9514] Agreed To
Adoption of the resolution of ratification to the treaty providing for the transfer of the Panama Canal to Panama on Dec. 31, 1999.

1978-04-19 Airline Deregulation [S2493] Rejected
McGovern (D-SD) amendment to provide a limited automatic market entry program with a termination date of June 30, 1985. This measure would continue the curb on competition among airline companies, thwarting efforts at deregulation which would result in better air service at lower cost.

1978-04-25 Balanced Budget [SCONRES80] Rejected
Curtis (R-NE) motion to recommit the resolution to the Budget Committee with instructions to report it back with a balanced budget. This would be a vote for fiscal responsibility and a reduction in the federal budget.

1978-04-25 Tax Cut [SCONRES80] Rejected
Roth (R-DE) amendment to reduce revenues to $438.4 billion from $443.3 billion to accommodate a $25 billion tax cut. This would provide needed relief for overburdened taxpayers and help curb runaway federal spending.

1978-04-26 Budget Reduction [SCONRES80] Rejected
Domenici (R-NM) amendment to reduce budget authority by $2.2 billion and outlays by $2.1 billion. This would reduce federal spending and the inflation-causing deficit.

1978-04-26 HEW Budget Cut [SCONRES80] Rejected
Byrd (I-VA) amendment to reduce by $2.1 billion budget authority and outlays for Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Department programs, to make up for funds reported to have been misspent by HEW in 1977. This would reduce federal spending and the inflation-causing deficit, that is compounded by HEW's inept usage of funds through mismanagement which resulted in a $7 billion waste to the taxpayer.

1978-04-26 Defense Spending [SCONRES80] Rejected
Tower (R-TX) amendment to increase national defense spending by $1.6 billion in budget authority and $1.2 billion in outlays. A strong defense is vital to offset the growing spectre of Soviet military might. USSR defense spending is far ahead of that of the U.S.

1978-04-27 Cottine Nomination Confirmed
No Vote
Confirmation of President Carter's nomination of Bertram R. Cottine of the District of Columbia to be a memeber of the Occupational Safety and Heath Review Commission for a term expiring April 27, 1983. Cottine is a former Naderite with a decidedly leftist, anti-business attitude.

1978-05-09 Civiletti Nomination Confirmed
Confirmation of President Carter's nomination of Benjamin R. Civiletti of Maryland to be deputy Attorney General of the United States. Civiletti was a key figure in the Marston affair and the ensuing cover-up.

1978-06-15 Labor Reform [HR8410] Rejected
Byrd (D-WV) motion to invoke cloture (cut off debate) on the Byrd (D-WV) substitute to the bill to amend the National Labor Relations Act. The labor reform bill provides for push-button unionism with a decidedly anti-business flavor, while simultaneously forcing workers to unionize.

1978-06-26 Foreign Aid [S3074] Agreed To
Byrd (I-VA) amendment to reduce the $1,860,504,000 Foreign Relations Committee-recommended authorization for fiscal 1979 foreign economic aid programs by 5 percent. This measure is a step toward fiscal responsibility in U.S. international spending.

1978-06-27 Oil Import Fees [HR12930] Failed
Talmadge (D-GA) motion to table (kill) the Dole (R-KS) amendment to prohibit the use of funds appropriated in the bill to enforce the imposition of import fees on foreign oil.

1978-06-27 Oil Shale Research [S419] Rejected
Hansen (R-WY) amendment to prohibit formation of a federally owned government corporation to direct demonstration efforts to derive oil from oil shale. This government corporation is a neo-socialist intervention into the oil industry.

1978-06-28 Rhodesia Sanctions [S3076] Agreed To
No Vote
McGovern (D-SD) motion to table (kill) the Helms (R-NC) amendment to lift U.S. sanctions against Rhodesia until Sept. 30, 1979. Economic sanctions against Rhodesia force the U.S. to conduct trade with the Soviet Union and allows the African country to stand unsupported as a target for revolution.

1978-06-28 Cuba Relations [S3076] Agreed To
Bartlett (R-OK) amendment expressing the sense of Congress that the president should sever diplomatic and economic relations with Cuba until Cuba removed its military forces from Africa. Cuba, as a Soviet proxy, has run rampant through Africa, fomenting revolution and exacerbating existing tensions.

1978-06-29 New York City Aid [HR12426] Passed
Passage of the bill to provide up to $1.5 billion in long-term loan guarantees for New York City. Bilking the American taxpayer to bail out New York City from its own fiscal mismanagement sets a dangerous and unnecessary precedent.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).