
John Stennis

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 3, 1901 in De Kalb, MS
Died: April 23, 1995 in Jackson, MS


  • Mississippi State College, 1923
  • University of Virginia Law School, 1928


  • Lawyer
  • Prosecutor, 1932-1937
  • Circuit court judge, 1937-1947

Elected Office:

  • MS House, 1928-1932

Key Senate Vote Data for John Stennis in 1964

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1964-01-20 International Development Fund [S2214] Rejected
No Vote
Morse (D-OR) motion to recommit the bill for further study. The bill would authorize an increase of $312 million in the U.S. contribution to the International Development Association.

1964-02-03 Capital Gains Tax Rate [HR8363] Agreed To
Finance Committee amendment deleting a House provision that would reduce capital gains tax rates.

1964-02-05 Excise Tax on Pens & Pencils [HR8363] Rejected
Hickenlooper (R-IA) amendment to remove the 10 percent federal excise tax on mechanical pens and pencils.

1964-02-27 Delete Bomber Funding [HR9637] Rejected
McGovern (D-SD) amendment to delete $52 million authorized for development of an advanced bomber to replace current bombers in the 1970's.

1964-03-06 Food Credits for Communists [HR6196] Rejected
Tower (R-TX) amendment to prohibit the Export-Import Bank or any other U.S. agency from extending or guaranteeing credit to any Communist nation for the purchase of U.S. agricultural commodities; and to require that at least 50 percent of any U.S. agricultural commodiity sold to a Communist nation be carried on U.S. flagships.

1964-06-09 Desegregation Training Funds [HR7152] Rejected
Hickenlooper (R-IA) amendment to delete from Title IV, covering desegregation of schools, the authorization of federal funds to aid colleges in operating programs to train school personnel to handle desegregation problems.

1964-06-12 Labor Union Discrimination [HR7152] Rejected
Tower (R-TX) amendment to void union shops where unions have been found to discriminate.

1964-06-19 Civil Rights Act [HR7152] Passed
Passage of the bill to enforce the right to vote; prevent discrimination in access to public accommodations and public facilities; expedite public school desegregation; extend the life of the Civil Rights Commission for four years and broaden its powers; prevent discrimination in administration of federally assisted programs; prevent discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin in employment and labor union membership; direct Census studies of registration and voting based on race, color and national origin; establish a Community Relations Service to mediate racial disputes; and permit the Attorney General to instigate or intervene in certain civil rights cases.

1964-06-26 Increase Debt Limit [HR11375] Passed
Passage of the bill to increase the temporary national debt limit to $324 billion through June 30, 1965.

1964-06-30 Urban Mass Transit [S6] Passed
Passage of the bill authorizing federal matching grants to states and localities totaling $375 million over three years as the "first installment" of a program to improve urban mass transportation service.

1964-07-02 Deny Pensions to Reluctant Testifiers [HR11049] Rejected
Williams (R-DE) amendment to deny retirement benefits to government employees invoking the 5th Amendment in testimony before a Congressional committee.

1964-07-02 Congressional Pay Raise [HR11049] Passed
Passage of the bill to raise the salaries of approximately 1.7 million federal career employees and of federal executives, judges and members of Congress by $556.8 million.

1964-07-23 "Anti-Poverty" Bill [S2642] Passed
Passage of the bill authorizing $947.2 million in fiscal 1965 for a wide variety of programs to combat poverty.

1964-07-31 Let District of Columbia Into AFDC [HR10199] Rejected
Ribicoff (D-CT) amendment to provide $339,425 to permit Washington D.C. entry into the federal program of Aid to Families with Dependent Children of Unemployed Parents.

1964-09-02 Create "Medicare" [HR11865] Agreed To
Gore (D-TN) amendment authorizing a new program of medical care for persons 65 and over financed through an increase in the Social Security tax and wage base and from general revenues.

1964-09-28 Junior ROTC Programs [HR9124] Rejected
Nelson (D-WI) amendment deleting Junior ROTC provisions and setting a 300-unit ceiling on the existing ROTC program.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).