
Richard Tonry

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 25, 1935 in New Orleans, LA
Died: July 3, 2012 in Lumberton, MS (natural causes)


  • Spring Hill College, A.B., 1960, M.A., 1962
  • Attended Georgetown University, 1962
  • Loyola University, J.D., 1967


  • Lawyer

Elected Office:

  • LA House, 1976
  • Candidate for LA House, 1983

Other notes:

  • Resigned from Congress after four months in office, charged with receiving illegal campaign funds. He pled guilty and was sentenced to six months in prison.

Key House Vote Data for Richard Tonry in 1977

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1977-02-23 Tax Rate Reduction [HCR110] Rejected
Rousselot (R-CA) substitute amendment to revise binding levels for fiscal 1977 revenues and outlays, providing for a $19 billion permanent tax rate reduction. This would provide needed relief for overburdened taxpayers and help curb runaway federal spending.

1977-03-14 Rhodesian Chrome Imports [HR1746] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to halt the importation of Rhodesian chrome in order to bring the United States into compliance with United Nations economic sanctions imposed on Rhodesia in 1966. The bill partially suspended the 1971 Byrd Amendment, named after Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr., which barred the President from applying sanctions to non-Communist countries from which the United States imported strategic materials. This bill would force the U.S. to import higher-priced and inferior-grade chrome from the Soviet Union.

1977-03-16 Vietnam Amnesty [HR4877] Agreed To
No Vote
Myers (R-IN) amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the bill to carry out President Carter's Vietnam amnesty program from draft dodgers and deserters.

1977-03-23 Common Situs Picketing [HR4250] Defeated
Passage of the bill to permit a labor union with a grievance against one contractor to picket all contractors on the same contruction site and to establish a construction industry collective bargaining committee. The aim is forced unionization of non-union employees, and would especially hurt minority contractors while increasing construction costs significantly.

1977-04-06 Aid to U.S. Enemies [HR5262] Rejected
Miller (R-OH) amendment to prohibit international financial institutions from using U.S. funds for aiding Cambodia, Cuba, Laos or Vietnam.

1977-04-27 Reduce Spending and Deficit [HCR195] Rejected
Latta (R-OH) substitute amendment to the Budget Committee amendment, to provide for fiscal 1978 revenues of $392.9 billion, budget authority of $481.5 billion, outlays of $440.6 billion, and a deficit of $47.7 billion. This would reduce revenues by $5 billion, budget authority by $26.5 billion, outlays by $19 billion, and reduce the deficit by $14 billion.

1977-05-03 Arms Control Verification [HR6179] Agreed To
No Vote
Derwinski (R-IL) amendment to require reports to Congress on the prospects for verification of compliance with any proposed arms control agreement. Without verification, any new SALT II agreement would be meaningless.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).