
Peter Peyser

[Congressional biography]

Born: September 7, 1921 in Cedarhurst, NY
Died: October 9, 2014 in Irvington, NY

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1943-1946

Elected Office:

  • Mayor of Irvington, 1963-1971

Other notes:

  • Changed party affiliation from Republican to Democrat in April, 1977

Key House Vote Data for Peter Peyser in 1971

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1971-04-07 Education Spending [HR7016] Rejected
Hathaway (D-ME) amendment adding $728.6 million for education programs to the federal education budget.

1971-06-16 Discontinue ABM Funding [HR8687] Rejected
Leggett (D-CA) amendment limiting Anti-Ballistic Missile funding to that needed for completion of sites at Grand Forks, N.D. and Malmstrom, Mont., and cutting funds by $102 million.

1971-06-16 B-1 Bomber [HR8687] Rejected
Pike (D-NY) amendment striking $370.2 million for the B-1 long-range bomber.

1971-06-22 Delete Family Assistance Plan [HR1] Failed
Ullman (D-OR) motion to delete Title IV, the Family Assistance Plan provisions, from HR 1.

1971-06-22 Increase Spending [HR1] Passed
Passage of the bill increasing Social Security benefits and Medicare and Medicaid assistance programs for the needy aged, blind and disabled and establishing a national Family Assistance Program for incapacitated or unemployable adults.

1971-08-05 Aid to Foreign Enemies [S581] Agreed To
No Vote
Adoption of the conference report on the bill expanding Export-Import Bank receipts and disbursements from the federal budget and repealing the ban on assistance to nations that give aid to countries in armed conflict with the United States.

1971-09-30 Child Development Program [HR10351] Agreed To
Brademas (D-IN) amendment establishing a comprehensive child development program to provide educational, nutritional and health services free of charge for disadvantaged children from families with an annual income of $6,960 or less and setting charges on a graduated scale for children from families with higher annual income.

1971-09-30 Legal Services Corporation [HR10351] Rejected
Devine (R-OH) amendment calling for deletion of Title X of the bill creating a nonprofit independent National Legal Services Corporation to take over the Office of Economic Opportunity's Legal Services program.

1971-09-30 Economic Office Funding [HR10351] Passed
Passage of the bill extending the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) for two years through fiscal 1973 and authorizing $5 billion for programs administered by the agency, creating a comprehensive child-care program and establishing a National Legal Services Corporation to replace the OEO Legal Services program.

1971-10-19 Vietnam Troop Withdrawal [HR8687] Agreed To
Hebert (D-LA) motion to order the previous question (ending further debate and blocking the possibility of amending the motion to instruct conferees to accept the language of the Senate-passed Mansfield troop withdrawal amendment) on the Arends (R-IL) motion to instruct conferees not to accept any non-germane Senate-passed amendments. The Hebert motion would prevent consideration of the Mansfield amendment making it U.S. policy to withdraw from Indochina subject only to prisoner release.

1971-11-04 School Busing [HR7248] Agreed To
Ashbrook (R-OH) amendment -- as modified by the Green (D-OR) amendment -- barring the use of federal funds for busing students or teachers to overcome racial imbalance or to buy buses for such purpose. The Green amendment would bar any federal employee or agency from forcing or inducing the use of state or local funds for any purpose for which federal funds could not be used.

1971-11-08 Voluntary Prayer in Schools [HJRES191] Defeated
Adoption of a proposed constitutional amendment providing that it is constitutionally permissible for persons in public buildings to participate in voluntary prayer.

1971-11-10 Rhodesian Chrome Imports [HR8687] Agreed To
Adoption of a resolution agreeing to the non-germane language contained in the conference version of the bill which had the effect of forcing the United States to violate a United Nations' embargo against Rhodesia by requiring the President to import Rhodesian chromium ore if such ore was being imported from any Communist nation.

1971-11-17 Cut Indochina Funding [HR11731] Rejected
Boland (D-MA) amendment setting a July 1, 1972 cutoff date for funds used in support of U.S. troops and military operations in or over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Laos or Cambodia, and calling for a withdrawal of all U.S. military forces by a specified date, subject to the release of all American POW's and an accounting of all Americans missing in action.

1971-11-30 Compulsory Dues for Politics [HR11060] Agreed To
Hansen (R-ID) amendment to the Harvey (R-MI) amendment in the nature of a substitute bill to define more explicitly the role which unions and corporations might take in political campaigns, get-out-the-vote drives and voter registration activities. This had the effect of defeating the Crane (R-IL) amendment strictly prohibiting unions from using compulsory dues for political activities.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).