
Winston Prouty

[Congressional biography]

Born: September 1, 1906 in Newport, VT
Died: September 10, 1971 in Boston, MA


  • Attended Lafayette College


  • VT Water Conservation Board, 1948-1950

Elected Office:

  • Mayor of Newport (VT), 1938-1941
  • VT House, 1941-1949 (Speaker, 1947-1949)

Key Senate Vote Data for Winston Prouty in 1971

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1971-03-09 Reduce Cloture Requirement [SRES9] Rejected
Church (D-ID) motion to invoke cloture (limit debate) on a motion to proceed to consideration of S Res 9. The resolution amended Senate Rule 22 to reduce the proportion of affirmative votes required to invoke cloture from the existing two-thirds to three-fifths of Senators present and voting. This would have been a severe limitation of the right of the Senate minority to filibuster. A two-thirds vote was required for adoption of this motion.

1971-03-09 Filibuster Rule Agreed To
Mansfield (D-MT) motion to table (kill) Javits (R-NY) challenge of Vice-Presient Agnew's ruling requiring an affirmative vote of two-thirds of Senators present and voting (instead of a simple majority) to invoke cloture. The challenge of Vice President Agnew's ruling, if upheld, would have been to ignore Rule 22 in order to abolish it without invoking two-thirds cloture. A "yes" vote was a vote to uphold the filibuster rule.

1971-04-26 Involuntary School Busing [S1557] Rejected
Ervin (D-NC) amendment barring federal action to require busing of school children to affect the composition of elementary and secondary schools.

1971-08-03 Subversive Activities Board [HR9272] Agreed To
No Vote
Adoption of the conference report on the bill appropriating $4,067,116,000 for fiscal 1972. The bill contained a provision to expand the powers of the Subversive Activities Control Board that had earlier been rejected by the Senate.

1971-08-04 Political Usage of Union Dues [S382] Agreed To
Pastore (D-RI) motion to table (kill) the Dominick (R-CO) amendment prohibiting use of dues, assessments or other money collected by any organization from its members to be used for the benefit of any candidate for federal office. Adoption of this motion would allow the use of compulsory union dues for political purposes.

1971-09-09 "Child Development" Programs [S2007] Rejected
No Vote
Taft (R-OH) motion recommitting the bill to the Labor and Public Welfare Committee with instructions to delete provisions authorizing certain child development programs.

1971-09-09 Legal Services Corporation [S2007] Rejected
No Vote
Cook (R-KY) amendment providing substitute language to prohibit the National Legal Services Corporation from using funds to provide legal assistance for criminal proceedings.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).