
Sam Hall

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 11, 1924 in Marshall, TX
Died: April 10, 1994 in Marshall, TX


  • East Texas Baptist University, A.A., 1942
  • Baylor University, LL.B., 1948

Military Service:

  • U.S. Air Force, 1943-1945


  • Lawyer
  • U.S. District Court judge, 1985-1994

Elected Office:

  • Marshall Board of Education, 1972-1976

Key House Vote Data for Sam Hall in 1976

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1976-07-01 House Member Allowances [HRE1372] Failed
Rhodes (R-AZ) motion to recommit the resolution to strip the House Administration Committee of its unilateral power to alter members' perquisites to the Rules Committee with instructions to rescind the committee's authority effective June 23, 1976. The effect of the motion was to restrict the Committee's corruptive power to allocate financial resources to other members without House approval. Such power has led to scandalous activities as represented by the Wayne Hays-Elizabeth Ray affair.

1976-07-01 Federal Day Care [HR12455] Agreed To
Corman (D-CA) motion that the House recede from its disagreement to a Senate amendment to the bill and concur in the amendment, as amended by a substitute, to provide $240 million through fiscal 1977 in additional aid to federally funded day care centers serving low-income families, to suspend staffing standards for these centers until Oct. 1, 1977, and to revise group eligibility standards for social services programs aimed at lower-income families. This money would increase federal intrusion into private day care centers and increase demand for taxpayer-supported day care programs.

1976-08-09 Postcard Voter Registration [HR11552] Passed
Passage of the bill to create a Voter Registration Administration within the Federal Election Commission to authorize a nationwide voter postcard registration program. The program would bypass the states' power to establish voter registration requirements, increases potential for fraud and abuse, creates havoc and confusion in administering voter registration, and would not accomplish the goal of increased voter participation.

1976-08-25 Public Works Jobs [HR15194] Passed
Passage of the bill to provide appropriations through fiscal 1977 of $2 billion for job-creating state and local public works projects, $1.25 billion for "countercyclical" aid to help state and local governments maintain services and $200 million for waste water treatment programs. The bill will create make-work public jobs and increase federal government growth and control over local communities.

1976-09-08 Clean Air Act [HR10498] Rejected
Chappell (D-FL) amendment to delete from the bill provisions to require protection of pristine air (nondegredation) and direct the National Commission on Air Quality to conduct a one-year study of the issue. The nondegredation provisions make the bill a de facto no-growth policy for America, a form of backdoor land use control.

1976-09-16 Estate and Gift Taxes [HR10612] Agreed To
Ullman (D-OR) motion to order the previous question (and end debate) on the Ullman motion to recede and concur with an amendment, reported in technical disagreement by House-Senate conferees, relating to estate and gift taxation. The effect of this vote was to preclude a Republican amendment providing higher exemption levels and greater relief in assessing gains on transferred assets.

1976-09-16 Antitrust Actions [HR8532] Agreed To
Rodino (D-NJ) motion to agree to the Senate amendments, thus clearing the bill. The bill would allow state Attorneys General to file class action suits on behalf of private citizens against businesses in alleged violation of antitrust laws. This would increase unjustified harrassment of business by public interest groups, force expensive and unrealistic triple-damages for violations, and encourage de facto blackmail of corporations to settle out of court regardless of merits.

1976-09-21 Rule-Making by Agencies [HR12048] Failed
Flowers (D-AL) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to revise the procedures by which federal agencies set rules by expanding the opportunities for public participation in the rule-making process; creating procedures for congressional review of rule-making, and expanding judicial review of the rule-making process. A two-thirds majority vote is required for passage under suspension of the rules. The bill would represent a major step in curbing the runaway power of federal agencies to devise regulations which go far beyond the power that Congress intended.

1976-09-28 Lobbying Disclosure [HR15] Rejected
Quie (R-MN) amendment to extend the bill's coverage to state or local government employees who met the definition of lobbyist and had business addresses in the Washington, D.C. area. The amendment would have required state and local government lobbyists to meet the same stringent standards applied to non-government individuals or groups.

1976-09-30 Labor/HEW Appropriations Veto [HR14232] Veto Overridden
Passage, over the President's Sept. 29 veto, of the bill to appropriate $56,618,207,575 for the Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare and related agencies for fiscal 1977. The bill exceeded the President's request by $4 billion and represented an unnecessary increase in federal spending.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).