
Hugh Carey

[Congressional biography]

Born: April 11, 1919 in Brooklyn, NY
Died: August 7, 2011 in Shelter Island, NY


  • St. John's University, LL.B., 1951

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, World War II (decorated with Bronze Star, Croix de Guerre, and Combat Infantry Award)


  • Lawyer
  • Corporate officer/director

Key House Vote Data for Hugh Carey in 1974

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1974-04-03 Consumer Protection Agency [HR13163] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to establish an independent Consumer Protection Agency to represent the interests of consumers in the activities of federal agencies.

1974-04-04 Vietnam Appropriations [HR12565] Rejected
No Vote
Hebert (D-LA) amendment to increase the fiscal 1974 authorization ceiling on U.S. military aid to South Vietnam from $1.126 billion under existing law to $1.4 billion (the administration had originally requested $1.6 billion).

1974-05-08 Postcard Voter Registration [HRES929] Failed
No Vote
Adoption of the rule to provide for House floor consideration of the bill to establish a nationwide postcard voter registration system for federal elections. This would create a costly new intervention into local registration patterns and is an open invitation to fraud.

1974-05-15 Legal Services Corporation [HR7824] Failed
No Vote
Ashbrook (R-OH) motion to recommit to conference committee with specific instructions in the bill to establish an independent corporation providing legal services for the poor. The instructions would have required House conferees to insist on House-passed provisions to eliminate the corporation's authority to make grants and contracts for outside research on legal questions affecting the poor. Acceptance of this motion would have killed the Legal Services Corporation for this session of Congress.

1974-05-21 Fuel Rationing [HR13834] Failed
No Vote
Staggers (D-WV) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to give the President authority to ration scarce fuels and to roll back and control the price of crude oil and oil products.

1974-05-22 Military Research Cuts [HR14592] Rejected
No Vote
Aspin (D-WI) amendment to reduce the total authorization in the bill by $733.1 million, to $21.9 billion, by setting a ceiling equivalent to the fiscal 1974 congressionally approved procurement appropriations, plus a 7.4 percent adjustment for inflation.

1974-06-05 Anti-Busing Language [HR69] Agreed To
No Vote
Esch (R-MI) motion to instruct House conferees to the bill to insist on House-passed busing language forbidding the transportation of students to achieve racial integration beyond the school next closest to the students' homes.

1974-06-11 Land Use Regulations [HRES1110] Failed
No Vote
Adoption of the rule providing for House floor consideration of the bill to provide for federal grants to the states to help them draft comprehensive land use plans under guidelines established in the act. This would impose additional federal regulations on communities across the country.

1974-06-27 OSHA Funding [HR15580] Rejected
No Vote
Camp (R-OK) amendment to delete the entire $100,816,000 appropriation for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This would have ended OSHA's bureaucratic intervention into business.

1974-07-25 Strip Mining [HR11500] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to set federal guidelines for the regulation of surface mining for coal and for the reclamation of land that had been strip mined. This would establish strict standards, circumventing state and local authority.

1974-07-31 Neighborhood Schools [HR69] Agreed To
No Vote
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to extend and amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and related education programs and to declare that students should not be bused beyond the school next closest to their homes, but allowing the courts to order more extensive busing to protect the civil rights of individuals as guaranteed under the Constitution. This bill failed to support the neighborhood school concept.

1974-08-08 Campaign Reform [HR16090] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to provide for public financing of presidential election campaigns, impose campaign spending and contribution limits, and establish a board of supervisors to oversee and administer the law.

1974-08-12 Mandatory Seatbelt Usage [HR5529] Agreed To
No Vote
Wyman (R-NH) substitute amendment to prohibit the Department of Transportation from requiring vehicles to be equipped with safety belt-ignition interlock systems, sequential warning devices or passive restraint systems such as air bags; allowing such devices to be at the purchaser's option. The original Moss (D-CA) amendment would have required cars to be equipped with either the interlock system or the sequential warning device.

1974-10-02 Internal Security Committee [HRES988] Agreed To
No Vote
Ichord (D-MO) amendment to the Hansen (D-WA) substitute resolution to retain the House Internal Security Committee as a separate standing committee instead of transferring its jurisdiction to the Judiciary Committee.

1974-12-12 Public Service Employment Program [HR16596] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill to authorize $2 billion in fiscal 1975 to provide public service jobs to the unemployed and such sums as might be necessary to extend unemployment compensation coverage to approximately 12 million persons, primarily farm workers, domestics and state and local government employees.

1974-12-19 Rockefeller Confirmation [HRES1511] Confirmed
No Vote
House approval, as provided for by the 25th Amendment, of President Ford's Aug. 20 nomination of Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York to be Vice President.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).