
Glenn Anderson

[Congressional biography]

Born: February 21, 1913 in Hawthorne, CA
Died: December 13, 1994 in Los Angeles, CA


  • University of California, B.A., 1936

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1943-1945


  • Real estate developer

Elected Office:

  • Mayor of Hawthorne, 1940-1943
  • CA Assembly, 1942-1943, 1945-1948
  • CA Lt. Governor, 1959-1967

Key House Vote Data for Glenn Anderson in 1976

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1976-02-05 Natural Gas Deregulation [HR9464] Agreed To
Smith (D-IA) amendment to the Krueger (D-TX) substitute amendment, to deregulate natural gas sold by small producers with sales of less than 100 billion cubic feet a year, but continue Federal Power Commission regulation of major gas producers. The Smith amendment extended federal controls over major companies to cover gas sales in intrastate markets. The Krueger amendment would have removed regulation by the Federal Power Commission from all natural gas producers.

1976-03-03 Vietnam Trade Embargo [HR11963] Rejected
Bauman (R-MD) amendment to delete language in the bill that would partially lift the U.S. trade embargo against North and South Vietnam if the Vietnamese provided an accounting of U.S. military personnel still missing in action. This would remove significant leverage from the U.S. in obtaining a full accounting of our MIA's.

1976-03-24 Legal Services Corporation [HR10799] Passed
Passage of the bill to allow the Legal Services Corporation for the poor to make grants and contracts to outside research and training centers specializing in poverty law. The bill provides money to activist attorneys, most of whom are engaged in supporting left-wing causes, often political in nature.

1976-03-29 Internal Security Funding [HRE1079] Failed
Ashbrook (R-OH) motion to recommit to the Committee on House Administration, with specific instructions that $300,000 be earmarked for internal security functions of the Judiciary Committee, the bill authorizing $1,276,767.32 for Judiciary Committee expenses. This was another attempt to activate dormant internal security functions which had been transferred from the now-defunct House Internal Security Committee to the Judiciary Committee.

1976-04-14 Product Safety Prosecutions [S6448] Failed
Butler (R-VA) motion to recommit the conference report authorizing fiscal 1976-1978 funds for the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to conference with specific instructions to disagree to a provision authorizing the agency to represent itself in civil litigation if the Attorney General refused to accept a case within 45 days. This motion would remove the CPSC's exclusive power (not possessed by other regulatory agencies) to institute criminal proceedings against citizens.

1976-04-25 Aid to Anti-Communists [S2662] Failed
Derwinski (R-IL) motion to recommit to the conference committee, and thus kill, the conference report on the bill to authorize $3,166,900,000 in foreign military assistance for fiscal 1976 and to provide new congressional controls on U.S. arms sales. The bill would ban sales to countries allegedly violating human rights. The bill's main purpose was aimed at cutting military aid to loyal and friendly anti-Communist governments such as South Korea, Chile and the Philippines.

1976-04-29 Hatch Act Repeal Veto [HR8617] Veto Sustained
Passage, over the President's April 12 veto, of the bill to give federal employees the right to participate in partisan political campaigns and to run for local, state or federal office. The bill would allow federal employees to run for political office while on public payroll and to engage in other political activites, thus bringing about greater politicization of the federal bureaucracy and increasing the influence of federal and postal union bosses over Congress and the government.

1976-04-29 Tax and Spending Cuts [HCR611] Rejected
Latta (R-OH) substitute amendment to the pending committee resolution, providing for overall budget authority of $420.7 billion, outlays of $400.8 billion, revenues of $352.1 billion and a deficit of $48.7 billion. This would reduce revenues by $10.9 billion, outlays by $13.7 billion and budget authority by $23.5 billion, thus reducing the deficit by $2.8 billion.

1976-04-29 Balanced Budget / Spending Cuts [HCR611] Rejected
Rousselot (R-CA) substitute amendment for the pending committee resolution providing for a balanced budget containing budget authority of $394.2 billion, outlays of $363 billion and revenues of $363 billion. This represented a $50 billion reduction in spending.

1976-05-03 Federal Election Campaign Act [S3065] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to reconstitute the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and revise the 1974 campaign finance law. This bill reconstituted the FEC even after the Supreme Court decreed that it and several portions of the campaign finance law were unconstitutional. The bill contained restrictive limitations on political contributions and contained provisions giving favored treatment to labor union political action committees.

1976-05-04 Environmental Protection Agency [HR12704] Agreed To
Ketchum (R-CA) amendment to give Congress 60 days to veto any EPA rule or regulation dealing with research and development. Many EPA regulations have gone far beyond the intent of Congress by imposing exorbitant fines and high compliance costs.

1976-05-12 Higher Education Act [HR12851] Agreed To
Conlan (R-AZ) amendment to prohibit funds authorized under the Foreign Studies and Language Development section to be used for activities involving any aspect of the "religion" known as secular humanism.

1976-06-01 Federal Energy Adminstration [HR12169] Passed
Passage of the bill to extend the authority of the Federal Energy Administration (FEA) to Dec. 31, 1977 from July 1, 1976, and to authorize $172,823,000 in fiscal 1977 for FEA operations. FEA's rules and regulations have inhibited domestic oil production and increased U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

1976-06-03 Water Pollution Control Act [HR9560] Agreed To
Wright (D-TX) substitute amendment for the Cleveland (R-NH) amendment, authorizing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to regulate dredge and fill operations in wetlands with certain exceptions, and to put more limits on that authority. This amendment would give greater authority to states over use of their wetlands and streams by restricting federal intrusion into this area.

1976-06-10 Revenue Sharing [HR13367] Agreed To
Fountain (D-NC) amendment to the Brooks (D-TX) substitute version, to delete provisions providing for supplemental assistance to local governments based on need; requiring state governments to report on activites intended to modernize local government operations; expanding the Davis-Bacon Act wage requirements; and modifying additional non-discrimination requirements. This amendment would help curtail federal controls over expenditure of revenue sharing plans.

1976-06-16 Food Stamps [HR14237] Rejected
Rousselot (R-CA) amendment to delete $794,000,000 from the food stamp program. The amendment would cut runaway growth of the food stamp program, which is already riddled with waste and corruption.

1976-06-17 B-1 Bomber [HR14262] Rejected
Addabbo (D-NY) amendment to defer until Feb. 1, 1977, obligation of funds appropriated for procurement of the first three regular-production B-1 bombers. The delay was sought in the hope that a newly-elected Democrat president might curb or halt its production. The B-1 is vitally needed to replace our aging B-52 bomber force and to strengthen our deterrent system against Soviet attack.

1976-06-18 Panama Canal Control [HR13179] Rejected
Snyder (R-KY) amendment to strike out the phrase "protect the vital interests" of the United States in the Panama Canal zone and insert "perpetuate the sovereignty and control" of the United States in the zone. Defeat of the amendment will make it easier for the administration to negotiate a treaty relinquishing U.S. sovereignty and control over the Panama Canal zone.

1976-06-24 Protect Small Businesses [HR14232] Agreed To
Findley (R-IL) amendment to prohibit first instance citations for OSHA violations against businesses that employed 10 or fewer persons. Small business has been hardest hit by OSHA regulations, which annually cost business and consumers billions of dollars.

1976-06-24 Federal Abortion Funding [HR14232] Agreed To
Hyde (R-IL) amendment to prohibit funds in the Labor/HEW Appropriations bill to pay for or promote or encourage abortions.

1976-07-01 House Member Allowances [HRE1372] Failed
Rhodes (R-AZ) motion to recommit the resolution to strip the House Administration Committee of its unilateral power to alter members' perquisites to the Rules Committee with instructions to rescind the committee's authority effective June 23, 1976. The effect of the motion was to restrict the Committee's corruptive power to allocate financial resources to other members without House approval. Such power has led to scandalous activities as represented by the Wayne Hays-Elizabeth Ray affair.

1976-07-01 Federal Day Care [HR12455] Agreed To
Corman (D-CA) motion that the House recede from its disagreement to a Senate amendment to the bill and concur in the amendment, as amended by a substitute, to provide $240 million through fiscal 1977 in additional aid to federally funded day care centers serving low-income families, to suspend staffing standards for these centers until Oct. 1, 1977, and to revise group eligibility standards for social services programs aimed at lower-income families. This money would increase federal intrusion into private day care centers and increase demand for taxpayer-supported day care programs.

1976-08-09 Postcard Voter Registration [HR11552] Passed
Passage of the bill to create a Voter Registration Administration within the Federal Election Commission to authorize a nationwide voter postcard registration program. The program would bypass the states' power to establish voter registration requirements, increases potential for fraud and abuse, creates havoc and confusion in administering voter registration, and would not accomplish the goal of increased voter participation.

1976-08-25 Public Works Jobs [HR15194] Passed
Passage of the bill to provide appropriations through fiscal 1977 of $2 billion for job-creating state and local public works projects, $1.25 billion for "countercyclical" aid to help state and local governments maintain services and $200 million for waste water treatment programs. The bill will create make-work public jobs and increase federal government growth and control over local communities.

1976-09-08 Clean Air Act [HR10498] Rejected
Chappell (D-FL) amendment to delete from the bill provisions to require protection of pristine air (nondegredation) and direct the National Commission on Air Quality to conduct a one-year study of the issue. The nondegredation provisions make the bill a de facto no-growth policy for America, a form of backdoor land use control.

1976-09-16 Estate and Gift Taxes [HR10612] Agreed To
Ullman (D-OR) motion to order the previous question (and end debate) on the Ullman motion to recede and concur with an amendment, reported in technical disagreement by House-Senate conferees, relating to estate and gift taxation. The effect of this vote was to preclude a Republican amendment providing higher exemption levels and greater relief in assessing gains on transferred assets.

1976-09-16 Antitrust Actions [HR8532] Agreed To
Rodino (D-NJ) motion to agree to the Senate amendments, thus clearing the bill. The bill would allow state Attorneys General to file class action suits on behalf of private citizens against businesses in alleged violation of antitrust laws. This would increase unjustified harrassment of business by public interest groups, force expensive and unrealistic triple-damages for violations, and encourage de facto blackmail of corporations to settle out of court regardless of merits.

1976-09-21 Rule-Making by Agencies [HR12048] Failed
Flowers (D-AL) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to revise the procedures by which federal agencies set rules by expanding the opportunities for public participation in the rule-making process; creating procedures for congressional review of rule-making, and expanding judicial review of the rule-making process. A two-thirds majority vote is required for passage under suspension of the rules. The bill would represent a major step in curbing the runaway power of federal agencies to devise regulations which go far beyond the power that Congress intended.

1976-09-28 Lobbying Disclosure [HR15] Rejected
Quie (R-MN) amendment to extend the bill's coverage to state or local government employees who met the definition of lobbyist and had business addresses in the Washington, D.C. area. The amendment would have required state and local government lobbyists to meet the same stringent standards applied to non-government individuals or groups.

1976-09-30 Labor/HEW Appropriations Veto [HR14232] Veto Overridden
Passage, over the President's Sept. 29 veto, of the bill to appropriate $56,618,207,575 for the Departments of Labor and Health, Education and Welfare and related agencies for fiscal 1977. The bill exceeded the President's request by $4 billion and represented an unnecessary increase in federal spending.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).