
Phillip Burton

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 1, 1926 in Cincinnati, OH
Died: April 10, 1983 in San Francisco, CA


  • University of Southern California, B.A., 1947
  • Golden Gate Law School, LL.B., 1952

Military Service:

  • U.S. Air Force, World War II and Korea


  • Lawyer

Elected Office:

  • CA Assembly, 1956-1964

Other notes:

  • Brother of John Burton, husband of Sala Burton

Key House Vote Data for Phillip Burton in 1978

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1978-02-08 Consumer Protection Agency [HR6805] Defeated
Passage of the bill to create an independent Office of Consumer Representation within the Executive Branch to represent the interests of consumers before federal agencies and courts. This would increase the federal bureaucracy and become another unneeded drain on the federal treasury.

1978-02-09 Redwood National Park [HR3813] Failed
Clausen (R-CA) motion to recommit the bill to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs with instructions to cut back the acreage to be acquired from 48,000 to 14,000 and to delete terms providing a 30,000 acre park protection zone.

1978-02-22 B-1 Bomber [HR9375] Agreed To
Mahon (D-TX) motion that the House recede and concur in the Senate amendment to the bill, rescinding $462 million appropriated in fiscal 1977 for the Defense Department for production of three B-1 bombers. The B-1 is an integral arm of the triad system replacing the aging B-52 and providing a modern, effective defense system.

1978-02-23 Panama Canal [HR9179] Rejected
No Vote
Crane (R-IL) amendment to prohibit the Overseas Private Investment Corporation from making any loans to or guaranteeing or insuring any borrowings of the National Finance Corporation of Panama unless such loans or guarantees were first approved by the House.

1978-03-13 Internal Security [HRE1010] Failed
Ashbrook (R-OH) motion to recommit the resolution to the House Administration Committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment requiring that $300,000 of the $1,482,805 provided for the committee by the resolution for the remainder of the 95th Congress be earmarked for the committee's internal security functions.

1978-03-16 Full Employment Act [HR50] Passed
Passage of the bill to promote "full employment", balanced growth and price stability. The Humphrey-Hawkins bill is an unrealistic solution that promises more inflation, more taxes and little help toward creating meaningful jobs.

1978-03-21 Campaign Financing [HRE1093] Rejected
Adoption of the rule providing for House floor consideration of the bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act, last amended in 1976, and to permit a floor amendment on the public financing of House general election campaigns. Aside from its tremendous cost, public financing is an unconstitutional limitation on political activity, would strengthen the influence of special interests, give more advantages to incumbents and increase the political power of big labor.

1978-04-19 Lobbying Disclosure [HR8494] Agreed To
Flowers (D-AL) amendment to require that registered lobbying organizations disclose mass mailings and other solicitations or "indirect lobbying" designed to bring constituent pressure on a representative or senator. The amendment is an unwarranted infringement on the activities of public interest lobbies and citizens' groups to petition Congress for a redress of grievances.

1978-05-03 Budget Reduction / Tax Relief [HCR559] Rejected
Conable (R-NY) amendment to reduce the target for revenues by $3.2 billion to $440.1 billion in order to allow for a larger tax cut. This would provide relief for overburdened taxpayers and help curb runaway government spending.

1978-05-10 HEW Budget Cut [HCR559] Rejected
Second vote on the Ashbrook (R-OH) amendment to reduce budget authority and outlays by $3.15 billion for programs of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The amendment would reduce federal spending and the inflation-causing deficit, compounded by HEW's inept usage of funds through mismangement which has resulted in a $7 billion waste to the taxpayer.

1978-05-18 Alaska Lands [HR39] Rejected
Young (R-AK) amendment to the Udall (D-AZ) amendment, to remove five million acres from the proposed additions to the nation's parks, refuges and forests in order to allow the state of Alaska to select the land.

1978-05-24 Troops in Korea [HR10929] Rejected
No Vote
Stratton (D-NY) amendment to prohibit the use of any funds in the bill to reduce U.S. troop strength in South Korea below 26,000. Maintenance of a U.S. presence in South Korea is vital to provide effective deterrence against Communist aggression from the North.

1978-05-31 Panama Canal [HR12598] Agreed To
No Vote
Hansen (R-ID) amendment to prohibit use of any funds in the bill to implement the Panama Canal treaties without specific congressional approval. The Constitution provides that Congress (including the House of Representatives) must vote to dispose of U.S. property.

1978-06-01 Tuition Tax Credit [HR12050] Rejected
Vanik (D-OH) amendment to increase to 50 percent from 25 percent the amount of secondary and post-secondary tuition eligible for a tax credit. Increasing the tax credit would allow greater freedom of choice in education by encouraging the use of private schools over public education.

1978-06-08 New York City Aid [HR12426] Failed
Stanton (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill to the Banking Committee with instructions to report it back with amendments extending seasonal loans rather than loan guarantees for New York City, and instructing that the loans be phased out in three years.

1978-06-12 Airbag Research [HR12933] Rejected
Eckhardt (D-TX) amendment to permit the use of funds appropriated by the bill for research and development relating to passive restraint systems or for any court action concerning any regulation requiring motor vehicles to be equipped with passive restraint systems other than seat belts. This is another lavish and unnecessary exercise in wasting the taxpayers' money.

1978-06-13 Quota Requirements [HR12929] Agreed To
Walker (R-PA) amendment to prohibit the use of appropriated funds to implement quotas or other numerical requirements relating to race, creed or sex with respect to hiring, promotion or admissions policies. This would signal a departure from the recent trend of legislating "reverse" discrimination.

1978-06-13 Labor/HEW Budget Cut [HR12929] Agreed To
Miller (R-OH) amendment to reduce controllable spending in the bill by 2 percent. This would help reduce inflated and unnecessary spending and lower the federal deficit.

1978-06-13 OSHA Appropriations [HR12929] Rejected
Symms (R-ID) amendment to reduce the appropriation for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) by $28.4 million. OSHA has cost business and consumers over $14.5 billion, yet has no statistical impact on workers' safety and health.

1978-06-28 Davis-Bacon Waivers [HR12433] Rejected
Hagedorn (R-MN) amendment to waive Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage requirements for housing rehabilitation projects performed by neighborhood-based, non-profit organizations. Davis-Bacon requires the government to pay exorbitantly high labor costs which wastes taxpayers' dollars, increases inflation and is biased against non-union and minority contractors.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).