
George Aiken

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 20, 1892 in Dummerston, VT
Died: November 19, 1984 in Montpelier, VT


  • Fruit farmer
  • Putney (VT) school director, 1920-1937

Elected Office:

  • VT House, 1931-1935 (Speaker, 1933-1935)
  • VT Lt. Governor, 1935-1937

Key Senate Vote Data for George Aiken in 1968

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1968-03-04 Open-Housing Exemptions [HR2516] Rejected
Byrd (D-WV) amendment to exempt from the coverage of the pending Dirksen (R-IL) amendment's open housing provisions all privately owned single-family housing.

1968-03-06 Riot Control Enforcement [HR2516] Agreed To
Long (D-LA) amendment to provide maximum penalties of five years' imprisonment and/or $10,000 in fines for (1) persons manufacturing, transporting or instructing other persons in the use of firearms and similar devices with the knowledge or intent that these items will be used in a civil disorder, and (2) persons who attempt to or actually obstruct or interfere with any fireman or law enforcement officer in the lawful performance of his official duties during a civil disorder (defined to mean violent action by a group of at least three persons).

1968-03-11 Head Start Supplemental Funding [HR15399] Rejected
Clark (D-PA) amendment to appropriate $25 million for the Office of Economic Opportunity's Head Start Program.

1968-03-14 Foreign Gold/Dollar Exchanges [HR14743] Rejected
Dominick (R-CO) amendment to prevent any country, with the exception of Great Britain, that was in arrears in its debts to the United States from exchanging dollars for gold.

1968-03-14 Federal Reserve Gold Requirement [HR14743] Passed
Passage of the bill to eliminate the existing requirement that each Federal Reserve Bank maintain reserves in gold certificates of not less than 25 percent of its Federal Reserve notes (currency) in circulation.

1968-03-26 Excise Tax Limitations [HR15414] Rejected
Long (D-LA) amendment to delete from the pending Williams (R-DE)-Smathers (D-FL) amendment (1) the limitation on the number of vacancies in federal agencies which may be filled; (2) the moratorium on public works projects; (3) the $180.1 billion limitation on fiscal 1969 expenditures; and (4) the instructions to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget to propose a reduction of at least $10 billion in fiscal 1969 appropriation requests. (Long's amendment left in the language to impose a 10 percent surcharge on personal and corporate income taxes.)

1968-04-22 Arms Control and Disarmament Agency [HR14940] Rejected
Clark (D-PA) amendment to extend the life of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for three years, through June 30, 1971, and provide an authorization of $33 million.

1968-04-29 Conservation Fund [S1401] Agreed To
Williams (R-DE) amendment to delete provisions of the Committee bill which earmarked outer continental shelf revenues for the Land and Water Conservation Fund in fiscal 1972 and 1973.

1968-05-14 "Community Relations" Funding [S917] Agreed To
Percy (R-IL) amendment permitting communities to use federal law enforcement grants to recruit, train and pay neighborhood youths to assist the police in community relations.

1968-05-16 Ease Gun-Control Provisions [S917] Rejected
No Vote
Hruska (R-NE) amendment substituting for the bill's gun-control provisions language requiring the purchaser of a handgun to file an affidavit with the dealer stating he was eligible to receive the weapon; providing that the affidavit would be sent to the chief law enforcement officer in the purchaser's community; providing for penalties for falsifying an affidavit; and providing for license fees that were lower than those required in the Committee bill.

1968-05-21 Disallow Voluntary Confessions [S917] Rejected
Tydings (D-MD) amendment deleting from Title II language requiring the admissibility of a confession into evidence if the trial judge determined that it was voluntary.

1968-05-21 Disallow "Delayed" Confessions [S917] Rejected
Tydings (D-MD) amendment deleting from Title II language providing that delay in bringing the accused before a magistrate was not to be the sole ground for declaring a confession to be inadmissible in evidence.

1968-05-27 Housing Program Income Limit [S3497] Rejected
Tower (R-TX) amendment setting a limit without exception on the income level of families eligible under the homeownership program at 70 percent of the income limit allowed for assistance under the existing 221(d)(3) housing program.

1968-06-11 Maritime Authorizations [HR15189] Agreed To
Williams (R-DE)-Lausche (D-OH) amendment to reduce the authorization recommended by the Commerce Committee as follows: for vessel construction, to $119.8 million from $237,470,000; for research and development, to $6.7 million from $11 million.

1968-07-08 Combat Juvenile Delinquency [HR12120] Rejected
Murphy (R-CA) amendment providing for the allocation of all funds in block grants to the states, to be distributed by the state governments under a statewide plan, if the grant were applied for by the state within six months of enactment of the bill.

1968-07-11 Reduce FTC Powers [S3065] Agreed To
Cotton (R-NH) amendment to delete the provision allowing the Federal Trade Commission to seek temporary restraining orders (as well as preliminary injunctions, which remained in the bill) to prevent fraudulent or deceptive practices which affect the consumer.

1968-07-18 HUD "Model Cities" Funding [HR17023] Rejected
Allott (R-CO) amendment to reduce the appropriation for model cities grants from $1 billion to $750 million and funds for urban renewal within model cities projects from $500 million to $375 million.

1968-07-19 Agriculture Act Extension [S3590] Rejected
Miller (R-IA) amendment to provide for a one-year extension, from Dec. 31, 1969, through Dec. 31, 1970, of the 1965 Food and Agriculture Act, instead of a four-year extension from Dec. 31, 1969 through Dec. 31, 1973.

1968-07-20 Farm Subsidy Payments [S3590] Rejected
Williams (R-DE) amendment to limit to $75,000 the total payments (except under the Sugar and Wool Acts) to any one producer in any one year for participation in certain agricultural programs.

1968-07-20 Public Works Spending [HR17903] Agreed To
Senate Public Works Committee amendment deleting House language limiting expenditures to the funds appropriated by the bill in fiscal 1969. Appropriations in the Senate's bill totaled $4,727,622,500.

1968-07-26 Mutual Fund Restrictions [S3724] Rejected
No Vote
Bennett (R-UT) motion to recommit the bill until publication of a Securities and Exchange Commission study of large investments which was due by Sept. 1969. This bill would place new restrictions on management and sales fees of mutual funds.

1968-07-29 State-Justice-Commerce Spending [HR17522] Agreed To
Committee amendment to strike language added by the House to limit expenditures under the bill to $1,989,640,000.

1968-07-30 Ban on Aid to Communists [HR15263] Agreed To
Dominick (R-CO) amendment to prevent the current ban on foreign aid to any Communist-controlled country from being waived by the President until the crew of the USS Pueblo has been released by the government of North Korea.

1968-07-31 Foreign Debt [HR15263] Agreed To
Dominick (R-CO) amendment to prevent all countries 90 days in arrears on their debts to the United States from redeeming dollars for U.S. gold, and to credit the dollars instead against the amount of their debts in arrears.

1968-07-31 Foreign Aid [HR15263] Passed
Passage of the bill to authorize $1,945,900,000 in foreign economic and military aid for fiscal 1969.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).