
Henry Dworshak

[Congressional biography]

Born: August 29, 1894 in Duluth, MN
Died: July 23, 1962 in Washington, DC

Military Service:

  • Fourth Antiaircraft Machine Gun Battalion, 1918-1919


  • Printer, 1909-1918
  • Manager of printer supply business, 1920-1924
  • Editor/publisher of Burley Bulletin, 1924-1944

Elected Office:

  • Appointed to the U.S. Senate on October 14, 1949 to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Bert Miller

Key Senate Vote Data for Henry Dworshak in 1962

Key vote data shown on this page comes from the American Conservative Union (ACU/CPAC) and Voteview.

Click on the RESULT of a specific vote to see how all members voted.

1962-02-06 Replace Scholarships with Loans [S1241] Rejected
Lausche (D-OH) amendment to delete the scholarship provisions and substitute an increase of $85 million in funds authorized for student loans under the National Defense Education Act of 1958.

1962-03-14 Abolish D.C. Capital Punishment [HR5143] Rejected
Morse (D-OR) amendment to abolish capital punishment in the District of Columbia.

1962-03-27 Poll Tax Ban [SJRE29] Agreed To
Mansfield (D-MT) motion to table the Javits (R-NY) amendment to ban the poll tax by statute instead of by constitutional amendment.

1962-05-09 Literacy Tests for Voting Rejected
Mansfield (D-MT)-Dirksen (R-IL) motion to invoke cloture and limit debate on the administration bill which would require that anyone with a sixth grade education must be passed in a literacy test for voting in federal elections.

1962-06-07 Food Sales to Communist Nations [S2996] Agreed To
Mansfield (D-MT)-Dirksen (R-IL) amendment to permit the President, under certain circumstances, to sell or give food to Communist countries such as Yugoslavia and Poland.

1962-06-07 Aid to Soviet Allies [S2996] Rejected
Cotton (R-NH) amendment barring aid to any nation which exported to the U.S.S.R. or to any nation dominated or controlled by the U.S.S.R. any war implements or articles of strategic significance or articles found by the National Security Council to be contrary to U.S. security interests (in effect, waiving presidential discretion under the Battle Act).

1962-06-28 Lower Debt Limit Ceiling [HR11990] Rejected
Williams (R-DE) amendment to lower the temporary public debt limit ceiling to $306 billion, rather than $308 billion. The bill contained provisions to gradually reduce the debt limit to $300 billion by June 30, 1963.

1962-07-12 Increase Medicare Flexibility [HR10606] Rejected
Saltonstall (R-MA) substitute for pending Anderson (D-NM) amendment providing hospitalization insurance under Social Security. The Saltonstall substitute provided a choice of specified minimum medical benefits, financed by federal-state matching grants, for persons over 65 in states choosing to participate in the program.

1962-07-17 Medicare [HR10606] Agreed To
Kerr (D-OK) motion to table (kill) Anderson (D-NM) amendment providing health insurance for most persons 65 and over, to be financed by an increase in the Social Security tax, a raise in the Social Security wage base and by funds from the general revenue.

1962-07-20 Funds for Segregated Hospitals [HR10904] Agreed To
Mansfield (D-MT) motion to table (kill) Javits (R-NY) amendment to prohibit use of federal funds for segregated hospitals or related facilities.

  Represents a "Yes" vote.

  Represents a "No" vote.

  Indicates that this member voted against the conservative position on a particular vote.

"No vote" means that this member did not cast a vote (or voted 'Present' instead of Yes or No).