
Roman Hruska

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 16, 1904 in David City, NE
Died: April 25, 1999 in Omaha, NE


  • Creighton University Law School, 1929


  • Lawyer
  • University of Omaha regent, 1950-1957

Elected Office:

  • Douglas County commissioner, 1944-1952

Key Senate Vote Data for Roman Hruska in 1965

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1965-01-28 Water Pollution Control [S4] Rejected
No Vote
Tower (R-TX) amendment to substitute for the provisions of Senate Bill 4 new provisions, similiar in most respects, but without the authority (contained in S 4) for the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare to promulgate federal standards of water quality. Most amendments in the bill were ones expanding federal financial assistance and regulatory action to "combat and prevent water pollution".

1965-03-10 Arms Control Funding [HR2998] Agreed To
Authorized appropriation was to be $40 million for fiscal years 1966-68 for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. This was a Foreign Relations Committee amendment to reduce the authorization to $20 million for fiscal 1966-1967.

1965-05-11 Poll Tax [S1564] Rejected
Kennedy (D-MA) amendment to prohibit the collection of a poll tax as a condition for registration or voting in state or local elections and to authorize enforcement machinery; the amendment stipulated that if the Congressional ban on poll taxes were upset in court, no person could be denied the right to vote during the period of a year after the entry of a final judgement in such an action because of his failure to pay a poll tax or to make timely payment if he had paid the tax due for one year, within a period of 45 days prior to an election. The amendment deleted Section 9 of the bill, which authorized the Attorney General to institute proceedings for relief against enforcement of state poll taxes as a condition of voting when such tax had the purpose or effect of denying a person the right to vote.

1965-05-26 Voting Rights Act [S1564] Passed
Passage of the bill, suspending the literacy tests or similar voter qualification devices in certain states and areas and authorizing the appointment of federal voting examiners to order the registration of Negroes in states and voting districts whose voter activity had fallen below certain specified levels; the bill also contained a Congressional declaration that state poll taxes discriminated against the right to vote and directed the Attorney General to institute actions against such taxes; the bill further authorized machinery to enforce its provisions.

1965-06-10 Multilateral Control of U.S. Aid [S1837] Rejected
Gruening (D-AK) amendment to delete the provision urging that the United States and other free world nations place an increasing portion of their aid programs on a multilateral basis, and the provision broadening authorization for the President to use up to 10 percent of development loan funds for loans to the International Development Assn., so as to permit the use of up to 20 percent of such funds for loans and grants to the IDA, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the International Finance Corporation.

1965-06-11 Reduce Foreign Aid [S1837] Agreed To
Morse (D-OR) amendment to limit the total authorization under the Act for each of fiscal years 1966-67 to $3,243,000,000, a reduction of $185 million below the amount contained in the bill for fiscal 1966.

1965-06-16 Expand Cigarette Health Warnings [S559] Rejected
Neuberger (D-OR) amendment to provide a one-year (rather than a three-year) prohibition against the imposition of any requirement that cigarette advertising contain a health warning, and to make other changes in S 559 as reported.

1965-06-22 Let District of Columbia into AFDC [HR6453] Failed
Ribicoff (D-CT) motion to table (kill) the Byrd (D-WV) amendment offered as a substitute for a pending Ribicoff amendment to add $341,753 to permit District of Columbia entry into the federal program of Aid to Families with Dependent Children of Unemployed Parents. The Byrd amendment would add $300,000 in temporary payments, to be distributed under a new program.

1965-07-09 Delete Medicare Provisions [HR6675] Rejected
No Vote
Curtis (R-NE) amendment to delete language providing a basic compulsory health insurance plan and a supplementary voluntary health care program.

1965-07-09 Compulsory Social Security Coverage for Doctors [HR6675] Rejected
No Vote
Morton (R-KY) amendment to delete language extending compulsory Social Security coverage to self-employed physicians and interns.

1965-07-14 Limit Scope of Prevailing Wages [S2213] Rejected
Bennett (R-UT) amendment to modify the Kuchel (R-CA) amendment broadening the prevailing federal wage requirements on projects assisted by the Federal Housing Administration to cover new programs authorized by S 2213. The modification confined the scope of the Kuchel amendment to residential dwellings for the use of 12 or more families.

1965-08-11 Create Dept. of Housing & Urban Development [HR6927] Passed
Passage of the bill establishing a cabinet-level Department of Housing and Urban Development to be headed by a secretary appointed by the President with Senate confirmation; transferring to the Secretary all the functions, powers and duties of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, the Federal Housing Administration, the Public Housing Administration and the Federal National Mortgage Association; and specifying other functions, powers and duties of the Department.

1965-08-18 Reduce "Anti-Poverty" Funding [HR8283] Rejected
Allott (R-CO) amendment to reduce the fiscal 199 appropriations authorization of $1.65 billion to the fiscal 1965 level of $947.5 million, and to establish a joint Congressional committee to study the federal anti-poverty program.

1965-08-31 Limit D.C. Police Interrogations [HR5688] Rejected
Tydings (D-MD) and Kennedy (D-NY) amendment to delete a provision authorizing three-hour interrogations of criminal suspects by District police.

1965-09-16 Highway Beautification [S2084] Passed
Passage of the bill authorizing appropriations of $320 million in fiscal 1966-67 for federal-state programs for control or removal of billboards and junkyards along Interstate and primary highways and for federal payments to states to cover costs of landscaping and scenic improvement of all federal-aid highways.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).