
Edith Green

[Congressional biography]

Born: January 17, 1910 in Trent, SD
Died: April 21, 1987 in Wilsonville, OR


  • Attended Willamette University, 1927-1929
  • University of Oregon, 1939


  • School teacher, 1930-1941
  • Radio worker, 1943-1947

Elected Office:

  • Candidate for OR Secretary of State, 1952

Key House Vote Data for Edith Green in 1963

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1963-03-13 Military Procurement Funding [HR2440] Agreed To
Armed Services Committee amendment adding $363,700,000 to the President's request for Air Force research and development to be used for an additional two experimental RS-70 planes.

1963-04-10 Public Works Funding [HR5517] Agreed To
Boland (D-MA) amendment to add $450 million for the 1962 accelerated public works program.

1963-05-08 U.S. Peace Corps Contribution [HR5517] Agreed To
Lipscomb (R-CA) motion to recommit the conference report with instructions that House conferees disagree to a Senate amendment providing $65,000 as a U.S. contribution to the International Peace Corps Secretariat.

1963-05-13 D.C. Corporal Punishment [HR4274] Passed
Passage of the bill to permit principals and teachers in D.C. public schools to use "reasonable force" in disciplining students. The bill would nullify a D.C. Board of Education rule prohibiting use of corporal punishment. The bill was supported by the D.C. Superintendent of Schools, and opposed by a majority on the Board of Education.

1963-05-14 International Labor Conference [HRE340] Rejected
No Vote
Passage of the resolution to authorize the House Education and Labor Committee to send two majority and two minority members to the International Labor Organization conference in Geneva and permit them to use counterpart funds for this travel.

1963-05-15 Debt Limit Increase [HR6009] Rejected
Byrnes (R-WI) motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to amend it by extending the existing $305 billion ceiling indefinitely. The bill would increase the temporary national debt limit to $307 billion from time of enactment of the bill through June 30 and to $309 billion from July 1 through August 31.

1963-06-04 Moratorium on New Bureaucracies [HR3496] Agreed To
Brown (R-OH) amendment to prohibit the President from creating a new executive department by reorganization plan.

1963-06-12 Increase Funding for "Depressed" Areas [HR4996] Defeated
This bill would have provided $455.5 million in new funds to increase loans and grants to depressed areas.

1963-06-24 Washington D.C. Appropriations Increase [HR6177] Rejected
Cohelan (D-CA) motion to recommit the bill to the District of Columbia Committee with instructions that it be reported with a $53 million authorization. The bill already increased the authorization from $32 million to $45 million.

1963-07-24 Clean Air Act [HR6518] Passed
Passage of the bill to strenghten programs for the prevention and abatement of air pollution.

1963-08-12 Weaken D.C. Crime Laws [HR7525] Rejected
Mathias (R-MD) motion to recommit the bill which would increase investigative powers of the police, nullify the Mallory and Durham rules of evidence, and provide minimum and mandatory penalties for certain crimes.

1963-08-23 Foreign Aid Cuts [HR7885] Agreed To
Adair (R-IN) motion to recommit the bill to the Foreign Affairs Committee with instructions to make the following cuts in authorizations: Alliance for Progress from $600 million to $450 million; military assistance from $1.225 billion to $1 billion; the development loan fund from $1.5 billion to $900 million - a cut of only $160 million because the Administration asked appropriations of only $1.06 billion of standing authorization; contingency fund from $200 million to $150 million.

1963-09-25 Tie Tax Cuts to Spending Targets [HR8363] Rejected
Byrnes (R-WI) motion to recommit the bill to the Ways and Means Committee with instructions to amend it to prevent the tax reductions from taking effect unless President Kennedy specified that administrative budget spending for fiscal 1964 was not expected to exceed $97 billion and for fiscal 1965 was not expected to exceed $98 billion.

1963-11-06 Education Facilities Spending [HR6143] Agreed To
Adoption of the conference report on the bill providing a five-year program of federal grants and loans for construction or improvement of public and private higher education academic facilities and authorizing $1,195,000,000 over the first three years.

1963-11-20 Arms Control Spending [S777] Passed
Passage of the bill to authorize a two-year, $20 million appropriation for the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

1963-12-21 Export Credits for Communists [HR9499] Agreed To
Rhodes (R-AZ) motion to recommit the conference report with instructions that House conferees disagree to the Senate amendment deleting the House ban on Export-Import Bank guarantees on credit to Communist countries or their nationals for the purchase of U.S. commodities.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).