
Rogers Morton

[Congressional biography]

Born: September 19, 1914 in Louisville, KY
Died: April 19, 1979 near Easton, MD


  • Yale University, B.A., 1937

Military Service:

  • U.S. Army, 1941-1945


  • President of Ballard & Ballard Co., 1947-1951
  • Farmer/businessman
  • Chairman of RNC, 1969-1971
  • U.S. Secretary of the Interior, 1971-1975
  • U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1975-1976
  • Counsel to President Ford, 1976

Other notes:

  • Brother of Thruston Morton

Key House Vote Data for Rogers Morton in 1964

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1964-02-10 Civil Rights Act [HR7152] Passed
Passage of the bill to enforce the right to vote; prevent discrimination in access to public accommodations and public facilities; expedite public school desegregation; extend the life of the Civil Rights Commission for four years and broaden its powers; prevent discrimination in administration of federally assisted programs; prevent discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin in employment and labor union membership; direct Census studies of registration and voting based on race, color and national origin; establish a Community Relations Service to mediate racial disputes; and permit the Attorney General to instigate or intervene in certain civil rights cases.

1964-04-08 Food Stamps [HR10222] Passed
Passage of the bill authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to set up and finance state and local food stamp programs, and authorizing $400 million over fiscal years 1964-67 to cover the costs.

1964-05-13 International Development Funding Increase [S2214] Rejected
No Vote
Clawson (R-CA) motion to recommit (kill) the bill which would authorize an increase of $312 million in the U.S. contribution to the International Development Association.

1964-05-20 Subsidies for Food to Communists [HR11202] Rejected
Bow (R-OH) motion to recommit the bill with instructions to amend it to prohibit the use of funds for export payments or export subsidies on agricultural products shipped to Communist nations.

1964-05-27 Savings and Loan Regulations [HR5130] Agreed To
McDade (R-PA) motion to recommit (kill) the bill which raised the maximum insurance on depositors' accounts in banks and savings and loan associations but did not contain provisions tightening regulations affecting savings and loan associations.

1964-06-10 Reduce Foreign Aid [HR11380] Rejected
Adair (R-IN) motion to recommit the bill with instructions to reduce the fiscal 1965 authorization for development loans by $750,000,000 and the President's contingency fund by $50,000,000.

1964-06-11 Congressional Pay Raise [HR11049] Passed
Passage of the bill to raise the salaries of approximately 1.7 million federal career employees and of federal executives, judges and Members of Congress.

1964-06-17 Eliminate World War II Excise Taxes [HR11376] Rejected
Byrnes (R-WI) motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to eliminate, over two years, certain World War II retailers' excise taxes.

1964-06-18 Increase Debt Limit [HR11375] Passed
Passage of the bill to increase the temporary national debt limit to $324 billion through June 30, 1965.

1964-06-25 Urban Mass Transit [HR3881] Passed
Passage of the bill authorizing federal matching grants to states and localities totaling $375 million over three years as the 'first installment' of a program to improve urban mass transportation service.

1964-08-07 "Anti-Poverty" Bill [HR11377] Rejected
Smith (D-VA) motion to strike the enacting clause of the bill authorizing $947.5 million in fiscal 1965 for a variety of programs to combat poverty.

1964-08-11 Morals in D.C. Charities [HR5990] Passed
Passage of the bill to require organizations seeking funds for charitable purposes in the District of Columbia that their solicitation would promote the public health or welfare and would not offend public morals.

1964-08-17 Extend Mining Restrictions [HR9000] Rejected
Powell (D-NY) motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill to extend the mandatory federal inspection and safety requirements of the 1952 Federal Coal Mine Safety Act to previously exempt small coal mines employing 14 or fewer persons underground.

1964-08-19 Federal Review of State Apportionment [HR11926] Passed
Passage of the bill to deny the Supreme Court and lower federal courts jurisdiction over matters dealing with state legislative reapportionment.

1964-08-20 Establish Arts Council [HR9586] Passed
Passage of the bill to establish a 25-member National Council on the Arts in the Executive Office of the President.

1964-09-03 Surplus Food for Communists [HR12298] Agreed To
Findley (R-IL) motion to recommit the bill with instructions to add an amendment prohibiting sale of surplus U.S. farm goods under Title I of the Act to nations controlled or dominated by a Communist government or -- as under existing law -- by "the world Communist movement". The amendment was aimed at Poland and Yugoslavia.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).