
John Saylor

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 23, 1908 in Conemaugh Township, PA
Died: October 28, 1973 in Houston, TX


  • Franklin and Marshall College, 1929
  • Dickinson Law School, 1933

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1943-1946


  • Lawyer
  • Johnstown city solicitor, 1938-1940

Key House Vote Data for John Saylor in 1973

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1973-03-08 Vocational Rehabilitation [HR17] Rejected
Landgrebe (R-IN) amendment in the form of a substitute bill restricting HR 17 to a three-year extension of the existing grants program to the states for vocational rehabilitation services. This would have continued present programs rather than liberal-backed expansion.

1973-03-22 Internal Security Committee [HRES308] Agreed To
Adoption of the resolution providing $475,000 in expenses for the Internal Security Committee for the first session of the 93rd Congress. This is the only standing committee in the House which monitors subversion on a full-time basis.

1973-04-30 Wage and Price Controls [S398] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill to extend the President's authority to impose wage and price controls for one year to April 30, 1974.

1973-05-29 Private Ownership of Gold [HR6912] Rejected
Crane (R-IL) amendment to allow private purchase, sale and ownership of gold by U.S. citizens after Dec. 31, 1973, instead of at a date to be determined by the President.

1973-06-06 Minimum Wage [HR7935] Rejected
Anderson (R-IL) amendment to permit employers to hire youths under 18 or full-time students at $1.60 an hour ($1.30 for agricultural labor) or 80 percent of the applicable adult minimum wage, whichever is higher, for a period not to exceed 20 work weeks.

1973-06-21 Poverty Lawyer Lobbying [HR7824] Agreed To
Quie (R-MN) amendment extending restrictions on lobbying by poverty lawyers working in the federal legal services program to include efforts to influence administrative decisions by federal, state or local government agencies.

1973-06-26 Combat Activities in Indochina [HJR636] Agreed To
Addabbo (D-NY) amendment, as amended by the Mahon (D-TX) substitute, amended by the Long (D-LA) amendment. The Addabbo amendment, before being amended, would have barred funds from being used to support U.S. combat activities in or over Cambodia, Laos, South Vietnam and North Vietnam without the expressed consent of Congress.

1973-06-26 HEW Appropriations [HR8877] Failed
Michel (R-IL) motion to recommit the bill with instructions to report it back with an amendment deleting a total of $631,624,000 from 26 programs covered in the Labor / Health, Education and Welfare Appropriations bill.

1973-07-10 Grain Sales to Communists [HR8860] Rejected
Symms (R-ID) amendment to prohibit the use of Commodity Credit Corporation funds to finance or guarantee the sale of wheat or feed grains to the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China.

1973-07-11 Farm Income Supplements [HR8860] Rejected
Michel (R-IL) amendment to provide a three-year phaseout of "income supplement" payments for farmers and to eliminate crop-by-crop acreage allotments.

1973-07-31 B-1 Bomber [HR9286] Rejected
Pike (D-NY) amendment to delete $473.5 million for research and development of the B-1 bomber.

1973-07-31 Defense Spending [HR9286] Agreed To
Aspin (D-WI) amendment to reduce the funds authorized in the bill by $949.7 million by establishing a defense procurement spending ceiling of $20.45 billion - equal to the fiscal 1973 appropriation of $19.5 billion modified by a 4.5 percent inflation adjustment.

1973-08-03 Striker Food Stamps [S1888] Agreed To
Poage (D-TX) motion to accept, with an amendment, the Senate amendment (deleting language banning the issuance of food stamps to strikers and their families) to the House amendments to the Senate version of the bill.

1973-09-12 Emergency Health Systems [S504] Veto Sustained
Passage of the bill, over President Nixon's Aug. 1 veto, to authorize $185 million in fiscal 1974-1976 for federal assistance to area emergency medical care systems and to prohibit the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare from closing eight Public Health Service hospitals without specific authorization from Congress.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).