
Charles Mathias

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 24, 1922 in Frederick, MD
Died: January 25, 2010 in Chevy Chase, MD


  • University of Marlyand Law School, 1949

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1942-1946
  • U.S. Naval Reserve


  • Lawyer
  • Assistant MD Attorney General, 1953-1954
  • Frederick city attorney, 1954-1959

Elected Office:

  • MD House, 1959-1960

Key House Vote Data for Charles Mathias in 1967

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1967-03-01 Exclude Adam Clayton Powell [HRES278] Agreed To
Curtis (R-MO) amendment to exclude representative-elect Adam C. Powell (D-NY) from the 99th Congress rather than censure and fine him.

1967-04-05 "Justify" HUAC Funds [HRES221] Rejected
No Vote
Edwards (D-CA) motion to recommit the resolution with instructions that the House Administration Committee hold public hearings on the justification for the funds pertaining to the House Un-American Activities Committee.

1967-05-17 Extra Funds for Rent Supplements [HR9960] Agreed To
Davis (R-WI) amendment to delete language permitting the government to sign 40-year contracts with private non-profit housing sponsors to pay an additional $10 million a year in rent supplements for low-income families.

1967-05-17 Model City Program [HR9960] Rejected
Michel (R-IL) motion to recommit the bill to the House Appropriations Committee with instructions to delete $75 million for urban renewal in model city project areas and $150 million in other model city grants (leaving for the program only $12 million in planning funds).

1967-06-27 Eliminate the Teacher Corps [HR10943] Rejected
Gurney (R-FL) motion to recommit the Higher Education Act bill with instructions to delete the Teacher Corps provisions.

1967-07-17 Impose Railway Strike Settlement [SJRES81] Agreed To
Friedel (D-MD) motion to agree to the Senate amendment to the House version of the bill, restoring imposition of the mediation board's recommendation as the final settlement in the labor dispute if no agreement were reached in 90 days.

1967-08-25 Foreign Aid [HR12048] Passed
Passage of the bill authorizing $2,815,408,000 for foreign economic and military aid in fiscal 1968, and further amending the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

1967-09-19 Extend/Expand Food Stamp Program [S953] Agreed To
Poage (D-TX) motion to accept Senate amendments provding a two-year extension of the program and authorizing appropriations of $200 million for fiscal 1968 and $225 million for fiscal 1969.

1967-09-21 Delete Public Broadcasting Funds [HR6736] Rejected
No Vote
Devine (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill to the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee with instructions to delete provisions for a Public Broadcasting Corporation and to authorize $5 million for distribution among educational television stations.

1967-10-04 Extra HEW Appropriations [HR10196] Agreed To
Bow (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill to conference with instructions to delete $20,661,000 in Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare appropriations which were not requested in the President's budget.

1967-10-18 Fiscal 1968 Budget Freeze/Cap [HJR888] Agreed To
Whitten (D-MS) amendment, as amended by Bow (R-OH), Passman (D-LA) and Broyhill (R-VA), providing that no government agency could spend more in fiscal 1968 than it spent in fiscal 1967, with a few exceptions including military expenditures and interest payments on the national debt; setting a $131.5 billion ceiling on total fiscal 1968 federal expenditures, excluding additional costs of the Viet Nam war; and setting limits on foreign aid and Office of Economic Opportunity expenditures.

1967-11-08 Trading with North Vietnam's Allies [S1872] Rejected
No Vote
Gross (R-IA) motion to recommit the conference report with instructions that House conferees insist on House provisions terminating the President's authority to engage in the sale or purchase of defense equipment or services with nations trading with or shipping to North Vietnam and withholding "most favored nation" tariff privilege from Poland until it was determined that country was no longer sending war supplies to North Vietnam.

1967-11-15 Cut "Anti-Poverty" Authorization [S2388] Agreed To
Ayres (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill with instructions that the Education and Labor Committee reduce the fiscal 1968 authorization for antipoverty programs by $460 million -- from the $2,060,000,000 provided in the bill to $1.6 billion.

1967-11-21 Peace Corps Deferrals/Funding [S1031] Rejected
No Vote
Gross (R-IA) motion to recommit the bill to the Foreign Affairs Committee with instructions to reduce the amount authorized from $115.7 million to $105 million and to add language prohibiting the use of funds in the bill to pay any Peace Corps official or employee who attempts to secure draft deferment for any Corps member because of service in the Corps.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).