
Herman Talmadge

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 9, 1913 near McRae, GA
Died: March 21, 2002 in Hampton, GA

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1941-1945

Other notes:

  • Denounced by the Senate in 1979 for financial misconduct

Key Senate Vote Data for Herman Talmadge in 1972

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1972-06-27 OSHA Inspections [HR15417] Rejected
Curtis (R-NE) amendment prohibiting use of funds in the bill for inspecting firms employing 25 or fewer persons for compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

1972-07-20 Minimum Wage [S1861] Rejected
Taft (R-OH) amendment in the nature of a substitute bill as amended - Raise the minimum wage for non-agricultural employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 prior to its amendment in 1966 to $1.80 an hour in 1972 and $2 an hour in 1973, from the existing level of $1.60; increase the hourly wage floor for workers covered by the 1966 and 1972 amendments to $1.70 in 1972, $1.80 in 1973 and $2 in 1974; raise the minimum wage for agricultural workers covered under the act to $1.50 in 1972 and $1.70 in 1973, from $1.30. This bill would reduce the amount and coverage of the minimum wage increase.

1972-08-10 Voter Registration Funding [S3307] Rejected
Kennedy (D-MA) amendment adding a new section entitled "Voter Registration Act of 1972". This amendment was added without committee hearings and would authorize the federal government to fund voter registration in the states.

1972-08-10 Labor / HEW Funding [HR15417] Failed
Roth (R-DE) motion to table (kill) the conference report on a bill appropriating $30,538,919,500 for the Department of Labor, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and related agencies for fiscal 1973.

1972-09-14 Arms Limitations [SJR241] Rejected
Fulbright (D-AR) as a substitute for the Jackson (D-WA) amendment requesting that any future U.S.-Soviet treaty limiting offensive nuclear arms be based on numerical equality of intercontinental strategic forces, provide that negotiators for such a treaty seek agreement on the basis of "over-all equality, parity and sufficiency" in the number of offensive weapons, and take into consideration all other relevant factors.

1972-09-26 Indochina Funding [HR16029] Agreed To
Stennis (D-MS) amendment to delete the provision forbidding use of funds appropriated in the bill for U.S. forces in South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia for any purpose except a troop withdrawal within four months of enactment, subject to release of all American prisoners of war and an accounting of the men missing in action.

1972-10-04 Family Assistance Plans [HR1] Agreed To
Roth (R-DE) amendment, as modified by Buckley (C-NY), in the nature of a substitute for the Long (D-LA) amendment authorizing $400 million per year over a two to four-year period for programs to test President Nixon's Family Assistance Plan guaranteeing an annual federal payment of $2,400 to a family of four with no outside income vs. the Ribicoff plan providing $2,600 to a family of four, vs. the Senate Finance Committee's "work-fare" plan making able-bodied adults ineligible for welfare and requiring them to take jobs.

1972-10-05 Consumer Protection Agency [S3970] Rejected
Ribicoff (D-CT) motion to invoke cloture (limit further debate) on the bill creating an independent consumer "protection" agency to represent consumer interests before other federal agencies and courts.

1972-10-13 Revenue Sharing [HR14370] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report establishing a five-year program to "share" $30,236,400,000 in federal revenues with state and local governments.

1972-10-17 Pollution Control Veto [S2770] Veto Overridden
No Vote
Passage of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, vetoed by the President Oct. 17, providing a comprehensive program to clean up the nation's waters by 1985 and authorizing $24.7 billion over three years, including $18 billion in federal grants to states for construction of waste treatment works.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).