
Charles Mathias

[Congressional biography]

Born: July 24, 1922 in Frederick, MD
Died: January 25, 2010 in Chevy Chase, MD


  • University of Marlyand Law School, 1949

Military Service:

  • U.S. Navy, 1942-1946
  • U.S. Naval Reserve


  • Lawyer
  • Assistant MD Attorney General, 1953-1954
  • Frederick city attorney, 1954-1959

Elected Office:

  • MD House, 1959-1960

Key House Vote Data for Charles Mathias in 1965

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1965-01-04 Seat Mississippi Congressional Delegation [HRES1] Agreed To
Authorize the Speaker to administer the oath of office to five Mississippi Congressmen-elect. Albert (D-OK) motion to order the previous question, cutting off debate and precluding amendments.

1965-02-25 "Justify" HUAC Funds [HRES188] Rejected
Authorize $370,000 for investigation expenses of the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1965. Edwards (D-CA) motion to recommit the resolution to the Committee on House Administration with instructions that it hold open hearings on the justification for the funds.

1965-03-15 Taxpayer Funding of the Arts [HR4714] Rejected
Amend the National Arts and Cultural Development Act of 1964 to provide that the $150,000 appropriations authorization for the National Council on the Arts -- provided in the Act -- be on an annual basis. Thompson (D-NJ) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill.

1965-03-22 Toughen D.C. Criminal Laws [HR5688] Passed
Passage of the bill amending the District of Columbia crime laws to nullify the Mallory and Durham rules of evidence, allow investigative arrests, establish robbery as a crime of violence, set mandatory minimum sentences for certain crimes and provide new controls over obscene materials.

1965-03-26 School Funding Increases [HR2362] Passed
Passage of the bill, providing: a three-year program of grants to states for allocation to school districts with large numbers of children from low-income families; grants for purchase of books and library materials; funds to improve educational research; and grants to strengthen state departments of education.

1965-04-08 Establish Medicare Program [HR6675] Passed
Passage of the bill to: provide a basic compulsory health insurance program for the aged, financed mainly by a payroll tax; a supplementary voluntary health insurance program financed by general revenue and contributions from participants; increases in Social Security cash benefits; and expansion of the Kerr-Mills program, child health-care program and other federal-state public assistance programs.

1965-05-25 Foreign Development Loan Fund [HR7750] Rejected
No Vote
Adair (R-IN) motion to recommit the bill to the Foreign Affairs Committee with instructions to reduce funds for development loans by $130,958,000, and to stipulate that labor unions participating in Latin American housing projects be "non-Communist dominated" as well as "free".

1965-05-26 Food Sales to U.S. Enemies [HR8370] Rejected
No Vote
Bow (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill to the Appropriations Committee with instructions to report it back with an amendment prohibiting use of any funds in the bill during fiscal 1966 to finance the export of any U.S. agricultural commodities to the United Arab Republic (Egypt) or Indonesia under Title I of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954.

1965-06-09 Increase Debt Limit [HR8464] Passed
Passage of the bill to increase the temporary national debt limit to $328 billion through June 30, 1966.

1965-06-16 Create Dept. of Housing & Urban Development [HR6927] Passed
Passage of the bill establishing a cabinet-level Department of Housing and Urban Development to be headed by a secretary appointed by the President with Senate confirmation; transferring to the Secretary all the functions, powers and duties of the Housing and Home Finance Agency, the Federal Housing Administration, the Public Housing Administration and the Federal National Mortgage Association; and specifying other functions, powers and duties of the Department.

1965-07-09 Penalties for Vote Fraud [HR6400] Agreed To
Cramer (R-FL) amendment to provide penalties up to $10,000 in fines and/or up to five years' imprisonment for falsifying voting or registration information or buying votes (applicable only to federal elections).

1965-07-09 Voter "Discrimination" Remedies [HR6400] Rejected
Collier (R-IL) motion to recommit the bill to the Judiciary Committee with instructions to report back a Republican substitute which provided remedies to voter discrimination on a county-by-county basis rather than statewide for "massive discrimination" areas as provided in HR 6400.

1965-07-28 Repeal Right-to-Work Laws [HR77] Passed
Passage of the bill to repeal Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act permitting state right-to-work laws under which the union shop is prohibited.

1965-08-25 Limit Immigration [HR2580] Rejected
No Vote
MacGregor (R-MN) amendment to limit immigration from Western Hemisphere countries into the United States to 115,000 persons annually.

1965-09-29 Washington D.C. Home Rule [HR4644] Agreed To
Multer (D-NY) amendment, as amendmed by Sisk (D-CA) substitute, providing for election of a District of Columbia Charter Board, if D.C. voters favored home rule in a referendum, to draw up a charter which would be sumbitted to D.C. voters in another referendum and, if approved, would take effect in 90 days if not disapproved by either chamber of Congress. The original Multer amendment would have substituted for HR 4644 the provisions of a Senate bill modified to provide for annual Congressional appropriation of the federal payment, election of the Mayor and Council for four-year terms in non-Presidential election years, changes in D.C. voter requirements and authority for the President to use federal troops or take over local police.

1965-09-30 Automatic Congressional Pay Raises [HR10281] Agreed To
Broyhill (R-NC) motion to recommit the bill to the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee with instructions to delete a provision authorizing an automatic pay increase for members of Congress and federal executives and judges effective January 1967.

1965-10-01 Aid to North Vietnam Allies [HR10871] Rejected
No Vote
Shriver (R-KS) motion to recommit the conference report with instructions that House conferees insist upon retention of a House provision prohibiting aid to nations that sold, furnished or shipped strategic goods to North Vietnam.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).