
Glenn Beall, Jr.

[Congressional biography]

Born: June 19, 1927 in Cumberland, MD
Died: March 24, 2006 in Frostburg, MD


  • Yale University, B.A., 1950

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1945-1946


  • Insurance businessman

Elected Office:

  • MS House, 1962-1968

Other notes:

  • Son of Glenn Beall

Key Senate Vote Data for Glenn Beall, Jr. in 1972

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

Beall, Jr.
1972-06-27 OSHA Inspections [HR15417] Rejected
Curtis (R-NE) amendment prohibiting use of funds in the bill for inspecting firms employing 25 or fewer persons for compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970.

1972-07-20 Minimum Wage [S1861] Rejected
Taft (R-OH) amendment in the nature of a substitute bill as amended - Raise the minimum wage for non-agricultural employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 prior to its amendment in 1966 to $1.80 an hour in 1972 and $2 an hour in 1973, from the existing level of $1.60; increase the hourly wage floor for workers covered by the 1966 and 1972 amendments to $1.70 in 1972, $1.80 in 1973 and $2 in 1974; raise the minimum wage for agricultural workers covered under the act to $1.50 in 1972 and $1.70 in 1973, from $1.30. This bill would reduce the amount and coverage of the minimum wage increase.

1972-08-10 Voter Registration Funding [S3307] Rejected
Kennedy (D-MA) amendment adding a new section entitled "Voter Registration Act of 1972". This amendment was added without committee hearings and would authorize the federal government to fund voter registration in the states.

1972-08-10 Labor / HEW Funding [HR15417] Failed
Roth (R-DE) motion to table (kill) the conference report on a bill appropriating $30,538,919,500 for the Department of Labor, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and related agencies for fiscal 1973.

1972-09-14 Arms Limitations [SJR241] Rejected
Fulbright (D-AR) as a substitute for the Jackson (D-WA) amendment requesting that any future U.S.-Soviet treaty limiting offensive nuclear arms be based on numerical equality of intercontinental strategic forces, provide that negotiators for such a treaty seek agreement on the basis of "over-all equality, parity and sufficiency" in the number of offensive weapons, and take into consideration all other relevant factors.

1972-09-26 Indochina Funding [HR16029] Agreed To
Stennis (D-MS) amendment to delete the provision forbidding use of funds appropriated in the bill for U.S. forces in South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia for any purpose except a troop withdrawal within four months of enactment, subject to release of all American prisoners of war and an accounting of the men missing in action.

1972-10-04 Family Assistance Plans [HR1] Agreed To
Roth (R-DE) amendment, as modified by Buckley (C-NY), in the nature of a substitute for the Long (D-LA) amendment authorizing $400 million per year over a two to four-year period for programs to test President Nixon's Family Assistance Plan guaranteeing an annual federal payment of $2,400 to a family of four with no outside income vs. the Ribicoff plan providing $2,600 to a family of four, vs. the Senate Finance Committee's "work-fare" plan making able-bodied adults ineligible for welfare and requiring them to take jobs.

1972-10-05 Consumer Protection Agency [S3970] Rejected
Ribicoff (D-CT) motion to invoke cloture (limit further debate) on the bill creating an independent consumer "protection" agency to represent consumer interests before other federal agencies and courts.

1972-10-13 Revenue Sharing [HR14370] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report establishing a five-year program to "share" $30,236,400,000 in federal revenues with state and local governments.

1972-10-17 Pollution Control Veto [S2770] Veto Overridden
Passage of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, vetoed by the President Oct. 17, providing a comprehensive program to clean up the nation's waters by 1985 and authorizing $24.7 billion over three years, including $18 billion in federal grants to states for construction of waste treatment works.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).