
Thomas Kleppe

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 1, 1919 in Kintyre, ND
Died: March 2, 2007 in Bethesda, MD


  • Attended Valley City Teachers College

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1942-1946


  • VP of J.M. Dain & Co investment bankers
  • Small Business Administration, 1971-1975
  • U.S. Secretary of the Interior, 1975-1977

Elected Office:

  • Mayor of Bismarck, 1950-1958

Key House Vote Data for Thomas Kleppe in 1970

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1970-01-28 Override Labor-HEW Spending Veto [HR13111] Veto Sustained
Reconsideration of the bill, vetoed by President Nixon Jan. 26. The bill contained significantly more spending ($19.7 billion) than the administration had requested, and forced spending on programs which should be reformed.

1970-04-16 Family Assistance Plan [HR16311] Passed
Passage of the bill replacing the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program with a Family Assistance plan providing guaranteed federal payments to poor families. The Family Assistance Plan would provide a federal floor of $1,600 for poor families. The bill was forced through under a closed rule (preventing any amendments).

1970-05-21 Automatic Social Security COLA's [HR17550] Agreed To
No Vote
Betts (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill with instructions to add an amendment providing for automatic cost-of-living increases in Social Security benefits.

1970-06-17 Lower Federal Voting Age to 18 [HRES914] Agreed To
Matsunaga (D-HI) motion to order the previous question on the rule for agreeing to the Senate amendments to HR 4249, extending the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The bill included provisions for lowering the voting age to 18.

1970-06-25 Override Hospital Construction Veto [HR11102] Veto Overridden
Reconsideration of the bill, vetoed by President Nixon June 22, extending program of federal grants for construction and modernization of health facilities. This bill was too expensive and included conditional grants to hospitals that the administration would have turned into direct loans and grants.

1970-06-30 Limit Governmental Desegregation Authority [HR16916] Agreed To
Flood (D-PA) motion to table the Cohelan (D-CA) motion instructing House conferees to accept the Senate amendments deleting provisions prohibiting the use of funds to force busing or closing of schools and providing for freedom of choice plans.

1970-07-09 Military Restrictions in Cambodia [HR1562] Agreed To
Hays (D-OH) motion to table the Riegle (R-MI) motion instructing House conferees to concur in the Senate-passed Cooper-Church amendment on Cambodia.

1970-07-09 Right-to-Work [HR17070] Agreed To
Henderson (D-NC) motion instructing House conferees to insist on the right-to-work provision in the House-passed version of the Postal Reorganization bill.

1970-07-23 Unemployment Benefits for Farm Workers [HR14705] Rejected
O'Hara (D-MI) motion to recommit the conference report with instructions to accept the Senate amendment extending coverage to certain agricultural workers.

1970-08-05 Farm Subsidies [HR18546] Passed
Passage of the bill providing three-year price support programs for wool, wheat, feed grains and cotton and for a dairy program, and limiting subsidy payments to $55,000 per crop.

1970-08-13 Override Education Spending Veto [HR16916] Veto Overridden
Reconsideration of the bill, vetoed by President Nixon Aug. 11, appropriating $4,420,145,000 for fiscal 1971 for the Office of Education. Congress had added $453 million to the administration's budget requests.

1970-08-13 Override HUD Spending Veto [HR17548] Veto Sustained
Reconsideration of the bill, vetoed by President Nixon Aug. 11, appropriating $18 billion for Independent Offices and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Congress had added $541 million to the administration's budget request.

1970-11-18 Protectionist Trade Amendments [HRES1225] Rejected
Gibbons (D-FL) amendment to the rule under which the bill was considered, permitting amendments deleting provisions from the bill. No amendments adding provisions would have been permitted. The bill would have imposed statutory import quotas on textiles and footwear and established procedures for imposing quotas on 200 other imports.

1970-11-24 OSHA Standards [HR16785] Agreed To
Steiger (R-WI)-Sikes (D-FL) amendment in the nature of a substitute bill authorizing a presidentially appointed board to set occupational safety standards and an appeals commission, also appointed by the President, to enforce those standards.

1970-12-08 SST Funding [HR17755] Agreed To
Boland (D-MA) motion to table the Yates (D-IL) motion instructing House conferees to accept a Senate amendment deleting $289.9 million for development of the supersonic transport.

1970-12-09 Railroad Union Pay Raises [HJR1413] Agreed To
Staggers (D-WV) amendment providing for a 5-percent raise, retroactive to Jan. 1 1970, for four railroad operating unions and a 32-cents-an-hour raise retroactive to Nov. 1, 1970.

1970-12-21 U.N. Expansion Grant [HJR1146] Rejected
Gross (R-IA) amendment to recommit the bill with instructions to add an amendment prohibiting payment of the $20 million U.S. contribution to the United Nations until all delinquent dues of member nations were paid in full.

1970-12-21 "Racially Impacted" School Aid [HR19446] Passed
No Vote
Passage of the bill authorizing $1.5 billion in aid to public schools undergoing desegregation. Money in this bill was likely to end up financing busing schemes.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).