
Norris Cotton

[Congressional biography]

Born: May 11, 1900 in Warren, NH
Died: February 24, 1989 in Lebanon, NH


  • Wesleyan University, 1923


  • Editor of Granite Monthly
  • Aide to Sen. George Moses
  • Lawyer

Elected Office:

  • NH House, 1923, 1943, 1945 (Speaker, 1945)
  • Appointed to the U.S. Senate on August 8, 1975 to fill the vacancy caused by the contested 1974 election

Key Senate Vote Data for Norris Cotton in 1967

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1967-03-01 "End-the-War" Statement [S665] Agreed To
Clark (D-PA) amendment, as modified by Mansfield (D-MT), declaring that Congress would provide all necessary support for U.S. servicemen fighting in Vietnam, [but] that Congress supported (1) persons trying to bring about an honorable settlement of the Vietnamese war, and (2) the convening of an international meeting to plan an end to the Vietnam conflict.

1967-06-23 Dodd Censure [SRES112] Agreed To
Adoption of the first section of the resolution, censuring Sen. Thomas J. Dodd (D-CT) for having used political funds for personal benefit.

1967-06-27 Federal Debt Ceiling [HR10867] Rejected
Byrd (D-VA) amendment to raise the permanent national debt limit to [only] $348 billion instead of $358 billion.

1967-07-17 Impose Railway Strike Settlement [SJR81] Agreed To
Morse (D-OR) motion to restore to the bill, as passed by the House, provisions directing that the special mediation board's final recommendations would become binding on the 91st day after enactment if no agreement had been reached by the parties.

1967-08-11 Investigate "Social Causes" of Urban Riots [SRES150] Rejected
Cooper (R-KY) amendment to authorize the Senate Government Operations Committee to study the extent to which economic and social causes have bearing on civil disorders, community attitudes toward such causes, and the response of local authorities to such causes.

1967-08-17 Alliance for Progress Funding [S1872] Rejected
Kennedy (D-NY) amendment increasing the fiscal 1968 authorization for the Alliance for Progress by $72 million, from $578 million to $650 million.

1967-09-20 Additional Funds for Rent Supplements [HR9960] Agreed To
Senate Appropriations Committee amendment to provide $40 million in new rent supplement contract authority.

1967-10-04 "Emergency" Jobs Program [S2388] Rejected
Prouty (R-VT) amendment to delete the Senate Committee's $2.8 billion emergency job program in Title II and authorize instead a one-year $925 million emergency job program emphasizing incentives to get business to participate in job training. The amendment was offered as a substitute for a pending Byrd (D-WV) recommittal motion to delete Title II.

1967-10-04 Migrant Worker Programs [S2388] Rejected
Murphy (R-CA) amendment to provide a limited Governor's veto over migrant workers assistance programs.

1967-10-11 Eliminate the Subversive Activities Control Board [HR10345] Rejected
Williams (R-DE) amendment to eliminate the $295,000 in the State, Justice, Commerce Appropriations bill for the Subversive Activities Control Board.

1967-10-25 Across-the-Board Budget Cuts [HJR888] Rejected
Mundt (R-SD) amendment requiring the Executive Branch to reduce each line item contained in fiscal 1968 appropriations bills by at least 5 percent (except military funds and items determined by the Budget Bureau Director to be outside administrative control).

1967-11-21 Social Security Benefit Increases [HR12080] Rejected
Curtis (R-NE)-Williams (R-DE) amendment substituting the House-passed 12.5 percent OASDI benefit increase and financing plan for the 15 percent benefit increase and financing plan recommended by the Senate Finance Committee.

1967-11-21 Welfare for Non-Working Mothers [HR12080] Agreed To
Kennedy (D-NY) amendment easing the work-training provisions in the bill by permitting the mother of a school-age child under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program to receive welfare benefits even though she did not work or take work training during that time when her child was not attending school.

1967-11-21 Minimum Wage for Make-Work Projects [HR12080] Rejected
Kennedy (D-MA) amendment requiring that participants in special work projects authorized by the bill be paid the federal minimum wage.

1967-12-04 Weaken Anti-Busing Language [HR7819] Rejected
Griffin (R-MI) amendment to the Dirksen (R-IL) amendment, stipulating that federal funds could not be used to transport students to achieve racial balance unless this busing policy were "freely" made by the state or local education authority. The Dirksen amendment flatly prohibited such use of federal funds.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).