
Charles Mathias

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 24, 1922 in Frederick, MD
Died: January 25, 2010 in Chevy Chase, MD


  • University of Marlyand Law School, 1949

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1942-1946
  • U.S. Naval Reserve


  • Lawyer
  • Assistant MD Attorney General, 1953-1954
  • Frederick city attorney, 1954-1959

Elected Office:

  • MD House, 1959-1960

Key Senate Vote Data for Charles Mathias in 1973

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1973-03-27 Expiring Programs [S1136] Rejected
Gurney (R-FL) amendment to extend until Oct. 31, 1973, instead of to June 30, 1974, expiring programs under the Public Health Service Act, the Community Mental Health Centers Act and the Developmental Disability Services and Facilities Construction Act. Funding for the programs was set to end June 30, 1973.

1973-04-03 Vocational Rehab Act Veto [S7] Veto Sustained
Passage of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act over the March 27 veto of the President, providing $2.6 billion over a three-year period for the extension of federal grant programs to the states for vocational rehabilitation services and for the expansion of assistance to the handicapped. A two thirds majority (64) was required for passage.

1973-04-04 Ownership of Gold [S929] Agreed To
McClure (R-ID) amendment to allow private purchase, sale and ownership of gold after Dec. 31, 1973.

1973-05-09 Postcard Voter Registraton [S352] Agreed To
Mansfield (D-MT) motion to invoke cloture (limiting further debate) on the bill to allow eligible voters in federal elections to register by postcard.

1973-05-31 Indochina Combat Funding [HR7447] Agreed To
Eagleton (D-MO) amendment to prohibit any funds in the bill and any funds previously appropriated by Congress from being used to support combat activities in or over Cambodia and Laos.

1973-06-07 Farm Subsidies [S1888] Rejected
Buckley (C-NY) amendment to authorize a phase-out by 1977 of all income-supplement payments to farmers (those payments not directly related to encouraging farmers to retire land from production) and to eliminate historic crop-by-crop allotments in 1975.

1973-06-20 Environmental Control [S268] Rejected
Johnston (D-LA) amendment to authorize the states, instead of the Secretary of the Interior, to designate and define areas of critical environmental concern.

1973-07-18 Minimum Wage [S1861] Rejected
Modified Dominick (R-CO) amendment in the form of a substitute bill to increase the hourly minimum wage for non-farm workers to $1.80 sixty days after enactment of the bill, increasing to $2.20 by the fifth year; to increase the hourly minimum wage for farm laborers to $1.50, increasing to $2 in the fourth year; to extend minimum wage coverage to all government employees, and to permit employers to hire youth under 18 and full-time students for six months at wages equal to $1.60 ($1.30 for farm laborers) or 85 percent of the applicable minimum wage.

1973-07-31 Striker Food Stamps [S1888] Agreed To
Humphrey (D-MN) motion to table the Helms (R-NC) amendment to prohibit the issuance of food stamps to strikers and their families.

1973-09-06 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty [S1914] Rejected
Fulbright (D-AR) amendment to require, beginning in fiscal 1975, that the federal contribution to Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty at no time exceed 50 percent of the radios' expenses. Since the U.S. provides most of the funds to Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, this would mean at least a severe cutback in free-world broadcasting to Communist-controlled nations.

1973-09-27 Trident Missile Subs [HR9286] Rejected
McIntyre (D-NH) amendment to reduce by $885 million the authorization in the bill for development and procurement of the Trident submarine. The Trident is the only new U.S. strategic weapons system that will be deployed before 1980.

1973-09-27 Military Funding for Indochina [HR9286] Rejected
Fulbright (D-AR) amendment to delete the provision of the bill authorizing funds for military assistance to South Vietnam and Laos.

1973-09-27 Foreign Troop Reductions [HR9286] Agreed To
Humphrey (D-MN) amendment, as amended, to reduce by 110,000 the number of military forces stationed in foreign countries to be completed not later than Dec. 31, 1975, with not less than 40,000 of the total reduction to be completed later than June 30, 1974.

1973-11-15 Fuel Rationing [S2589] Rejected
Haskell (D-CO) amendment to require that the President put into effect a fuel rationing plan by Jan. 15, 1974.

1973-11-15 Wage and Price Controls [S2589] Agreed To
Johnston (D-LA) motion to table the Buckley (C-NY) amendment to repeal the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, which provided for wage and price controls.

1973-11-19 Petroleum Allocation for Busing [S2589] Agreed To
Javits (R-NY) motion to table the Helms (R-NC) amendment to limit transportation for students enrolled in public schools, to require that students walk to school where possible, and to be transported to school by public means no farther than the appropriate school nearest their residence.

1973-12-03 Presidential Campaign Financing [HR11104] Rejected
Mansfield (D-MT) motion to invoke cloture (cut off debate) on the motion that the Senate insist on its campaign finance amendments to the federal debt ceiling bill and request a conference with the House. The Senate amendments would institute federal financing of presidential campaigns.

1973-12-14 Legal Services Corporation [S2686] Rejected
No Vote
Taft (R-OH) motion to invoke cloture (cut off debate) on the bill to establish an independent Legal Services Corporation to replace the legal services program of the Office of Economic Opportunity. Continued debate serves to postpone Senate passage of an expanded and unrestrained legal services program.

1973-12-18 Rhodesian Chrome [S1868] Agreed To
Mansfield (D-MT) motion to invoke cloture (cut off debate) on the bill to amend the United Nations Participation Act of 1945 in order to halt importation of Rhodesian chrome by the United States. A ban on Rhodesian chrome imports would return the U.S. to a greater reliance on Soviet-mined chrome.

1973-12-19 Natural Gas Regulation [S2776] Agreed To
No Vote
Ribicoff (D-CT) motion to table the Buckley (C-NY) amendment to deregulate the price of natural gas which was sold in interstate commerce for the first time or which was sold after existing contracts expired, provided that no existing contracts could be renegotiated before they were due to expire.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).